
"Mom, you use it first", the Mother's Day advertisement of the well-known brand aroused doubts!

author:Juye County Rong Media Center
"Mom, you use it first", the Mother's Day advertisement of the well-known brand aroused doubts!

Recently, many netizens posted complaints about the Blue Moon Mother's Day elevator poster advertising words.

"Mom, you use it first", the Mother's Day advertisement of the well-known brand aroused doubts!

According to the posts published by netizens, what caused controversy this time was Blue Moon's elevator advertisement promoting its product "Supreme Laundry Detergent". In the advertisement, Blue Moon said, "In the past, my mother used a large bottle of laundry detergent to help us wash our clothes, which was very heavy and laborious, and now, there is finally 'concentrated +' biotechnology 'Supreme Laundry Detergent', a great future laundry technology, making mother's laundry easier, more labor-saving, and more worry-free."

In addition, on the outer packaging of the laundry detergent product in the poster, it is also written "Mom, you use it first".

"Mom, you use it first", the Mother's Day advertisement of the well-known brand aroused doubts!

Many netizens think that this kind of advertising slogan portrays laundry as a mother's exclusive housework, with a strong stereotype, and is very inappropriate as a Mother's Day promotional copy. Some netizens said that since it was an advertisement launched in conjunction with Mother's Day, why did they send labor cleaning tools to their mothers? Why can't they wash their mother's clothes?

In this regard, Blue Moon customer service responded under the netizen post: Our original intention was to express gratitude to our mother, and we never thought that it would cause such a misunderstanding, washing clothes is a part of life, no matter who washes for whom, it is full of love, but this gratitude may not be expressed in place, and this problem will be reported.

"Mom, you use it first", the Mother's Day advertisement of the well-known brand aroused doubts!

On May 5, Blue Moon's official customer service responded to reporters that it had reported the matter to the relevant departments. On the evening of the same day, Blue Moon's official customer service also responded that the copywriter originally wanted to express gratitude to his mother, and said that the copywriting may not be in place and would be reported to the relevant departments. On the same day, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of Blue Moon for an interview, but did not receive a response as of press time.

On May 6, @白鹿视频致电蓝月亮客服, the customer service said that the feedback problem would be registered and reported in a timely manner.

Netizen comments: Why do you want to give laundry detergent on Mother's Day?

Netizens are also talking about this, and some people think that the advertisement is really inappropriate.

Domineering Fan er Lucky Cat: Finally someone complained, we saw this advertisement in the elevator, my daughter asked me, why do you want to send laundry detergent to your mother on Mother's Day, why must it be your mother's laundry detergent?

Baa Da loves spicy food: this is a fact, since you want to make money, of course, you must consider the feelings and thoughts of consumers, and improve it.

There are also those who believe that they do not feel offended.

Judge: It's hard to do laundry now? Isn't it all washing in the washing machine?

Ah Sheng: There is nothing wrong with this advertising slogan, why are they so glassy?

What do you think about this?

Source: News Morning Post, Bailu Video, Southern Metropolis Daily, netizen comments, etc

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Lu Xiaochuan Title Image Source: IC photo Picture Editor: Cao Liyuan

Source: Author: Chengdu Business Daily


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