
The game booster fat cat suicidally piled up with takeaways, netizens: A patient's suicide led to countless patients.

author:Southern cousin to be married
The game booster fat cat suicidally piled up with takeaways, netizens: A patient's suicide led to countless patients.

At the age of 21, the game booster committed suicide by jumping into the river.

An online game booster, a 21-year-old man, his parents had just been raised with hard work, and when he was expecting him to have some achievements to repay his parents' kindness, he committed suicide by jumping into the river. Why suicide? For a woman, for a woman who has nothing to do with his life and who he knows through voice software.

The game booster fat cat suicidally piled up with takeaways, netizens: A patient's suicide led to countless patients.

The bridge where the suicide was piled up with takeaways.

An Internet celebrity committed suicide by jumping into the river, there is nothing to hype, this is not a matter of social value, not to mention that it is still a negative thing. However, I don't know why some people suddenly appeared, and they actually gathered on the bridge where he jumped into the river to pay respects, and even bought a lot of takeaways and piled them on the bridge. What's even more ridiculous is that the takeaways delivered by some businesses actually have empty packaging or half-packaged takeaways.

The game booster fat cat suicidally piled up with takeaways, netizens: A patient's suicide led to countless patients.

Netizen: A patient's suicide has led to the appearance of countless patients.

In this regard, netizens expressed their incomprehension that a person who plays games commits suicide for a woman, what is worth wasting social resources?

The game booster fat cat suicidally piled up with takeaways, netizens: A patient's suicide led to countless patients.

A netizen from Jiangsu commented: A patient's suicide led to the appearance of countless patients.

A netizen from Yunnan asked: 4.28 this year is the 40th anniversary of the recovery of the old mountain in Malipo, Yunnan, does anyone know?

Those martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our happy life today are the people we should mourn.

The game booster fat cat suicidally piled up with takeaways, netizens: A patient's suicide led to countless patients.

Netizen: The game is very harmful.

Netizens from Jiangsu said: It is conceivable how much influence online games have on young people in society, the younger generation is not doing their jobs, and relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of games.

The game booster fat cat suicidally piled up with takeaways, netizens: A patient's suicide led to countless patients.
The game booster fat cat suicidally piled up with takeaways, netizens: A patient's suicide led to countless patients.


First, a person who is addicted to the virtual world, once he returns to the real society, he will not be able to survive, even if he does not commit suicide for a woman, he will be knocked down by various other real-life situations.

Moreover, when something like this happens, there is a problem with values, and to put it bluntly, it is sick.

Finally, pity his parents.

What do you think about this?#爆料##胖猫跳江事发地为何摆满鲜花汉堡##21岁跳江男生 "fat cat" has been cremated##网友给重庆跳江男孩点的华莱士外卖被曝全是空包##重庆跳江男生的姐姐称其女友2年索要51万, girlfriend responds##关于胖猫跳江事件社会上有哪些看法#

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