
The hard injury that hinders amateur progress - footwork, these have 3 tricks that allow you to practice while playing!

author:Table tennis national ball collection
The hard injury that hinders amateur progress - footwork, these have 3 tricks that allow you to practice while playing!

Playing table tennis, what is the most neglected by amateurs? The answer is footwork, Guoqiu Huijun has seen too many masters who have strong "flower work" in their hands, and once the ball is not at hand, they will "show their stuffing". The speed of table tennis is extremely fast, no one can guarantee that the ball must be within our arm's range, no matter how strong the kung fu is, the body can't keep up with it!

The hard injury that hinders amateur progress - footwork, these have 3 tricks that allow you to practice while playing!

Unfortunately, among all kinds of people who play table tennis, the vast majority of people are heavy hand and light footwork players, for only one reason, that is, Xi practice is relatively boring, and amateur golfers have limited playing time and are unwilling to take it out alone to practice this thing.

So can you practice the footwork while playing? Guoqiu Huijun will teach you these 3 routines, and remember it in a small book!

1. Push left and attack right

Left push and right attack, is one of the most classic ways to practice Xi, the requirement is that the ball on the left side of the right foot first, the ball on the right side of the left foot first, many people are different, is the same side of the foot first move caused, the result is the same hand and foot, become a crutch.

The hard injury that hinders amateur progress - footwork, these have 3 tricks that allow you to practice while playing!

2. Push sideways

Pushing the side is not exclusive to the straight board, the horizontal board can be practiced, first backhand to block a cricket, and then to the left and step sideways to play a board, as long as you are a two-sided anti-glue, you can't get around this offensive routine.

The requirement is not too fast at the beginning, focus on the feeling of leaning sideways and stepping with the right foot first (the right hand is holding the racket as an example), and then the left foot will step forward to the left, pull the straight line to the left more, and pull the diagonal line to step forward.

The hard injury that hinders amateur progress - footwork, these have 3 tricks that allow you to practice while playing!

Golfers with a certain level can add a forehand~

3. Half-high balls are dunked across the board

The whole Taiwan half-high ball is the most suitable for practicing Xi with small broken steps, because the speed of the half-high ball is slow, giving us time to adjust the footwork, and if the position is not good, it is difficult to deduct the quality, which forces us to use our feet to find a position. The requirement is that you must use your forehand to connect and experience the feeling of adjusting in broken steps!

The hard injury that hinders amateur progress - footwork, these have 3 tricks that allow you to practice while playing!

The above 3 routines are all good ways to play both ball and Xi, what other interesting ways do you practice footwork? Don't be stingy, list it in the comment area!

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The hard injury that hinders amateur progress - footwork, these have 3 tricks that allow you to practice while playing!