
7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

author:Love Guangrao
7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Almost everyone knows the truth of "eat more fruits and vegetables", but not many people actually eat enough vegetables!

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!
7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

7 manifestations

It means that you haven't eaten enough vegetables!

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Easier to gain weight

Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and water, and low in calories, so you can stay full without providing too many calories.

Studies have shown that adding vegetables and fruits to the diet is associated with weight loss.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Oily skin is susceptible

The study found that women with low fruit and vegetable intake had a 47% increased risk of seborrheic dermatitis, and a 25% lower risk with increased fruit intake in their diet.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Constipation is common

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plant foods that helps promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

People who don't eat enough vegetables are more likely to suffer from constipation.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Vision loss easily

Whether male or female, young or old, everyone's eyes are inseparable from an important ingredient - lutein.

The main source of lutein is vegetables, especially dark green vegetables.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Blood sugar tends to rise

Studies have found that people with the highest levels of vitamin C in their bodies have the lowest risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Whereas, vegetables tend to be rich in vitamin C, which helps regulate blood sugar.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Mood is easily depressed

The study data found 12 nutrients related to the prevention and treatment of depressive symptoms, including vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, selenium, etc.

Our common fruits and vegetables contain most of the above nutrients, and adequate intake of fruits and vegetables is valuable for fighting depression.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

The body is prone to inflammation

Common antioxidants are vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein, selenium, etc., which are widely found in vegetables and fruits.

People who don't eat enough fruits and vegetables are more likely to have an inflammatory response.

Why is it okay for someone not to eat vegetables?

Some people will eat fruits instead of vegetables, or directly eat various nutrient tablets (such as vitamin C, dietary fiber) to supplement nutrition.

However, these two methods are not a long-term solution, especially the high sugar content in fruits, and if you want to supplement enough nutrients by eating fruits, the sugar is easy to exceed the standard, which can lead to obesity on the one hand, and may also adversely affect blood sugar on the other hand.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

How to eat vegetables to be considered "enough"?

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!
7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Eat a pound a day

The "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)" recommends that each person consume 300~500 grams of vegetables per day, of which dark vegetables account for 1/2.

Although this may sound like a lot, every 100 grams of raw vegetables are cooked, which is equivalent to the size of a tennis ball, and it is not difficult to eat.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Meals are available

Divide the daily vegetables among three meals a day, have at least 2 vegetables at each meal at lunch and dinner, and use vegetables suitable for raw consumption as a supplementary meal, so that you can meet your intake needs unconsciously.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Freshness is preferred

Fresh seasonal vegetables, bright color, high moisture content, rich nutrition, fresh taste, eating such fresh vegetables and fruits has many health benefits for the human body.

When vegetables rot, it leads to an increase in nitrite content, which is not good for human health.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Be rich in color

According to the color shade, it can be divided into dark vegetables and light vegetables.

Dark vegetables are dark green, red, orange and purple vegetables, which are rich in β-carotene and are the main source of vitamin A.

7 manifestations show that you have not eaten enough vegetables! The consequences are very serious, hurry up and check yourself!

Eat 5 kinds a day

Choose and buy at least 5 kinds of vegetables a day, and it is best to include leafy vegetables, fresh beans, and mushroom vegetables.

If you choose root vegetables such as potatoes, yams, and pumpkin, you should appropriately reduce the amount of staple food.

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