
Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards

author:The world of communication
Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards

On June 27, during MWC 2024 Shanghai, the "2024 Industrial 5G Terminal Industry Development Forum" was held in the Meilan Hall on the second floor of the Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai. The theme of the forum was "Focusing on the New Track of Industrial 5G Terminals and Promoting the High-quality Development of the Manufacturing Industry".

Wen Ku, chairman of China Communications Standards Association, attended the forum and delivered a speech, he said that the R18 version has been frozen, and the R19 version is in the beginning stage. The China Communications Standards Association is formulating industry standards for industrial 5G terminals, focusing on industry-specific 5G industrial terminals, and also focusing on standards for specific scenarios and terminal categories, actively creating a good environment for the development of 5G empowering thousands of industries.

Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards

It's time to set industry standards for industrial 5G terminals!

2024 marks the fifth anniversary of 5G commercialization, and China's 5G development has achieved remarkable results. Up to now, the mainland has built the world's largest 5G network, with 889 million 5G mobile phone users, accounting for more than 52% of the world's 5G users, more than 94,000 5G application innovation cases, and 74 of the 97 national economic categories have been integrated into the application.

Wenku said that industry is the main direction of 5G commercialization, and the theme of the conference is "focusing on the new track of industrial 5G terminals and helping the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry", which is of great significance to promote the process of 5G commercialization, empower the transformation and upgrading of thousands of industries, accelerate the construction of new industrialization, and build a network power, a manufacturing power, and a digital China.

In the past five years, 5G industrial gateways, inspection robots, wireless data terminals, vehicle terminals, and satellite mobile terminals have been continuously developed, enriching new types of 5G terminals. 5G has been replicated on a certain scale in key industries such as mining, electric power, and medical care, and 5G industrial applications in mainland China have gradually penetrated from the peripheral auxiliary links of production to the core control links of production. 5G applications have achieved continuous breakthroughs from "0 to 1" and "from 1 to N", and continue to generate new momentum for high-quality development.

At present, the 5G international standard has entered the 5G-A stage, the R18 version has been frozen, and the R19 version is in the beginning stage. Wenku emphasized that the China Communications Standards Association actively conforms to the development trend of the information revolution and is formulating industry standards for industrial 5G terminals, mainly for 5G industrial terminals for specific industries, and also focusing on specific scenarios and terminal categories.

On the whole, the first half of 5G development has laid a good foundation, and the demonstration effect of 5G enabling industry applications is highlighted. In order to realize the initial promise of commercial use, it is necessary to promote the deep integration of 5G into all walks of life of the national economy and help the high-quality development of new industrialization. In this process, it is first necessary to realize large-scale 5G IoT connectivity in various industries. In the second half of 5G, it is necessary to promote the 5G "Internet of Things" to support the realization of the vision of "5G changing society".

Three suggestions to promote the healthy development of the industrial 5G terminal industry

In order to continue to consolidate the foundation for the development of the digital economy and promote the healthy development of the industrial 5G terminal industry, Wenku put forward three suggestions.

The first is to accelerate the formulation of standards and promote the innovation of new products and technologies. With the continuous development of 5G-A technology, in the future, 5G NR, 5G RedCap, NB-IoT, PIoT and other technologies will cover a variety of industrial application scenarios such as high, medium and low speed, ultra-low latency, and massive connections, giving rise to more new industrial 5G terminal products. The industry should further accelerate the formulation of industrial 5G terminal standards, promote the research and development of new products and technologies, and accelerate the large-scale application of industrial 5G terminals.

The second is to focus on key areas and promote the deepening of industry applications. As a lightweight version of 5G technology, RedCap is specially designed for medium-rate IoT scenarios, and in the 3GPP standard research, it is proposed for smart city video surveillance, industrial sensors, wearable devices and other scenarios, which is to support the in-depth application of 5G in related industries. In October last year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the Notice on Promoting the Evolution of 5G Lightweight (RedCap) Technology and Application Innovation and Development, proposing to achieve the goals of more than 100 terminal products, tens of millions of total connections, and 5 million connection application fields by 2025, and the industry should work together to achieve this goal.

The third is to adhere to integration and innovation to drive the optimization and upgrading of industrial 5G terminals. 5G slicing, timing, 5G LAN, low latency, high reliability, and energy saving have become the core advantages of 5G technology to empower industrial terminals. These technologies will further promote the development of industrial 5G terminals in the field of industrial automation and intelligence. In the industrial field, 5G needs to achieve closer two-way integration with industrial core control systems such as PLC and DCS, and promote the comprehensive upgrade and transformation of the operation mode of industrial terminal equipment and systems.

"Entering the second half of 5G development, in the sea of stars of 5G rushing to industry, we must absorb all beneficial nutrients with an inclusive mind, an inclusive wisdom, and an attitude of humility, accelerate the large-scale application of industrial 5G terminal equipment in exchanges and cooperation, and contribute new wisdom and strength to the construction of new industrialization and accelerate the construction of a network power, a manufacturing power and a digital China." Wenku finally said.


Author: Mei Yaxin

Editor-in-charge/Layout: Gai Beibei

Reviewer: Wang Tao, Mei Yaxin

Producer: Liu Qicheng

Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards
Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards

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Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards

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Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards

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Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards
Wenku: R18 has been frozen, and it is time to formulate industrial 5G terminal standards

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