
Wu Xuanyi complained that the pants were too big, and called on the brand to make the size of the clothes a little smaller, causing controversy

author:Cheerful full moon o3X

Wu Xuanyi challenges the "size myth" of the fashion industry

Have you ever tried to buy a piece of clothing and put it on your body only to find that the size is not right? No, Wu Xuanyi has encountered such a problem recently, but she is not the kind of person who suffers silently. She directly posted a photo of herself wearing oversized pants on social platforms, and complained that the pants were too big!

I have to say that Wu Xuanyi's operation is indeed a bit "rigid"! After all, not everyone can do it to publicly complain about the brand's size. But this also allows us to see a real Wu Xuanyi, a public figure who dares to express his thoughts and needs.

Wu Xuanyi complained that the pants were too big, and called on the brand to make the size of the clothes a little smaller, causing controversy

However, as soon as this photo and accompanying text came out, netizens exploded. Some netizens expressed their understanding and believed that everyone had the right to choose the right clothes, while some netizens felt that Wu Xuanyi was creating body anxiety and thought that she should wear small-sized clothes because she was thin.

Seeing the heated discussions among netizens, Wu Xuanyi couldn't sit still and hurriedly came out to respond. She hopes that everyone will not misunderstand what she means, she is just expressing her needs and has no other intentions.

In fact, behind this incident is a reflection of the size problem that has always existed in the fashion industry. We know that the fashion industry has always pursued thinness as beauty, and many brands will use a thin body as the standard when designing clothes. This makes it difficult for many people with a slightly fuller body to find the right clothes.

Wu Xuanyi complained that the pants were too big, and called on the brand to make the size of the clothes a little smaller, causing controversy

And Wu Xuanyi's voice also made us start to think: Is the size standard of the fashion industry really reasonable, and do we need more diversified sizes to meet the needs of different body types?

When you think of fashion, you probably think of glamorous models, expensive brands, and popular styles. But in fact, there are many issues behind fashion that we don't pay attention to, such as size.

Did you know that many brands tend to only consider customers with a "standard fit" when launching a new model, which leads to many people not being able to find the right size for them. Some people may feel inferior because they are slightly fuller, or even excluded from fashion.

Wu Xuanyi complained that the pants were too big, and called on the brand to make the size of the clothes a little smaller, causing controversy

But fashion shouldn't be like this, it should be inclusive, diverse, and able for everyone to find their own style. Whether it's a thin figure or a plump body, it should be accepted by fashion.

Wu Xuanyi's voice this time allows us to see what needs to change in the fashion industry. We can't just focus on the "standard fit" customers and ignore the needs of others.

Of course, we can't just blame the brand. After all, they also have to consider cost and market demand. But we can drive change in the fashion industry through the power of consumers. When we start to pay attention to the issue of size, brands will also start to pay attention to this issue and introduce more diversified sizes to meet the needs of different body types.

Wu Xuanyi complained that the pants were too big, and called on the brand to make the size of the clothes a little smaller, causing controversy

What we need in this process is understanding and tolerance. Everyone has their own body characteristics and aesthetics, and we cannot discriminate or exclude others just because they are different from our own. On the contrary, we should respect everyone's choice and make fashion "fashion" in the true sense of the word.

Going back to Wu Xuanyi's photo, we may see a hint of humor and self-deprecation in it. But more importantly, we should see the deep meaning behind it. Fashion should not be monolithic and stereotypical, but pluralistic and inclusive. Let's work together to drive change in the fashion industry!

Now, are you starting to re-examine your wardrobe? Do you feel helpless and frustrated about the clothes that were once shelved because they didn't fit the right size? In fact, fashion is not an unattainable dream, but a right that everyone can have. As long as we dare to express ourselves and dare to pursue our own style, we will definitely be able to find our place on the fashion stage.

Wu Xuanyi complained that the pants were too big, and called on the brand to make the size of the clothes a little smaller, causing controversy

So, whether you're skinny or plump, don't give up on your pursuit of fashion. Let's use our own power to promote change in the fashion industry! I believe that one day, everyone can find their own fashion style.

Finally, I would like to ask: Do you think the size standard in the fashion industry is reasonable? Have you ever been troubled by not being able to find the right size of clothes? Come and leave a message in the comment area to share your opinion! Maybe your voice can become a force to promote change in the fashion industry! Don't forget to like and follow us!

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