
#Winter life check-in season# Zhuge Liang marched south to Meng, in Jiashanyu, busy growing horses, confronting Ma Dai, only one together, was stabbed by Ma Dai, and was cut under the horse. Won Sanjiang City in one fell swoop, Duosi

author:Gollum History

#Winter Life Check-in Season#

Zhuge Liang conquered Meng in the south, in Jiashanyu, busy with teeth growing horses, and Ma Dai confronted, only one together, was stabbed by Ma Dai, and cut under the horse. In one fell swoop, he captured Sanjiang City, and King Dosi died in the chaos.

Mrs. Zhurong is good at using flying knives, and after Sanjiang City was broken, she went out of battle for Meng Yu, injured Zhang Wei with a flying knife, and captured Ma Zhong with a stumbling horse, and was captured by Ma Dai with a tripping horse.

Nanban Ba Na Cave Master, the King of Mulu is deeply versed in spells, can call wind and rain, followed by tigers, leopards, jackals, poisonous snakes and scorpions, and has 30,000 divine soldiers under his command, very heroic. For Zhuge Liang, he sparked fire with a giant beast filled with burning things to scare away the giant elephant and died in the chaos.

The old nest silver pit cave was also occupied by the Shu army, and Meng Shu had no choice but to go to the Ugo country to see the vulture bones.

The vulture bone is not recorded in the official history, and it is a fictional character in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

In the country of Ugo, the lord of the country has a vulture bone, is two feet long, does not eat grains, and feeds on snakes and evil beasts. The body has scale armor, and the sword and arrow cannot invade. The vulture bone rider is a giant elephant, wearing a sun and moon wolf beard hat, wearing gold beads, with raw scale armor exposed under the two ribs, and a slight light in the eyes. He is brave and fierce, and he can catch fierce beasts.

The vulture bone is really born out of phase, and the vine armor army under his command is particularly famous.

However, I saw that the rattan armor soldiers all wore rattan armor; its rattan was born in the mountain stream, coiled on the stone wall; the Chinese people took it, soaked it in oil, and took it out and dried it for half a year; dried and soaked it more than ten times, but it caused the armor; it was worn on the body, and it did not sink when crossing the river, and it was not wet through the water, and the sword and arrow could not enter: hence the name of the rattan armor army. Once this rattan armor is made, it can be used as a ferryboat when it is taken off, and it becomes an invulnerable armor worn on the body when the two armies fight, the key is that the combat effectiveness of the rattan armor army is quite strong!

Zhuge Liang went south to conquer Meng Huo, Meng Huo was repeatedly defeated in the battle with Zhuge Liang, and after listening to the introduction of the cave master, Meng Huo came to the country of Ugo and begged the Vulture Bone to lead the vine armor army to conquer Zhuge Liang's Shu army. The vulture immediately ordered Tu'an and Xi Ni to lead 30,000 soldiers, all wearing rattan armor, from the northeast of the country of Ugo, to a river, the name of peach blossom water, there are peach trees on both banks, the leaves fall in the water over the years, if the people of other countries drink to death, but the people of the Ugo country drink to add to the spirit. The vulture soldiers came to the peach blossom ferry and set up camp to wait for the Shu army.

Zhuge Liang ordered the barbarian sentinel to spy on Meng to get the news, and reported: "Meng was asked to ask the lord of the Ugo country, the vulture, to lead 30,000 vine armor troops and camp at Taoye Ferry. Yu Shu gathered barbarian troops in various places, and resisted the battle. When Zhuge Liang heard this, he led his troops forward to the Peach Blossom Ferry. Seeing the vulture soldiers on the other side, seeing that the situation was very ugly, he asked the local locals, saying that the peach leaves were falling that day, and the water must not be drunk. The Shu soldiers then retreated five miles to the camp, leaving Wei Yan to guard the camp.

The next day, the lord of Ugo led a Biao Tengjia army across the river, and the golden drum was shaken. Wei Yan led his troops out to meet him, and the barbarians swept over. The Shu soldiers shot crossbow arrows at the rattan armor, but they could not penetrate and fell to the ground; The vulture bone soldiers all made sharp knives and steel forks, and the Shu army could not resist it, and they were all defeated.

