
The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

author:Meng Ting narrated
The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

My name is Li Juan and I am a nurse working in a hospital. Recently, something happened in the hospital that I couldn't let go of. The direct parties involved in this matter are my colleague Xu Ping and Han Dong, the director of the hospital. There was an illicit relationship between them.

One day, I happened to hear Xu Ping talking to her husband on the phone, "How much is your daughter-in-law a day?" I didn't hear her husband answer at the time, but I was shocked by that. I know that there seems to be some unusual relationship between Xu Ping and Han Dong, but it is really too much for them to openly talk to such words in the hospital.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

I immediately found my good friend Wang Rui and told her about my troubles. After listening to this, Wang Rui was silent for a while, and then whispered to me: "Li Juan, I think you should be cautious about this matter. The relationship between Xu Ping and Han Dong may not be so simple. ”

I asked disapprovingly, "What do you mean? Isn't it obvious that the head of the hospital had an affair with a female nurse, and this kind of thing will never be tolerated." ”

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

Wang Rui looked at me deeply and said, "I know your principles, and I understand your righteous indignation. But relationships between people are not always so superficial. After all, we don't know everything about every person and every relationship. ”

I didn't accept Wang Rui's words, but decided to find out the truth of the matter myself. I secretly paid attention to Xu Ping and Han Dong's every move, and sure enough, I noticed some unusual intimate behaviors between them. But I didn't immediately share these findings with others, and I felt that I should find more concrete evidence myself.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

After a few days, I finally found conclusive evidence. I found some surveillance footage from the hospital, which clearly recorded the intimate behavior of Xu Ping and Han Dong in various corners of the hospital. An unspeakable anger welled up in my heart, and I decided to take this evidence to the hospital's top leadership.

When I got home, I told my husband, Wu Liang, about the whole thing. After listening to me carefully, Wu Liang sighed deeply: "Juan'er, this matter is indeed very serious. But we can't act rashly, after all, President Han's status in the hospital is not ordinarily high, and we have to carefully consider the next actions. ”

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

After listening to Wu Liang's words, I realized that this matter may be more complicated than I imagined. I feel very indignant in my heart about the relationship between Xu Ping and Han Dong, but the reality of the situation really makes me helpless.

So, I decided to try to solve the problem inside the hospital first. But Xu Ping rebuked me fiercely, saying that I speculated about her private life for no reason and should not be suspicious of others. Han Dong, on the other hand, prevaricated and said that the working relationship between us was normal.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

Now, I'm in a great conflict. I don't know what to do next, or whether to respect their private lives or expose their illicit relationships. It was a very difficult choice for me.

After struggling with anger and conflict for a while, I decided to seek the advice of my mother, Mrs. Gao. My mother said to me, "Juan'er, you have to be clear about what happened, but you can't easily interfere in other people's lives. Things between people sometimes seem to understand, but in fact they may not be completely true. You have to think carefully and don't fall deeper and deeper. ”

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

During this time, there were also some conflicts within the family. Wu Liang began to care about me, and he was worried that if I got too involved in these things, he would invite unnecessary trouble. We had an argument at one point, and he felt that I was too persistent, while I felt driven by a sense of justice and didn't want to be overshadowed by hypocrisy.

At the same time, I found a puzzling phenomenon - my husband and Dean Han Dong seemed to have some ambiguous intersections. In his mobile phone call records, there are traces of frequent contact with Han Dong. I started to feel flustered and couldn't understand everything. Could it be that not only nurse Xu Ping, but even my own husband are inextricably linked to Han Dong?

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

These questions began to linger in my mind. I felt as if my life had been stirred up by an invisible mess that I couldn't get rid of. I need to have a clear understanding of all the facts before I can decide how to act. As my mother said, think deeply, and my heart was still burning with rage.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

Now, with the persuasion of my family, I need to calm down and think about these things, and I need to find a good way to solve the problem. After all, there are too many contradictions and entanglements involved in this matter, and I need to deal with them calmly. I didn't want to make things more confusing, and I didn't want my family to be implicated in it. I need to find a path to truth and reconciliation.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

At this time, Xu Ping's son Xiaojie was hospitalized due to illness. When I was dealing with a patient, I happened to learn that Xiaojie's condition was serious and needed surgery. So, I informed Xu Ping in time, and she rushed to the hospital. Seeing her worried look, a touch of softness suddenly welled up in my heart.

