
Famous actor Du Yulu: died of cancer 11 years after suffering from cancer at the age of 68, and the 11-word last words before his death made people cry

author:Lotte Curiosity

Dear friends, at this moment, let us remember Mr. Du Yulu, a veteran actor who has created countless wonderful roles on the screen of light and shadow! In the cold and silent night of 2020, after 11 years of tenacious struggle with cancer, the 79-year-old Mr. Du Yulu said goodbye to this world forever.

Although he has been gone for more than two years, we still can't resist being deeply moved by his brilliant performances when we look back at his extraordinary performances.

Famous actor Du Yulu: died of cancer 11 years after suffering from cancer at the age of 68, and the 11-word last words before his death made people cry

Mr. Du Yulu's life path can be described as bumpy and tortuous, before devoting himself to his acting career, he temporarily put aside the pursuit of infinite love for the stage and turned to work as a porter in a warehouse. However, with perseverance and a positive attitude, he has always bravely faced all kinds of hardships and challenges in life.

This unwavering, never-say-die quality is undoubtedly a model that each of us should learn from and admire.

Although Mr. Du Yulu's life has come to an end, his superb acting skills and unforgettable character image shown in many excellent works will forever be engraved in the depths of the audience's memory and become the eternal admiration and nostalgia of the majority of film and television lovers.

Here, we would like to express our deepest memories and nostalgia to this old actor who is still active on the screen despite his old age.

Mr. Du Yulu was born in an ordinary family, and began to live a wandering life in a foreign land since he was a child, far away from the care of his parents and the warmth of his hometown. After completing his secondary school studies in Qiqihar, he had a strong desire to stay in the vast land of his hometown, Heilongjiang, which carried his unforgettable youth.

In order to realize her ideals, Du Yulu was successfully admitted to the School of Arts of Harbin Normal University with excellent results. Although his university life was full of fond memories, he never wasted his time, not only studying professional knowledge diligently, but also devoting himself to drama rehearsals, laying a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Famous actor Du Yulu: died of cancer 11 years after suffering from cancer at the age of 68, and the 11-word last words before his death made people cry

At that age, Du Yulu met the love of his life, Zhu Yongyu. They often attend classes and rehearsal together, and as time goes on, they get to know each other better and get better, and eventually they tie the knot.

Du Yulu, who had a successful career in college, became a young actor at the Harbin Drama Theater and devoted himself to his beloved career as a stage performer. In contrast, Zhu Yongyu chose to work in the local Children's Palace to dedicate herself to education. Although their lives are not always inseparable, it is a great blessing to be in the same city.

However, the good times are always short-lived. With the dissolution of the theater, Du Yulu had to temporarily put aside his beloved acting career and took up heavy work as a porter at the grain depot. Despite the hard work, he has always maintained an optimistic attitude and is content as long as he can sustain his family.

The gods of fate seem to have a special favor for this unyielding man, and after years of hard work as a porter, he finally has a new opportunity to return to that familiar stage. The 29-year-old Du Yulu is determined to get back all the opportunities he has lost in the past, and he wants to use the fullest enthusiasm and professionalism to present a wonderful performance for the audience.

Famous actor Du Yulu: died of cancer 11 years after suffering from cancer at the age of 68, and the 11-word last words before his death made people cry

After returning to the stage, Du Yulu was like a horse that had been in drought for a long time, and he was finally able to release his talent to the fullest. During that time, his superb acting skills attracted much attention and received high praise from inside and outside the industry.

In 1979, Du Yulu made his first appearance on the big screen in the movie "The Spy" directed by the well-known director Hao Guang, which marked the official start of his screen career. Although it is only a small role with few scenes, he plays it vividly, very challengingly, and unforgettable.

Transitioning from the drama stage to the film and television industry, he deeply appreciated the differences between two very different art forms, but the charm of acting made him deeply fascinated.

Since then, he has successively participated in many excellent film and television works such as "Innocent Killer", "Eight Women Cast into the River", "Bloody Black Valley" and so on. Although the character is not the protagonist, as soon as she enters the filming state, Du Yulu will devote herself to it and unreservedly portray the character vividly, which has won unanimous praise from industry insiders.

Famous actor Du Yulu: died of cancer 11 years after suffering from cancer at the age of 68, and the 11-word last words before his death made people cry

However, it was not until 1998 that Du Yulu, who was in her 50s at the time, really made her mark in the costume drama "Yongzheng Dynasty" and gradually entered the public eye.

