
The chaos of high-standard farmland was exposed by CCTV again: gods fought and farmers suffered


Farmland construction chaos: CCTV revealed serious problems in the high-standard farmland project in Yi'an County, Heilongjiang Province

The chaos of high-standard farmland was exposed by CCTV again: gods fought and farmers suffered
The chaos of high-standard farmland was exposed by CCTV again: gods fought and farmers suffered


In recent years, with the continuous advancement of agricultural modernization in large eastern countries, the construction of high-standard farmland has become an important measure for agricultural development. In some places, high-standard farmland construction projects have been frequently exposed to various problems, which have had a considerable impact on agricultural production and farmers' interests. Recently, CCTV exposed that there are serious problems in the high-standard farmland construction project in Yi'an County, Heilongjiang, and more than 24 million yuan of investment has not been powered on more than 20 wells.

The chaos of high-standard farmland was exposed by CCTV again: gods fought and farmers suffered

1. There are serious problems in high-standard farmland construction projects

Recently, a CCTV program exposed serious problems in the high-standard farmland construction project in Yi'an County, Heilongjiang Province, and more than 24 million yuan of investment has appeared that more than 20 wells have not been electrified, which is undoubtedly a great waste of financial funds and has brought a lot of impact on agricultural production. It is understood that this project was launched in 2019, when the relevant departments had carried out acceptance many times, why did such a problem arise?

The chaos of high-standard farmland was exposed by CCTV again: gods fought and farmers suffered

Through the investigation, we found that this is not the only problem of the project, in fact, in the whole project construction process, there are many quality problems such as culvert quality worry, slope protection problems, damage or loss of machine well room equipment, etc., the existence of these problems directly affects the use of the project, but also brings certain safety hazards to the later agricultural production.

The chaos of high-standard farmland was exposed by CCTV again: gods fought and farmers suffered

Second, the construction of high-standard farmland has been frequently exposed to problems

Some time ago, CCTV has repeatedly exposed similar problems, such as in Jiangsu, Gansu, Hubei and other places, there are also high-standard farmland construction project quality problems, data fraud, indiscriminate fertilization, etc., which undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entire high-standard farmland construction work.

Why is this a problem? Judging from the situation exposed by CCTV, there is a certain problem of dereliction of duty and responsibility in the process of project management and implementation by local authorities and relevant departments, and in some places in order to pursue the "hard indicators" of the project, there is a situation of blind rush in the process of project construction, and in some places there is even a problem of false propaganda and data falsification, which undoubtedly has a great negative impact on the construction of high-standard farmland.

The chaos of high-standard farmland was exposed by CCTV again: gods fought and farmers suffered

3. How to standardize the construction of high-standard farmland

In the face of various problems in the current high-standard farmland construction work, how should we standardize and improve?

Local authorities and relevant departments must establish a correct work orientation, can not simply pursue the "hard indicators" of the project, and ignore the quality and safety issues in the construction of the project, should strengthen the preliminary demonstration and planning and design of the project from the source, to ensure the scientific and feasible construction of the project.

It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the project construction process, establish a sound project construction quality supervision system, carry out all-round and whole-process supervision of all links involving farmland construction, discover and solve existing problems in a timely manner, and ensure the compliance and quality and safety of project construction.

It is also necessary to establish a more stringent acceptance mechanism for engineering construction projects, and only projects that have passed strict acceptance procedures and meet the requirements of relevant standards and indicators can be carried forward and used smoothly, so as to effectively avoid the quality problems that occur in the later stage of some project construction, and can also ensure the effective use of financial funds.


The promotion of high-standard farmland construction is of great significance to agricultural production and food security in the eastern countries, but in the process of promotion, all localities should always keep in mind the original intention and mission of farmland construction, and cannot simply pursue the quantity and speed of projects, while ignoring the quality and efficiency of engineering construction, and cannot engage in image projects and performance projects.

Only by truly achieving scientific planning, fine construction, and rational utilization can we provide strong support for agricultural production, and can we truly achieve the goal of rural revitalization and farmers' income increase. It is hoped that through the exposure of CCTV, it can arouse the attention of all localities, and it is also hoped that the relevant departments can take the exposed problems seriously, take effective measures to promote the standardization and improvement of high-standard farmland construction, and provide a strong guarantee for agricultural modernization.

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