
My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married

author:A little scholar who reads history

There is a tradition of bride price for marriage, but the right amount of bride price is really a problem.

No, a good pair of boyfriends and girlfriends, one day, the man asked the woman, if she got married, how much bride price should she give? The woman jokingly said: "200,000." "The man was so scared that he gave up marriage directly and fell in love for the rest of his life.

But the woman hesitated, should she break up in this case?

This topic opened up and aroused many discussions among netizens, some of whom had personal experience and some were intimidating:

My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married

Use the landlord as a metaphor for this dialogue, a good image. "Fried", "unaffordable", "over".

My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married

The bride price has become a bargaining transaction, and like buying and selling, the feelings have changed.

My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married

Break up quickly, I won't be willing to give you a year or two of work, hurry up and let him go.

My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married

The mother-in-law and father-in-law who don't like the future son-in-law can learn and use the bride price to beat each other away.

My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married

It's to blame you for giving too much, so people think you have money, and if you add more, you will give it. It's right to divide it. No one can satisfy their bottomless desires.

My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married

The man who didn't even want to give 200,000 yuan left him quickly. The 200,000 that the woman mentioned herself, do you think she is worth 200,000?

My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married
My boyfriend asked me how much the bride price was, and I joked that it was 200,000. He said that he was only in love and not married

20, 200, 2000, 20,000, 20 million may be a joke, but 200,000 is not a joke. If it's a joke, why don't you say 200 million? Say 200 million, and your boyfriend will think you're joking.


Life events can be said so jokingly, you jokingly say 200,000, who can tell if it's a joke?

Although it is now an era of freedom and democracy, the matter of the wedding bride price is still unavoidable. I think it's reasonable for a girl to ask for a bride price when she gets married, but the bride price should be in moderation.

The boy has taken the initiative to ask about the bride price, which shows that the boy is responsible, at least he thinks that the bride price should be given for marriage, and he has an attitude, but the girl opened her mouth and mentioned the number of 200,000.

The boy said that he would give up marriage and continue to fall in love. It depends on whether the boy is joking or taking it seriously.

If the boy's family is fully capable of giving 200,000, but is unwilling to give, then you can choose to break up, but if the boy's career is just starting out and he can't take out 200,000 at all, then you are a strong man.

In fact, this boy is at least an honest boy, some scumbags, even if they can't take it out or don't want to take it out, but his mouth is full of promises, his girlfriend will agree to everything he wants, and he runs the train with his mouth, this kind of boy is the most terrifying.

It's no wonder that some girls like scumbags, and scumbags will tie up to the woman's words no matter what, and the girlfriend can say whatever she likes to hear, and she doesn't have to be responsible for speaking anyway.