In that well-made TV series, he successfully performed the perseverance, courage, justice and wit of a generation of famous ministers Zhang Tingyu with his excellent acting skills, which made people's understanding of him change earth-shatteringly, and praise was endless, praising his superb acting skills, making the role of Zhang Tingyu an unsurpassed classic!

From the millennium to 08, this belated star starred in many excellent works that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, such as "Outstanding Encirclement", "Mansion Gate", "Provincial Party Secretary" and so on, which are all artistic treasures that he has worked hard to create.

Although the role he plays is not the protagonist in every work, Du Yulu has always gone all out and never relaxed. For him, age has not become an obstacle on the road to acting, but is seen as a challenge to himself, and he devotes himself to every role.

Famous actor Du Yulu: died of cancer 11 years after suffering from cancer at the age of 68, and the 11-word last words before his death made people cry

Du Yulu has extremely high standards for the works he takes, and he will resolutely reject those works that lack depth and connotation. Because he knows that only the characters closest to his heart can perfectly show the inner world of the characters to the audience.

During the shoot, he always paid his full attention and put all his energy into making every detail perfect. In his spare time, he does his best to fulfill his duties as a father, always returning home as soon as possible, spending quality time with his beloved wife Zhu Yongyu and three children, and sharing the bits and pieces of life.

Du Yulu's acting career is like the rising sun, leaving a glittering mark on the screen. However, just as his career was in full swing, a sudden illness struck like a storm, mercilessly striking the strong old artist.

One day in 2009, a high fever came as scheduled, drenching Du Yulu from head to toe. At first, he thought it was just a common cold and fever, but after repeated persuasion from his family, he finally decided to go to the hospital for a detailed examination.

Famous actor Du Yulu: died of cancer 11 years after suffering from cancer at the age of 68, and the 11-word last words before his death made people cry

This news was undoubtedly a heavy blow, plunging the originally sunny life into an endless dark abyss in an instant. Since then, Du Yulu has embarked on the longest and most painful journey of his life to fight cancer.

Disease is like a ferocious beast, mercilessly devouring his life force! The once strong and healthy body gradually shrank and twisted under the grinding of endless pain, until even a strong back could not stand up. Seeing the person he loved so cruelly endure such cruel torture, the grief in Zhu Yongyu's heart was like a river rushing, helplessly watching the light of his life dim bit by bit. However, even though she was physically and mentally exhausted, Du Yulu still held back her tears, smiled and comforted her wife, telling her that everything would be fine, so that she didn't have to worry too much about sadness.

Fortunately, after a period of careful treatment, Du Yulu's condition was initially controlled and her physical condition improved. After being discharged from the hospital and returning home, this tenacious old man regained his vitality and devoted himself to the acting career he loved. Although she is in her old age, Du Yulu still participates in several film and television dramas every year, interpreting a variety of different characters.

For example, in 2011, he starred in masterpieces such as "Wind and Rain Peach Blossom Town" and "The Storm of Ordos", and in 2012, he launched two high-profile works, "Persuasion Group" and "Dark Flower".

Famous actor Du Yulu: died of cancer 11 years after suffering from cancer at the age of 68, and the 11-word last words before his death made people cry

Whenever he is engaged in filming, he always goes all out and does his best to portray each character to life and penetrate into the bone marrow. However, good times are always short-lived, and in 2020, cancer relentlessly made a comeback again, and Du Yulu's physical condition took a sharp turn for the worse. Under the double blow of heavy work pressure and illness, the body that had recovered was in trouble again.

In the middle of that February night, the 79-year-old Du Yulu finally failed to resist the invasion of the disease and left us forever. Life is like a candle flame that is about to burn out, blooming with the most dazzling brilliance in the final burning process. For Du Yulu, the last stage of his life is undoubtedly the last journey of his life-and-death struggle against the disease, and he tried his best to resist the endless pain caused by the disease until the last breath of his life.

These short 11 words condense Du Yulu's 58-year deep friendship and deep attachment to his wife Zhu Yongyu. Since they met in college, they have worked together through the ups and downs of their artistic careers, and Zhu Yongyu has always been Du Yulu's solid backing and wholeheartedly supported his career development. And Du Yulu also regards his wife as the most precious pillar and support in life. Their love has gone through the years, but it is still timeless and touching.

Now reading the heartfelt words written by her husband, Zhu Yongyu's heart is full of joy and sorrow. She is glad that although she has entered the last stage of his life, her husband still has that deep attachment and remembrance in his heart, and on the other hand, she also feels extremely sad, because the love in this red dust is deep and meaningful, and it will finally come to a successful end. However, she firmly believes that true love is infinite and eternal, and she will continue the vow of knowing each other and spending the rest of her life together in the next reincarnation.

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