
Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.


Rosie's private message apologizes and doubts


The online world made waves again, and Rossi sent a private message to his ex-girlfriend, full of self-blame and apology. Seven years is like a long drama, and the protagonist Rosie, under the pressure of the plot, finally apologizes to his past self and his former lover. However, the ex-girlfriend has a skeptical attitude towards this sudden "repentance".

Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.

She countered that Rossi's remorse and self-blame did not match his social media presence. In this contest of apologies and rebuttals, the tense detail is that a photo claimed by Rossi, which is said to be the work of the photographer, was claimed by Rossi in the Weibo comment section to have taken himself, which can't help but make people doubt his sincerity.

Shouting after the photo storm


Subsequently, the shouting of another girl was like igniting the fuse of public opinion. She publicly demanded that Rossi take responsibility and give a public apology. Topic discussions on social platforms instantly became active.

Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.

Netizens began to discuss whether Rossi's apology was sincere, or was it another public relations operation? They have all kinds of speculations about the silence of the emotional entanglement in 2017 and the current resurgence. Many people wonder if Rossi began to reflect on his actions after the halo faded, while others believe that it may just be another hype to return to the public eye.

Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.

Netizens started a heated discussion in the comment area, some supported Rossi, who had the courage to face the past, and some bluntly expressed their disappointment with him.

The image crisis of the critical ten tassels


In this storm of public opinion, Rossi's ex-girlfriend Critical Ten Ying was also pushed to the forefront. The image of an independent woman that was once created showed a rift in the face of this incident. Netizens began to question whether the strong heroine displayed on social media really existed, or was it just a product carefully packaged by the marketing team?

Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.

In the comment area, netizens used their imagination to use relaxed and humorous language with ridiculous emojis, and carried out a "creative reconstruction" of the image of the "big heroine" of the critical ten wings.

An apology is a contest with the truth

The waves caused by Rossi's apology seem to be far from subsided. Netizens used their wisdom and humor to explore multiple angles of the truth.

Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.

They argued in the comments section, with some analyzing Rossi's apology with detective eyes and trying to find flaws between the lines, while others paid more attention to the hurt other party and offered sympathy and support for her emotional experience. Some netizens even suggested that a "truth team" should be formed to thoroughly investigate the emotional turmoil seven years ago.

Netizens ridiculed and discussed the feast

Just as the story of Rosie, Critical Shiying and another girl was turning the river and sea on the Internet, the comment area of netizens has turned into a feast of discussion and ridicule.

Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.

Some netizens joked that if Rossi's apology can be used to redeem points, then he should be able to redeem a small island by now, and another humorously suggested that if Rosie chooses to write a book in the future, then "How I Detonate the Internet with a Private Message" would be a good title. Each comment was full of wit and humor, which made the whole discussion process more lively and interesting.

Controversial psychological analysis

Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.

Today, with all the events going on, Rossi's apology seems to have become part of the public psychological game. Some began to analyze Rossi's behavior from a psychological point of view, trying to find the truth of his confession in his apology, or the technique of lying. In this game, everyone can be a psychoanalyst, and everyone's opinion can be a one-time assumption of the truth.

Internet celebrity Rosie posted an apology late at night, and netizens had polarized attitudes.

And the real winners in this game may be those who can keep a clear head in the midst of controversy and engage in the discussion with humor and wisdom.