Wei Yan led the troops back and rushed to the Peach Blossom Ferry, only to see the barbarians crossing the water with their armor, taking off their armor, putting it on the water, and crossing it with their bodies. This kind of strange phenomenon has never been seen by the Shu army, and everyone is shocked.

Wei Yan hurried back to Dazhai and passed by Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang pondered for a long time, and then decided to let the natives lead the way to a remote place in the mountains on the north bank of the Taohua Ferry to look at the geography. Suddenly to a mountain, see a valley, shaped like a long snake, Kong Ming asked the natives: "What is the name of this valley?" The natives replied: "This is the Panlong Valley." Kong Ming was overjoyed when he heard this: "Help me succeed this day!"

Kong Ming decided to outwit the vine armor soldiers, and if he wanted to lure the vine armor soldiers to the Snake Valley and destroy them with fire, he had to let Wei Yan lose fifteen formations in a row to lure the vulture bones into the Snake Valley. Kong Ming instructed Wei Yan: "You can lead the troops of your headquarters to go to the Peach Blossom Ferry to go down to the village." If the brute crosses the water to the enemy, you will abandon the village and look at the white flag. Within half a month, it is necessary to lose fifteen battles in a row and abandon seven fences. If you lose fourteen battles, you will not come to me. ”

Although Wei Yan was reluctant in his heart, he had no choice but to disobey the military order, Wei Yan fought and retreated, losing fifteen battles in a row, and abandoning seven fences in a row.

Meng Shu also reminded the vulture bones, "Zhuge Liang has a lot of tricks, but he is just an ambush", "But seeing that there are many forests in the valley, you must not enter lightly." Seeing that the Shu army lost fifteen battles in a row, the vulture gradually relaxed its vigilance, and in this way, he entered the ambush circle carefully designed by Zhuge Liang step by step.

On the sixteenth day, Wei Yan came to the Peach Blossom Ferry, rode a white elephant with a vulture bone, and rushed over with a golden axe. The vulture bone king roared, killing Wei Yan to the point of sweating, unable to resist, the Shu soldiers fled into the valley, the vine armor soldiers followed and chased, turned a few corners, and the Shu soldiers suddenly disappeared.

Wei Yan led his troops around the Snake Valley, and the vulture bone commander led his troops to chase and kill. Seeing that there was no grass and trees on the mountain, the vultures concluded that there was no ambush, so they chased and killed with confidence, rushed to the valley, and saw dozens of cars blocking the way, and the barbarians reported: "This is the road for the Shu soldiers to transport grain. ”

The vulture bones were overjoyed, urging the troops to chase, and they would go out of the valley, and they did not see the Shu soldiers, but they saw torches littered on both sides of the mountain, and the torches were everywhere, and the Chinese medicine lines were all on the ground, and the iron cannons flew on the spot. The fire dances in the valley, but every vine armor is everywhere. The vulture bones and 30,000 vine armor soldiers were burned to hug each other and died in the Valley of the Coiled Snake. When Kong Ming looked down from the mountain, he saw that the barbarians were stretched out their fists and legs by the fire, and most of their heads and faces were shattered by the iron cannons, and they all died in the valley, and the smell was unbearable.

Seeing this situation, Kong Ming wept and sighed: "Although I have contributed to the society, I will lose my life!"

The vulture bone rides a giant elephant, holding a big axe, although it is invulnerable with a body of scale armor, but it is brave and strategic, and its martial arts should not be too high.

It can be said that this rattan armor can resist gold and water, but it cannot resist fire!

#Headlines Tell the Truth#


#Winter life check-in season# Zhuge Liang marched south to Meng, in Jiashanyu, busy growing horses, confronting Ma Dai, only one together, was stabbed by Ma Dai, and was cut under the horse. Won Sanjiang City in one fell swoop, Duosi
#Winter life check-in season# Zhuge Liang marched south to Meng, in Jiashanyu, busy growing horses, confronting Ma Dai, only one together, was stabbed by Ma Dai, and was cut under the horse. Won Sanjiang City in one fell swoop, Duosi
#Winter life check-in season# Zhuge Liang marched south to Meng, in Jiashanyu, busy growing horses, confronting Ma Dai, only one together, was stabbed by Ma Dai, and was cut under the horse. Won Sanjiang City in one fell swoop, Duosi

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