
What is the difference between bench press and push-up exercises?

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

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What is the difference between bench press and push-up exercise? Bench press and push-up are both common upper limb exercises, but each has its own uniqueness, highlighting the multi-faceted charm of fitness sports.

What is the difference between bench press and push-up exercises?

The bench press, which relies heavily on a barbell or dumbbell, adjusts the weight and angle to precisely reach the pectoralis major, triceps, and anterior deltoids.

In the gym, the bench press is often seen as a measure of upper body strength, not only to build toned pectoral muscles, but also to improve overall strength levels.

However, bench press requires a certain amount of equipment and space, and it is especially important for beginners to master the correct posture and technique to avoid possible risk of injury.

What is the difference between bench press and push-up exercises?

When doing a bench press, first make sure to lie on a flat bench with your feet flat on the ground to maintain the stability of your body. Hold the barbell in your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, keeping your arms slightly flexed so that the barbell is positioned near your nipple.

While inhaling, push the bar up until your arms are fully extended, but avoid over-locking your elbows. Feel the tightness in your chest as you contract at the peak.

Subsequently, while exhaling, slowly lower the bar back to the starting position. Throughout the process, make sure that the movements are fluid and avoid sudden exertion or pauses.

What is the difference between bench press and push-up exercises?

And push-ups, as a kind of bodyweight training without equipment, its convenience is self-evident. Whether it's at home, outdoors or in the office, as long as you have enough space, you can exercise anytime, anywhere.

Push-ups mainly work the pectoralis major muscles, triceps, shoulders, and chest muscles, similar to the bench press, but their effect is more focused on overall coordination and stability. In addition, push-ups work your core muscles and improve your body's overall control.

What is the difference between bench press and push-up exercises?

Push-up standard: Body in a straight line, hands on the floor, hands slightly wider than shoulder-spaced, fingers pointing forward or slightly inward. Keep your abdomen tight and avoid sinking or lifting your waist. As you inhale, bend your elbows and bring your body down until your chest gently touches the ground.

At this point, keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body and avoid excessive abduction or adduction. Feel the tightness in your chest as you contract at the peak.

Then, while exhaling, push your body back to the starting position until your arms are fully extended. Throughout the procedure, keep your breathing evenly and avoid holding your breath or breathing rapidly.

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