
104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

author:Gangnam March day
104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured



"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao is 104 years old, which can be called the birthday star of the birthday star, and his health regimen is worthy of our reference and collection.

Mr. Deng Tietao believes that spiritual health preservation is more important than material health preservation.

The ancients said: Virtue is the foundation of life, is the foundation of life;

Virtue is the red sun of the soul, illuminating one's life.

Virtue is not lonely, there must be neighbors, laughter, and often around.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

For Mr. Deng Tietao, benevolence and benevolence are boundless.

The Book of Changes says that the heavens are strong, and the gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement;

Those who are self-reliant are healthy, and those who are virtuous live long, which has always been the case. Noble moral sentiments make us open-minded, emotionally stable, full of spirit, and full of spirit.

In this way, the body's qi and organs can be harmonized, the qi and blood flow smoothly, and the immune system will be enhanced, which is conducive to health and longevity.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured


This heart is bright.

Before Wang Yangming died, the disciples surrounded him with tears in their eyes and asked him what he had to explain.

《Yellow Emperor Inner Circle》曰:心为君主之官,神明出焉。

The heart is our great leader, and if we follow its will, we will arrange everything properly and in order.

There is an important premise here, that is, you must first repair one of your own hearts.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

Cultivating a sunny heart, turning hostility into jade, turning decay into magic, freezing the cold and freezing roads, and dying can also become spring, green waters and green mountains.

As the originator of "Xinxue", Wang Yangming's other sentence is also quite shocking: self-confidence is worthy of life and shame, and only after death dare to face the sky.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

The purification of the soul, the transparency of the mind, and the purification of the spirit make people yin and yang secret, qi and spirit, body and mind are harmonious, health is like a shadow, and longevity is uninvited.

Tranquility is needed to nourish the mind. The quietness of the soul makes the impetuousness go away, and the anxiety settles without a trace, so that we can take it calmly and walk in peace.

Qi Bo said: The spirit is guarded, the true qi comes from it, and the illness comes from it?

There is a sea god needle in the heart, and it is natural that all poisons will not invade!

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured


Respect the law.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says, "The ancients, those who know, the law is in yin and yang, and in the number of techniques, the diet is modest, the daily life is constant, and the work is not vain, so it can form and be with the gods, and end its days and years, and live a hundred years old." ”

The so-called "Tao" is to understand the ins and outs of the laws of nature, and to do it in a combination of knowledge and action.

In daily life, Mr. Deng Tietao attaches great importance to the "regularity" of life.

His "regularity" is mainly reflected in the following three aspects.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

First, the regularity of work and rest.

Early in the morning, I got up at six o'clock and went to bed at nine o'clock at night.

Second, eat regularly.

Three meals a day, regular and quantitative.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

Eat whole grains, seasonal fruits and vegetables, not picky eaters, not anorexic or partial eaters, chew slowly, and be full.

Third, the law of emotion.

Don't earn or grab, don't be in a hurry, don't get angry, don't compare everywhere, don't worry about everything, don't ask for troubles, don't worry about others, and keep smiling.

Good habits create health, keep the wisest;

Bad habits create diseases, quitting is the true meaning!

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured


Keep moving.

Leonardo da Vinci said that sport is the source of all life.

Balzac said that the only secret to staying young is to keep moving.

In his youth, Mr. Deng Tietao was a "sports expert" and liked all kinds of sports. For example, sprinting, mountaineering, marathon, cycling, dancing, table tennis.

Sports make people happy, sports make people glorious, sports make people energetic, sports make people confident!

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

After the year of the sixtieth year, Mr. Deng Tietao locked the exercise method in a "soothing" rhythm. For example, walking, standing piles, tai chi.

His favorite project is "Baduanjin".

This type of movement is unhurried and relaxed. There are clouds and light winds, and there is the soft man of the spring breeze blowing the willows, which is not only a kind of stretch for the body and mind, but also a kind of cultivation.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

Moreover, the eight-section brocade formula is catchy: two hands support Tianli Sanjiao, left and right bows like shooting eagles; regulate the spleen and stomach must be single-handed, and look back at five labors and seven injuries......

While meditating in my heart, I was doing smooth movements, which had a unique mood and was full of fun.

As the saying goes, if you move, you will be healthy, and if you are happy, you will live.

Exercising happily is the only way to prolong your life.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured


Happy life.

Some people say that life is the biggest Shura field.

Some people say that the secret to health care is to live well.

Every day, Lehuo is a little fairy in the world.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

Keep working happily, live happily, family harmony, career improvement every day, smooth mood, harmony of qi and blood, health and longevity, and natural success.

Gorky said that happiness is the greatest thing in life.

In life, Mr. Deng Tietao is also a very easy-going person, always smiling and amiable to others.

During the consultation, I chatted with the patient very often, just like an old friend, and completed the procedure of "looking, hearing and asking" in a pleasant atmosphere.

As the saying goes, give someone a rose, and leave a lingering fragrance in your hand.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

While bringing happiness to others, you will also get a steady stream of happiness and happiness.

A pleasant chat can make people open their hearts and unconsciously resolve the depression and sorrow in their hearts.

Chat with colleagues to discuss professional skills, chat with neighbors to understand people's customs and people's feelings, and chat with patients to learn about life......

When people are in a good mood, they will be full of motivation in their work and get twice the result with half the effort; when they are in a good mood and in a good mental state, their quality of life will also be greatly improved.

104-year-old "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Deng Tietao: 5 "health secrets", treasured

Live well, with hope in your heart;

Live well, and the spirit is full of sunshine.

On the way to getting older, getting better and better;

On the road of struggle, youth will always be maintained!

2024 is coming as scheduled, I wish you all good health, quality of life, dreams come true, and the most beautiful smile!

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