
What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

author:Lotte Curiosity

When the sun pours over the land, the Qingcheng Mountain Cemetery seems so quiet and harmonious. The middle-aged man in a white robe stepped forward, each step seemingly carrying heavy memories and sorrows. He held a bright and dazzling white rose in his hand, and his gaze fell intently on a simple and delicate tombstone in front of him.

This is the resting place of Lausanne, a man of great talent. Although time has passed, Boleyn's thoughts and praise for Lausanne have never diminished in the slightest. At this moment, he stood silently, as if time had stopped flowing at this moment.

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

A gentle breeze blows by, and the white roses in front of the tomb are bathed in sunlight and glow with a faint glow. Bolin carefully placed the flower in front of the tombstone with both hands, as if he were caring for a rare treasure.

He sat on his knees on the ground, his slightly rickety body looking particularly thin at this moment.

Boleyn's fingertips lightly traced Lausanne's name in the inscription, and his eyes were filled with endless sadness. His eyes widened, trying to find the demeanor of the genius in his facial features.

However, there was only a cold stone monument in front of him, and he could no longer feel any breath of life. He sighed deeply, feeling that time had passed, and everything had been reduced to eternal memory.

The sun slanted down, spilling over Boleyn's body, casting a warm aura over him. His gaze followed the light, casting his gaze on the clouds in the distance, recalling the good old days when he walked with Lausanne.

At that time, they were full of energy, and everyone was an artist of life. However, fate was merciless, and the fire of life in Lausanne was extinguished prematurely. Bolin lowered his head, a few tears falling from the corners of his eyes, eagerly hoping that time would be turned back and Lausanne would return to the world.

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

Who knows, on the way home, a sudden car accident took him away from the arms of his relatives forever. That night, Lausanne drove drunk and raced wildly under the cover of night, unaware that a damaged vehicle was parked in front of him.

In an instant, a violent crash resounded through the night sky, and the blazing flames swallowed up the brilliant light of the young life. By the time rescuers arrived at the scene, Lausanne had closed his eyes forever.

The tricks of fate have brought everything to a halt, but if we can travel back in time and turn back time, we will see a talented and high-profile artist emerge. In the hot summer of 1992, Mr. Bolin met this stage "demon" with amazing talent and performance charm - Lausanne on CCTV.

At that time, Lausanne displayed a jaw-dropping imitation technique on the spot, which was able to push the audience's emotions to a peak every time, with thunderous applause and cheers one after another. Everyone present was overwhelmed by his talent and strongly demanded that he sign an autograph. From that moment on, Lausanne's life was on a glorious path.

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

Looking back, Lausanne's stage success stems from the exceptional talent he showed at an early age. In his hometown of Kangding, Lausanne is able to imitate the sounds of the cattle and sheep at home with his exquisite skills, which often amazes friends and family. His love for art is natural and he can be called an "art wizard".

In 1968, Lobsang was born into an ordinary Tibetan family in Kangding. Although his family was not wealthy, he was born with a high artistic talent, which became the pride of his family.

It was an ordinary day, and Mr. Boleyn was in the backstage lounge waiting for the show to begin. Suddenly, a strange sound came to my ears, as if a singer was singing on stage. Mr. Boleyn searched for prestige, only to see a series of shocking voices coming out of the mouth of a young man.

The unmistakable intonation and the subtlety of the emotion were like a grand symphony concert! Mr. Boleyn was stunned that the young man's imitation skills had reached the pinnacle of perfection, making it difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. At this moment of shock, the staff told him: "That's Lausanne, our new dancer." ”

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

Mr. Boleyn suddenly realized, and layers of waves surged in the depths of his heart. He stared intently at the skilled young man on the stage, his eyes full of pride.

In that overnight, Lausanne went from an unknown character to a household name. His humor reveals innocence and childishness, coupled with his outstanding artistic attainments, which has established an irreplaceable position in the hearts of the audience. People flocked to him and followed him enthusiastically, as if that was the most important thing in life.

