
Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

It is 40 meters high and 25 meters wide and long

It can hold up to 625 square meters of shade area

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters
Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

Let's say we have a house of 100 square meters

Then this umbrella can cover 6 such houses

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters
Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

This is the tyrant country of Saudi Arabia

Solutions in the face of "hot weather".

It cost millions to build a 40-meter giant parasol

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

And it's 250 of them

Do the math...... A total of 140,000 square meters can be covered

Want to say, isn't this a whole outdoor open air conditioner?

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

Moreover, each umbrella has a very special material

This material is absolutely divine!

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

Not only the shading effect is good, the light transmission is suitable,

Good elasticity and stable color

At the same time, it can also meet the requirements of fire resistance, tensile resistance, wind resistance and so on

No wonder it costs millions of RMB

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters
Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

What's even more unexpected is that

It's more than just shade

Air conditioning was also installed in the umbrella

Surveillance cameras and other equipment

There is also a huge clock

Take a look at this design to see how complicated it is!

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters
Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters
Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

I still want to say

An umbrella can combine these hardcore functions into one

The design of the umbrella itself is also very strong

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

The color of the umbrella is a basic white

Combined with a sand-colored texture

There is a peculiarity that is unique to Islam

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters
Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

The six-sided column of the umbrella bone

Topped with gold accents

The smell of local tyrants came out all of a sudden!

Saudi Arabia spent tens of billions of dollars to build 250 giant parasols! One umbrella is equal to 600 square meters

Sure enough!

The way of summer vacation in the local tyrant country is not the same!

Well, for the coming summer

How do you prepare to escape the heat?

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