
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

author:Yihuang group worker

In order to strengthen the effectiveness of urban grassroots party building to lead grassroots governance, Yihuang County deepened the demonstration action of party members and the "three brights and four comparisons" activities, continued to promote the implementation of the "double registration, double reporting" mechanism, promoted in-service party members to report back to the community of permanent residence to carry out the normalization and institutionalization of services, and established a long-term mechanism for in-service party members to "live in the community and serve in the community", so as to gather the powerful force of urban grassroots governance.

South Gate Road Community

Successful Mingyuan Grid Party Branch

Recently, the Party Branch of the Successful Mingyuan Grid of Nanmen Road Community took the "Safety Production Month" publicity as the theme of the activity and carried out the "In-service Party Members Go Home Service Day" activity. Through the distribution of leaflets and posters, residents can understand the importance of safe production and realize the harmfulness of electric vehicle flying wire charging, random parking and other behaviors. At the same time, residents are also reminded to pay attention to fire safety at all times, strengthen their awareness of self-protection, and jointly create a safe and harmonious living environment.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Party Branch of Public Rental Housing Grid

Recently, the Party Branch of the Nanmen Road Community Public Rental Housing Grid organized in-service party members to carry out the "Safety Production Month" publicity activities to further enhance the fire safety awareness of residents in the grid and improve the emergency self-rescue ability. At the event site, party members publicized the common sense of safe electricity use, daily fire and gas specifications, and fire emergency rescue knowledge to the masses through the distribution of publicity materials, on-site answering consultations, and posting fire passage posters.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Xihuan Flower Garden Grid Party Branch

Recently, the Party Branch of Xihuan Huayuan Grid in Nanmen Road Community organized in-service party members and volunteers in the jurisdiction to carry out door-knocking actions, and carried out drowning prevention propaganda to residents by distributing drowning prevention leaflets and "six no" posters, reminding residents in the jurisdiction to cherish life, stay away from dangerous waters, and prevent drowning accidents. In addition, in-service party members also inspect the activities of the river area in the jurisdiction, check whether there are potential safety hazards such as collapse and turbulent water flow on the riverbank, and check whether the life-saving facilities are perfect.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Sunrise Grid Party Branch

The in-service party members of the Sunrise Grid Party Branch of the Nanmen Road Community carried out the activity of "In-service Party Members Go Home Service Day", with the theme of "Fire Safety, Alarm Bell Ringing", publicized fire safety knowledge, and improved the fire safety awareness and self-rescue ability of residents in the community by explaining fire protection knowledge to residents, asking and answering each other, and distributing brochures and posters.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Party Branch of Economic Housing Grid

Party members go home and serve thousands of families. Recently, the Party Branch of the Economic Housing Grid launched the "Safety Production Month" publicity activity, aiming to improve the safety awareness of residents and jointly build a safe community. The activities were carried out by distributing leaflets, explaining safety knowledge, inspecting the corridors, etc., and at the same time answering the questions raised by residents. During the activity, the party members and volunteers also emphasized the problem of electric vehicle parking, reminded residents not to park and charge in the corridor, and moved the electric vehicles that were parked indiscriminately in time.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Party branch of low-rent housing grid

Recently, the Party Branch of the Nanmen Road Community Low-rent Housing Grid organized in-service reporting party members to carry out drowning prevention publicity and education work, pulled up a drowning prevention safety net, improved the vigilance of the masses to prevent drowning, and built a solid barrier ideologically. During the activity, party members and volunteers distributed the "Letter to Parents of Primary and Secondary School Students Nationwide on the Prevention of Student Drowning" and drowning prevention brochures, and combined with the cases around them to publicize the knowledge of keeping in mind the "six noes", the eight points of drowning protection, and self-rescue from drowning, so as to improve residents' awareness of drowning prevention.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Front Street Community

Wenzhong Road Grid Party Branch

Recently, the Wenzhong Road Grid Party Branch of the Xueqian Street Community organized in-service party members to carry out the "Party Member Home Service Day Activity", and the party members and volunteers came to the home of Zou Chunxiu, an empty nester at No. 45 Nanmen Road, to help her remove the artemisia grass behind the house.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Party branch of Dajingtou grid

Recently, the party branch of the Dajingtou grid of the Xueqian Street community organized in-service party members to carry out the "Party member home service day activity", and the party members and volunteers came to No. 37 Xima Road to carry out environmental remediation activities....... Everyone worked in full swing and fully demonstrated the spirit of not being afraid of dirty, hard, and tired. After more than two hours of intensive cleaning, the roads and surrounding environment in the jurisdiction have become clean and tidy.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Aspire Community

Shengyuan International Area B Grid Party Branch

Recently, the party members and residents of Shengyuan International Area B Grid jointly carried out community beautification activities. Party members, volunteers and residents worked and communicated at the same time, and the atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant. With the joint efforts of everyone, a large area of weeds was cleaned up, revealing its original green and vibrant.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Bailuzhou Community

The Party Branch of the First Street Grid of the Academy

Recently, the first street grid of Bailuzhou Community School carried out the activities of "going home" and "showing identity" for party members, serving the masses as "pioneers" and in-service party members going home for service days. In order to improve the safety awareness and self-rescue ability of young people to prevent drowning, the party members of the first street grid of the school went to the residents and distributed the "Letter to Parents of Primary and Secondary School Students Nationwide on the Prevention of Student Drowning" and the drowning prevention brochure to jointly build a solid line of defense for life safety. During the activity, party members and volunteers also went deep into the grid to carry out environmental sanitation rectification, rectify the phenomenon of random parking in safe passages, and remind residents not to charge in the corridor.

Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)
Contributed by: Urban Community Review: Organizational Room





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Yihuang County carried out the activity of "in-service party members going home for service day" (2)

Yihuang group worker

WeChat: jxyhzg

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