
Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source and screenshots of the literature have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In the lush mountains of Yunnan, Ashima's song once echoed around every valley and stream. Yang Likun, the actress who once brought Ashima to life on the big screen, has a legendary life story full of dramatic twists just like the characters she plays.

Fast forward to the 90s, and her husband Tang Fenglou already owned a luxury villa and a high-end car, and he didn't stop. What are the untold stories behind his business success and dedication to culture?

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

Yang Likun and the departure of "Ashima".

In 1960, Yunnan Publishing House successfully compiled and published the long poem "Ashima" by the Sani people, which was not only loved by the local people, but also attracted the attention of filmmakers. Soon after, the folk tale "Ashima" was decided to be adapted into a film. The project quickly attracted a lot of attention, especially in the casting process.

Director Liu Qiong is faced with a difficult choice: among the many young actors who are eager to become famous, who can play the legendary woman Ashima of the Sani tribe well? The director wanted to find an actor who had both visual impact and could truly interpret the spirit of Ashima. During the long audition and screening process, Yang Likun successfully attracted the attention of director Liu Qiong with her natural performance and appearance that was highly compatible with the role.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

Yang Likun wore the traditional costume of the Sani people at the audition, her long hair and shawl, and her face was delicate, which was strikingly similar to the image of the heroine described in "Ashima". Her performance is full of natural agility and emotional delicacy, which makes her stand out in the audition. After watching her audition, Liu Qiong was deeply moved by her performance and thought that she was fully capable of the role.

After the decision, Liu Qiong and the production team quickly signed a contract with Yang Likun to officially confirm her as the heroine of the movie "Ashima". In the preparation of the production, Yang Likun participated in intensive performance training and cultural learning to better understand and express Ashima's character. The production team also specially invited Sani cultural experts to guide and ensure that the cultural details of the film are accurate.

During the filming, Yang Likun and other actors filmed in the real natural landscape of Yunnan, and the selection of these locations sought to recreate the scenes depicted in the poem "Ashima". Yang Likun showed a high level of professionalism and dedication during the shoot, not only navigating complex emotional lines, but also completing some physical challenges, such as long outdoor shoots and working in adverse weather conditions.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

The production of the film "Ashima", from casting to shooting, every detail was perfected, hoping to present the beautiful legend of this Sani people as realistically as possible. And Yang Likun's wonderful performance made her quickly emerge among many new actors and became a new star in the film industry at that time.

The brief splendor of the film and the twist of personal life

In 1964, after three years of meticulous production, "Ashima" was finally announced. The production team of this film invested a huge amount of money and countless labors to bring this beautiful legend of the Sani people to life with precision and vividness. From the selection of scenery and costumes to the production of special effects, every step of the process strives for perfection, striving to bring the audience an unprecedented experience visually and emotionally.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

However, the fate of the film does not seem to have turned out as the production team had hoped. Ashima's release coincided with fierce criticism of works such as "Early Spring February" and "Gangnam in the North" that were widely criticized for failing to meet the political and aesthetic standards of the time for various reasons. Under the influence of this environment, although "Ashima" was well-made, it did not achieve long-term success in the market. Although the film attracted a large number of viewers in the early days of its release, its popularity soon began to decline, and it did not form a continuous topic and a high box office.

In sharp contrast to the twists and turns of the film, there are huge changes in Yang Likun's personal life. With the release of "Ashima", Yang Likun has become a well-known movie star in China because of his outstanding performance and distinctive national image. However, such a change did not lead to entirely positive results. Yang Likun's brother, seeing his sister become famous overnight, began to have a strong desire to control her.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

The elder brother began to frequently interfere in Yang Likun's private life and career choices, and even brought her home to Zhenyuan in the name of the family, trying to completely withdraw her from the entertainment industry. During her days in Zhenyuan, Yang Likun was subjected to various restrictions and mental torture by her family, especially her brother.

Under such pressure, Yang Likun's life is in stark contrast to her glamorous image on the screen. Although she plays Ashima in the movie as a free, strong female figure, she feels more and more constrained and powerless in real life.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

The ups and downs of married life

After a series of psychological and emotional blows, Yang Likun's life took a turn for the worse by chance. On an outing organized by a friend, she meets Tang Fenglou, an exploration technician working on a steep mountainside. Due to the nature of his work, Tang Fenglou has been accompanied by the mountains all the year round, and his understanding of the mountains and forests and his awe of nature have deeply attracted Yang Likun. The two grew acquainted with each other in the mountains and grew closer in the days that followed.

