
"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

author:Funny breeze pY

Contemporary "Bitter Fat Cat": Game Boosting VS Emotional Boosting

Mysterious game genius

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

Do you think that the winner in life is the "game genius", and he will receive thousands of applause in the virtual world? Then you are out! Today I will give you a new term for popular science - game boosting! That's right, this is a new type of profession in the 21st century, such as fat cat, don't look at the dream code name in his game, in reality it is a booster master!


Love's "Chongqing Passerby"

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

In the game, he met 28-year-old Tan, a Chongqing girl! Brother, don't you say this is fate? In the voice software, the love between the two of them is heating up in the crazy "microphone".


Throwing 510,000 yuan, love is also a game

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

I heard that the fat cat is not only a high-priced booster in the game, but also a big deal in reality! Love this game, he not only plays with fancy play, but also dispatches 510,000 transfers, which is more valuable than the gold coins in the game!


A trip to Chongqing: from a love city to a "bachelor apartment"

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

Hey, I heard that the fat cat gave up her family for love and flew to Chongqing to prepare to be a "door-to-door son-in-law"? But wait, the Chongqing girl doesn't seem to be so enthusiastic, and as soon as she appears, she asks the fat cat to rent a house, let alone live in her house, and she doesn't even open the door!


Riverside's masterpiece: The love trap is too deep

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

Fat Cat really seems to treat love as a game, but the ending of the game is unexpected. In the end, he came to Chongqing alone, just wanting to save this relationship, but encountered cold violence and a breakup. In the end, he chose the riverside and ended his life at the age of 21 alone.


Ending: A list of casualties from the love game

After reading this series of operations, do you feel a little uncomfortable?

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

I felt like I was watching an emotional version of "Glory of Kings", but the fat cat's winning rate was too low, and he finally lost the battle of life. It's a pity that the fat cat failed to win this game, and whose responsibility is it for this ending?

Tan's "emotional marketing" tactics

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

I heard that Tan is an "emotional booster"? She is worthy of being a Chongqing girl, and this kind of thoughtful tactics is even more difficult to beat than the game boss! From the initial voice temptation to the later money seduction, it is simply an emotional version of business cooperation, and any company that recruits her has made a lot of money!

The strength of the fat cat's "love boosting".

Don't look at the fat cat's usual concentration on brushing his sense of existence, in fact, he is a master in the field of "emotional boosting"!

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

From the technical operation in the game to the transfer operation in the real world, it is simply a two-pronged combination of emotion and wealth. It's a pity that such a sincere and hard-working little brother is destined to become a legend with Jiang Shui.

Who is the real winner of the "emotional game"?

In the end, who is playing who is playing this emotional game?

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

Whose love was fake in the first place? And who ended up paying the price with their lives? One can't help but wonder, is love real or virtual, and are we all struggling in this game?

Ending controversy: Behind the love story

How many people were actually hurt in this story?

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

Is it the unrequited love of the fat cat or the indifference of Tan? After reading all this, I just want to say, don't let love become a "virtual game", let alone let some of them become "game pieces". The death of the fat cat may be a landmark ending in the emotional game of this era, and what can we do?

"Fat Cat" Love Story: From Game Boosting to Emotional Boosting, Riverside's masterpiece is heart-wrenching!

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