
Follow-up to the leakage of Shangguan Zhengyi's personal information: The suspect was controlled by the police and sentenced to 7 days of administrative detention

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Follow-up to the leakage of Shangguan Zhengyi's personal information: The suspect was controlled by the police and sentenced to 7 days of administrative detention

On April 8, Shangguan Zhengyi posted a video on his personal social platform, saying that since his personal household registration information was leaked on March 29, he has been subjected to numerous threatening phone calls, and later the police have intervened in the investigation, and the suspect has been arrested by the Guangxi police and sentenced to administrative detention for seven days. As soon as this news was released, it quickly aroused great attention and heated discussions among netizens.

Follow-up to the leakage of Shangguan Zhengyi's personal information: The suspect was controlled by the police and sentenced to 7 days of administrative detention

It is reported that the investigation of the case is still ongoing. Shangguan Zhengyi hopes that the police can find out how the suspect Wang obtained his household registration information, and must deal with it seriously to curb the occurrence of such illegal and criminal acts, and also thanks the Guangxi police for their efforts and response.

Follow-up to the leakage of Shangguan Zhengyi's personal information: The suspect was controlled by the police and sentenced to 7 days of administrative detention

Personal information is each of us and its important privacy, imagine that your information is leaked, I don't know how many people with ulterior motives will be calculated, if one day everyone can casually access other people's personal information, this will not become a hotbed for fraudsters?

In response to this matter, a large number of netizens also left messages:

Follow-up to the leakage of Shangguan Zhengyi's personal information: The suspect was controlled by the police and sentenced to 7 days of administrative detention

So, I don't know what you guys think about this, friends?

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