While I was waiting outside the operating room, I happened to see Han Dong. He came over to me and said, "Li Juan, I'm sorry, my attitude just now may have been a little excessive, I hope you can understand." You can rest assured, we will do our best to save Xiaojie and will not let him have any mistakes. "His attitude was surprisingly gentle, but I still had doubts about his approach.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

The operation did not go well, Xiaojie's condition suddenly deteriorated, and the doctors were doing their best to save him. Xu Ping emotionally asked the doctors about the situation, and I couldn't help but step forward to comfort her. Just as I was encouraging Xu Ping, Han Dong suddenly came over and said to Xu Ping bluntly: "Let's find Dr. Zhang and solve the problem as soon as possible." "His attitude strikes me as a little unusual.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

When I went to see Dr. Zhang, I overheard him talking to Han Dong. They hinted that Xu Ping's children would be given special attention, which made me very uneasy. I understand what they mean, in times of crisis, Xu Ping seems to have received "special care". This makes me feel very angry, and I can't ignore their use of their vulnerable position for personal gain.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

I know very well that it is this act of obtaining benefits through privilege that makes hospitals full of injustice. I began to feel that I was at the mercy of Han Dong at every turn, and I could no longer tolerate this abuse of power.

But at the same time, I was caught in a contradiction. Xu Ping is my colleague and my friend. While her relationship with Han Dong unnerves me, the concern for her child is real. I don't know how I should balance this contradiction. We did not come to this world only for our own benefit, but to make the right choices in the world.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

I was faced with a difficult choice, how to deal with the chaos and conflict caused by this family and workplace relationship?

Nurses are getting busier. I had to concentrate on taking care of the patients who needed help, and the matter between Xu Ping and Han Dong was constantly haunting my mind. I felt restless and my work was not as good as before.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

"Xu Ping, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying like this. I asked softly. Xu Ping stopped crying and raised her head, her eyes were full of helplessness and pain: "Li Juan, I really regret it, I regret that I fell into such a situation." I know you must know something about me and Dean Han Dong, you must think I'm mean. Xu Ping's voice trembled slightly. Her eyes were filled with helplessness, and I suddenly felt a little heartache.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

"Xu Ping, I don't know what's going on, but I'm not a person who likes to watch others unlucky. Can you tell me what happened?" I tried to keep myself calm and not be swayed by the contradictions in my heart.

Xu Ping took a deep breath and finally poured out his inner feelings. It turned out that the relationship between her and Han Dong was not initiated by her, but that Han Dong used his power to sexually harass her. And she tried to refuse Han Dong's entanglement many times, but Han Dong threatened her to agree on the grounds of the hospital's internal affairs. Recently, she received a threat from Han Dong, telling her that if she didn't comply, she might lose her job.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

Xu Ping's words shocked me, I didn't expect things to be like this. Her eyes were full of despair and helplessness, and I seemed to see the contradictions and doubts I had had. I felt like I was in the middle of it, and I couldn't help myself.

As Xu Ping confided, I gradually cleared up my thoughts. Maybe the problems inside the hospital are really not that simple, and maybe there are more things I don't know. And I can't simply guess and judge people. All this made me realize more deeply that the relationship between people is not as simple as it seems.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

I'm going to have to take this seriously. I don't know what to do next, but I believe that I will do my best to help Xu Ping get out of the current situation.

This experience has made me more aware of the relationship between people, and there are often many hidden secrets. I am well aware that behind family and family disputes and conflicts often lies more complex and subtle truths. Now, I need to think hard about what to do with such a difficult problem next.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

I decided to tell my friend Wang Rui about it. After listening to my account, she thought seriously for a moment and then said to me, "It may not be that simple. Is it possible that you have misunderstood the relationship between Xu Ping and Han Dong, or that there is some kind of misunderstanding or misunderstanding in this matter?"

When I heard that, I was deeply troubled. I don't know if I'm wrong, but the anger deep inside me hasn't dissipated. I know I need to deal with this calmly, but it's hard. After all, it's about my trust in my colleagues at the hospital, but also about my understanding of family and ethics.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

In the next few days, I secretly observed Xu Ping and Han Dong's every move. I noticed something that seemed unusual, but I also began to wonder if I was too sensitive and if something really happened between Xu Ping and Han Dong. My heart was in turmoil.

Maybe I should be brave enough to face this question head-on, after all, it is very unusual for such a controversy to arise, and I cannot give up on it. At the same time, I realized that there may be more complex truths behind this matter. Eventually, I decided to continue to keep an eye on the behavior between Xu Ping and Han Dong to find more evidence.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?

I feel like this has touched every aspect of my life. I began to think about family, friendship, and the relationship between morality and responsibility. If I do find something wrong, what should I do? I feel conflicted and I can't let go.

I don't know how this matter will end. So far, I can only wait and see how things develop. This incident is undoubtedly a test for my life and work. I hope that, in the end, I will be able to make the right choice.

The hospital leader had an affair with a female nurse and asked the nurse's husband: How much does your daughter-in-law cost a day?