
"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

author:Gangnam March day
"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn


Be the master of your emotions.

Mr. Zhang Boli, the fourth "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine", believes that the key to health care is to bear the brunt of spirit and emotion, and controlling one's emotions is the top priority.

As the saying goes, impulsiveness is the devil, and calmness breeds wisdom.

Once a person is controlled by bad emotions, it is like being in a river of silt, and it is difficult to extricate himself.

No wonder Napoleon said that controlling one's emotions is more powerful than defending a city.

As the saying goes, unsatisfactory things are often eight or nine, and they can be the same as the language.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

Living in this world, everyone has a difficult scripture.

When encountering troubles, pains, and unpleasant things, you must control your emotions, not let your impetuousness mess up, and you can't punish yourself for others' mistakes.

If you succeed, don't get carried away and have no one in your eyes, and don't be arrogant and give up on yourself if you fail.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

Behind every problem, there is an opportunity to grow, defeat the failure, you will step up to the next level, to reach a new height.

Only by being calm and steady can we embark on the road of health and embrace happiness affectionately.

Be calm and calm, and take every step of life;

Be calm and live each day in the present.

Have hope, and happiness will come to you;

Dream and opportunities will envelop you.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn


Eat and sleep in good spirits.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sleep is the first tonic.

If a person gets enough sleep, he will be refreshed and radiant the next day, his life will be full of vitality, and his work will be twice as effective with half the effort.

Emerson said that health is the first god of inspiration, and sleep is the condition that creates health.

Mr. Zhang Boli pointed out that a good attitude is the ultimate secret of health care.

Talking and laughing during the day and sleeping well at night seems simple, but in fact there is a hidden mystery.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

There are talking and laughing, behind which is to want to see through and have a sunny mentality, and to sleep well, behind it is not to think too much and feel at ease.

Mr. Zhang Boli often tells his patients that maintaining a happy mood and making themselves happy is more effective than traditional Chinese medicine, which is conducive to early recovery.

There is sunshine in the heart, and spring flowers bloom in the world;

The mood is like blue sky and white clouds, and you can see green waters and green mountains.

Mr. Zhang Boli's saying that "eating and sleeping is good spirit", in the final analysis, is to maintain a good attitude.

As the saying goes, if you smile for ten years, you will be sad and white-headed.

A good attitude and a bad attitude, the fate of the harvest is like an abyss.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

When a person's heart is big, things will be small, and when his heart is small, things will appear big.

Whether it is work or life, it is normal to encounter unsatisfactory phenomena, and everything is downplayed, and the clouds are cleared; tolerating others is also letting go of oneself.

Some people say that if you don't get angry, you can't get sick, and it is not unreasonable.

The long-lived old man also said the same, he has no heart or lungs, he does not get tired of living, he can eat and sleep, and he lives a hundred years old.

Traditional Chinese medicine health preservation is to simplify the road, conform to the laws of nature, and live the best self.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn


Moderate exercise is consistent.

In his youth, Mr. Zhang Boli was an "athlete". Cycling, volleyball, swimming, and marathons are all his favorite sports.

After the age of 60, he no longer does "strenuous exercise", but chooses to play tai chi, do radio gymnastics, practice Wufowl opera, Baduanjin and other more soothing exercise modes.

The pace slows down, the clouds flow smoothly, the self-cultivation and the mind, go hand in hand.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

Of course, his favorite sport is walking.

He believes that after a little older, walking is the best exercise, unhurried, and in a bright mood.

The requirement he gave himself was to walk about 8,000 steps a day, a habit he insisted on for more than 20 years.

Hippocrates, the "father of modern medicine", said that walking makes you always young, and exercise makes you youthful.

Walking, for mental workers, is a good rest and a recipe for inspiration.

Albert Einstein said, "I love walking all my life, and sports bring me endless fun.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

Mr. Zhang Boli pointed out that walking should also be different from person to person, and should not be difficult. Finding the right frequency and rhythm for you is the most important thing.

Walking every day and perseverance can keep the body's qi and blood flowing, keep the body's muscles coordinated, and the muscles and bones active.

Walking every day can also stabilize our mood, calm our spirits, and refresh our spirits, which are all good for our physical and mental health.

Folk proverbs also say that if you are active, you will not be sick, and if you lie still, you will be sick.

For the sake of health and longevity, for the sake of high quality of life, let's get moving.

Get moving, it's more exciting!

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn


Work happily and live happily.

Some people say that work is the first life, it brings us a lot of money, vitality, inner fulfillment, full of a sense of achievement, and I think it is true.

Work brings us not only labor remuneration, but more importantly, a regular life, step-by-step and orderly.

In fact, idleness is more tiring than busyness, and emptiness and loneliness are like a flood beast, making people feel like they are sitting on pins and needles, and they are uneasy.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

Having something to do can inspire people's spirits, give people a sense of purpose, and keep them motivated.

We often say that the tree of life is evergreen.

Life is the highest art.

Mr. Zhang Boli has a shocking saying: everything is based on the principle of the greatest benefit of the patient".

This kind of lofty realm is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Mr. Zhang Boli believes that being able to work happily and live happily is a supreme state and has an indelible contribution to the maintenance of body and mind.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

Some people define ideal fulfillment as: doing what you love and loving the people you like.

Because I am interested, I love it, and then I enter the house and achieve a career.

Interest is the best teacher.

Do what you like the most, always handy, easy, always able to do more with less, never tired of it.

Mr. Zhang Boli pointed out that people who regard work as a burden are actually the most tired, and such people cannot do their work well at all.

"Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Zhang Boli talks about health preservation: 4 "secrets", simple and easy to learn

In his opinion, work is a complete enjoyment.

Based on trust, patients can find themselves to see a doctor, help the world by hanging a pot on their own, treat diseases and save others, and can gain a great sense of satisfaction and value.

The praise of others is a great encouragement, and at the same time, the mood is happy, and it will also be full of motivation.

Medical studies have shown that when a person is in a happy state, the body will secrete a substance called "endorphins", which makes people energetic and energetic, which is conducive to a healthier body.

Cultivating good work and living habits, eating modestly, exercising reasonably, having regular work and rest, regular physical examinations, and preventing problems before they occur are all indispensable elements for prolonging life.

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