Soon after, the two decided to get married, and this marriage gave Yang Likun a long-lost peace and support. Although her surroundings and family relationships are still complicated, Tang Fenglou's stability and understanding have become important factors in her regaining her balance. On May 25, 1974, in this relatively stable life, Yang Likun successfully gave birth to a pair of twins in a hospital in Shanghai, a boy and a girl, named Tang Yan and Tang Tao respectively. The arrival of the children undoubtedly brought great joy to the couple, and the home was filled with the laughter and energy of the babies as a result.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

However, with the busy and sleepless nights brought by the newborn, Yang Likun's mental condition began to fluctuate again. Despite the warmth of her family and the support of Tang Fenglou, Yang Likun began to feel invisible pressure, and her mental health was once again challenged. In her busy and tired daily life, she often hears the gentle voice of an old man, who seems to be always guiding her in various family and life affairs. The appearance of this auditory hallucinations has complicated Yang's life, and she often feels confused and helpless, especially when faced with child support and family responsibilities.

The increase in these auditory hallucinations and illusions gradually affected Yang Likun's daily functions, making the already difficult parenting and family life even worse. After noticing the changes in his wife, Tang Fenglou began to try his best to provide her with more support and help, and at the same time, he was also looking for suitable medical resources to help Yang Likun cope with these challenges.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

Tang Fenglou's efforts and sacrifices

Faced with the continuous deterioration of Yang Likun's condition, Tang Fenglou felt that he had to make changes. He decided to give up his job on the steep mountainside to support his family, especially his wife, in search of a more effective treatment. This decision forced him to reimagine his career and the future of his family.

In order to ensure that he could provide adequate financial support and pay for expensive medical expenses, Tang Fenglou began to venture into the business world. He first experimented with small-scale business ventures, such as opening small shops and participating in transactions in local markets. His business acumen soon became apparent, and he was able to find profit points in a complex market environment and gradually expand his business.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

In the 90s, China's economic reform and opening up provided more business opportunities. Tang Fenglou seized these opportunities to expand his business activities into a wider range of areas, including real estate and international trade. His company grew to cover multiple cities and even began to reach international markets. Through unremitting efforts and shrewd investment strategies, Tang Fenglou finally achieved remarkable economic success, owning his own villa and car, and became one of the successful entrepreneurs in the early days of China's reform and opening up.

Although the family's financial situation has improved significantly, and Tang Fenglou has been able to provide Yang Likun with the best medical conditions, Yang Likun's health is still deteriorating. Her mental illness is getting worse and she often needs to be admitted to the hospital for long-term treatment. Although Tang Fenglou is busy with business, whenever Yang Likun is hospitalized, he always tries to find time to be by her side to ensure that she receives the best care.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

As time passed, Yang Likun's condition deteriorated further and began to have frequent cerebrovascular related problems. Tang Fenglou hired top neurologists and specialists for her, hoping to stabilize her condition. However, despite the best medical conditions and the full support of her family, Yang Likun's health problems are still not optimistic. Her body is getting weaker and she needs ongoing medical monitoring and treatment.

In the summer of 2000, Yang Likun had a sudden cerebral infarction, and his condition took a turn for the worse. Despite the rush of doctors and family, Yang Likun was unable to survive the illness at the age of 58 due to the severity of his condition.

Tang Fenglou's cultural mission and enterprise development

After Yang Likun's death, Tang Fenglou's life and career ushered in a new stage. Despite the loss of his beloved wife, he did not let his grief hinder his progress. Instead, he devotes more energy and resources to business activities and cultural promotion, hoping to commemorate Yang Likun's life and her contributions to culture through these efforts.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

Tang Fenglou showed extraordinary talent in business. Not only did he continue to run the business he already had, but he also started to expand his business empire. Through savvy investments and strategic planning, his business has gradually expanded into different industries, including real estate, technology, and international trade. He pays special attention to using his business network to promote Chinese culture, especially the cultural heritage of the Sani people.

In order to better accomplish this mission, Tang Fenglou established "Yunnan Yang Likun Cultural Industry Investment Co., Ltd." This company focuses on the investment and development of the cultural industry, aiming to promote the traditional stories and cultural arts of the Sani people to the whole country and the world. At the beginning of its establishment, the company began to plan a series of cultural projects and activities, such as cultural and artistic exhibitions, literary publications and ethnic music program production.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

One of the key projects is a multimedia exhibition on Ashima. The exhibition is a mix of film clips, traditional artwork and interactive experiences that showcase the story of Ashima and the cultural background of the Sani people. The exhibition has toured many cities in China and plans to promote it internationally, especially those countries and regions that are interested in oriental culture.

While expanding his business territory, Tang Fenglou did not forget to enhance the company's international influence. He served as "Shanghai Fenglou International Trade Co., Ltd." has gained a high reputation in the international trade market. The company not only has a solid market base in China, but also strengthens cultural exchanges with other countries by exporting Chinese cultural products and artworks.

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

In addition, Tang Fenglou also promotes the global influence of Chinese culture by participating in and funding various cultural exchange activities, such as international cultural festivals and art exhibitions. He regularly attends these events to introduce the unique culture and art of the Sani people to the world, as a tribute to Yang Likun's love of culture and her perfect interpretation of Ashima's role during her lifetime.

References:[1]Hu Xiang. Yang Likun:Immortal Ashima[J].New West,2007(9):29-31

Forever Ashima Yang Likun died 24 years ago: her husband had a villa and a car in the 90s

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