In an instant, 1994 came as promised, and Lausanne won the "Newcomer Award" for his outstanding artistic talent, which was undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of his outstanding talent, and also opened a new path for him to act, bringing more attention and respect opportunities.

Soon after, he collaborated with his mentor Bolin to present a series of exciting and breathtaking performances to a wide audience.

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

The first appearance is the high-profile "Lausanne Learning" series of "Learning Crosstalk", whose exquisite skills are amazing. The subsequent programs such as "Learning Music" and "Learning to Sing" pushed their stunts to the peak again, making the audience dizzy, and the warm applause lasted for a long time.

On stage, Lausanne showed extraordinary acting talent, imitating the voices of various artists, while Boleyn worked seamlessly together with his ingenious direction.

Boleyn's innovative thinking and Lausanne's prowess complemented each other, and the two worked hand in hand to show their talents on stage and win the applause of the audience.

Over time, Lausanne's popularity has continued to grow, and it has become well-known even in the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong.

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

As the best comedian in Chinese mainland, Lausanne's performance is a sensation every time, and the audience is eagerly anticipating his arrival, and the venue is full and full.

Many senior artists praised him, calling him a stage genius who "never saw the ancients before, and never saw the future after".

However, behind all this brilliance, there is a touching story. As early as the early 90s of the 20th century, when Bolin had just been transferred to the art troupe, he formed an indissoluble bond with Lausanne. He discovered Lausanne's unique talent, chose him as his partner, and guided him carefully, and finally helped Lausanne find his own stage.

However, fate ruthlessly deprived the young artist of his life. A sudden car accident leaves Lausanne forever from his beloved parents and the stage he loves.

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

The scorching flames ruthlessly claimed Lausanne's young and energetic life, and when rescuers rushed to the scene, he had closed his bright eyes forever. Since then, the two ordinary Tibetan elders have never seen their dear son again, and they can no longer wipe the sweat from his forehead with their own hands.

They have lost the most important pillar of their lives and can only rely on the bits and pieces of their memories to survive the lonely and long years.

Lausanne's greatest wish was for his parents to live out their old age in peace. As a child, he always pleaded with his parents to move to Beijing to live with him, but this request was repeatedly denied. They deeply understand their son's filial piety, but they don't want to put too much pressure on him.

However, fate ruthlessly played such a cruel joke with Lausanne, which is heartbreaking.

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

Many years later, Lausanne's parents, accompanied by their eldest son and grandson, finally saw a faint glimmer of light in the long dark night. However, the longing for his son is a scar that can never be erased.

As the sun set in the west, Boleyn still sat quietly in front of the tomb, silently watching. A ray of sunlight happened to fall on the tombstone, covering the cold stone with a warm glow. Boleyn's gaze followed the light closely, casting his gaze on the clouds in the distance, recalling the good times he had spent with Lausanne.

At that time, they were full of youthful vitality, and everyone was swaying the color of life to the fullest. It was just a trick of fate that caused the fire of life in Lausanne to be extinguished prematurely. It seemed as if a long time had passed, and Bolin finally slowly stood up and gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"O Lausanne, your life is too short. I remember the first time I saw you show off your ventriloquist skills, and I knew that you were destined to be a star. We have traveled together, and you have shocked the world with your artistic talent and my innovative thinking, shining brilliantly on the stage. ”

What happened in the wine party on the night Lausanne left, and why did Zhao Benshan "be wronged" for many years

Bolin's words were filled with emotion, and his voice became more and more choked. He leaned down and respectfully cleaned the fallen leaves from the tombstone, the longing in his eyes surging like a tide.

Although genius cannot be replicated, Lausanne's spirit of striving for excellence and fearlessness in challenging will always inspire him to keep moving forward.

"Although you have been gone with us for many years, your artistic achievements will live forever in the annals of history. Boleyn took a deep breath, then turned and walked out of the cemetery. He hung his head, his steps a little faltering, but his heart was filled with endless nostalgia for his deceased friend.

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