
Reveal the biological truth behind the "old man's taste": it's not that you don't take a bath, it's the witness of the years!

author:Black and white detective


【In-depth Exploration】The Scientific Explanation of the Taste of the Elderly

Many young people often feel a peculiar smell when visiting their elders, and this smell is especially noticeable in places where the elderly gather. This is not a psychological effect, but because as we age, the body secretes a compound called 2-nonanal. The presence of this substance can be detected on the surface of the skin of people over the age of 40.

Reveal the biological truth behind the "old man's taste": it's not that you don't take a bath, it's the witness of the years!

The smell of this substance can be analogous to pulped laundry that has not been washed for several years, greasy and greasy, or like moldy weeds, and the mixture of these two smells may constitute what is known as "old man's smell". This body odor is formed by the breakdown of fatty acids in the skin to produce 2-nonanone, and the concentration of this substance will be much higher in the body of the elderly than in the younger people as we age.


[netizens ridiculed] the taste of the elderly, in fact, the taste of life?

Netizen "Xiao Ming" commented: "Every time I go to my grandfather's house, I can smell a 'smell of time' first, and now I finally know that it is the masterpiece of the god 2-nonanal!", and "Dust in the Wind" quipped: "It seems that the years have not only sharpened people into teenagers, but also sent an additional bottle of 'old man's perfume'." ”

Reveal the biological truth behind the "old man's taste": it's not that you don't take a bath, it's the witness of the years!

Although the topic seems to be light, it reflects a process of cognition and acceptance of the changes in old age by the younger generation. Through this humorous way, people not only understand that the smell of the elderly is a natural physiological phenomenon, but also gradually eliminate misunderstandings and prejudices about this smell.


【Life Tips】How to Reduce the "Old Man Smell" Elegantly

In fact, it is not difficult to reduce this peculiar smell that comes with age. First and foremost, older adults should maintain good personal hygiene, shower regularly and use gentle cleaning products that can help remove bacteria from the skin's surface. When these bacteria react with secretions in the body, they can exacerbate odor production. Second, choosing breathable clothing can reduce the accumulation of sweat and bacteria on the skin's surface.

Reveal the biological truth behind the "old man's taste": it's not that you don't take a bath, it's the witness of the years!

Dietary adjustments, such as reducing the intake of foods that tend to cause body odor, such as garlic and onions, and increasing the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, not only help improve the internal environment, but also effectively reduce unpleasant body odor. In addition, maintaining adequate water intake to help the body eliminate toxins and waste products more effectively is also an important means to reduce the occurrence of bad body odor.


【Interaction Time】Netizens are hotly discussing life tricks

"Life expert Lisa" shared her experience in the comment area: "I bought skin care products made of natural plant essential oils for my parents, and after they used them, not only did their skin get better, but even the 'old man' smell was not so obvious!" As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention and discussion of many netizens. Another netizen "Little Health Guard" suggested: "Take your elders outdoors more, fresh air can help improve internal circulation, and naturally reduce body odor." "These life hacks are not only practical, but also show the care and respect that younger generations have for the elderly.

【End of controversy】The beauty of each stage

Changes in body odor are part of the natural aging process, and everyone goes through this stage. With understanding and proper management, we can embrace every stage of life with grace. True beauty lies not in whether we look flawless, but in our acceptance and respect for all stages of life. How to age gracefully is a test of everyone's mentality and lifestyle, and it is also the ultimate art of living. Let us leave your thoughts in the comments section, or your unique insights and suggestions on how to age gracefully!

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