
Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

author:Xinhua Sports

It's another year of "March 3"

Bagui sings everywhere

Colorful celebrations were held in various parts of Guangxi

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

"March 3rd" refers to:

The third day of the third lunar month is a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China


Guangxi has designated "March 3" as a local statutory holiday

During the annual holiday period

Various ethnic cultural activities will be held in various parts of Guangxi

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life
Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

And not only Guangxi

During the "March 3rd" period

In Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan and other places

People came together

Through the performance of folk songs, intangible cultural heritage folklore,

Carry out special ethnic sports and other means

Celebrating March 3

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

Mountain song is a shining cultural business card of Guangxi

Guangxi is known as the "Sea of Songs".

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

In ancient times

People often after spring ploughing

Pray for good weather in the form of duet singing

to the Qing Dynasty

Hundreds or even thousands of people gathered to sing

Large-scale "Song Wei"

It's a traditional festival

In many places, there are singing platforms

People of all ethnic groups gathered together

In the mountains and rivers, love is conveyed with songs, and friends are met with songs

People are like a tide, and songs are like a sea

It's very lively

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

in Guizhou

During the "March 3rd" period

Some ethnic minorities will be held through the meeting

Beating glutinous rice cakes, throwing chaff buns, long table banquets,

Love song duet, mirror dressing

and other forms of special performances

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

In the "March 3" series of activities in Hainan over the years

The scene of "10,000 people dancing together" was very shocking

Guests from all over the world gathered with the local people

Dressed in elaborate national costumes

Dancing expresses the love of life

and a vision for a better future

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life
Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life


The influence of "March 3rd" at home and abroad continues to increase

At the same time, people are regaining the memory of national traditional culture

The sense of well-being in life is also improving

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life
Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

There are many sports with strong national characteristics in various places

Attract a wide range of local people and foreign tourists to participate

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

For example

Guangxi's "National Sports Dazzle" series of activities

There are both flower grabbers, cricket shoe racing,

Carry basket hydrangea, bamboo drifting and other national sports

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life
Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

There are also young people who participate in a wide range of shuttlecock,

Roller skating, skipping rope and nautical aviation models

and other fashionable sports

There are also old, middle-aged and young people who participate

Basketball, air volleyball, croquet and walking

There are also special events such as the popular lion dance

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life
Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life


Guangxi continues to excavate traditional sports

Capture the beauty of national sports

Make full use of "Ethnicity + Sports + Tourism"

Integrated development model

Promote national sports activities

Let many ethnic minorities traditional sports programs

From the niche to the masses

Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life
Chasing Light | "March 3rd" The palette of colorful life

According to incomplete statistics

Guangxi ethnic traditional sports and cultural resources

More than 300 relatively complete projects have been developed

These folk traditional sports activities

In the era of "sports + cultural tourism" is becoming more and more popular

It is not only a toner for the colorful life of ethnic minority areas

It is also a catalyst for national integration

Constantly add luster and luster to the people's better life

Reporter: Cao Yiming, Tian Zijun

Editors: Ji Jiadong, Huang Xuguo

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