
Jiading District Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Study Seminar and District Committee Central Group Study Meeting was held

author:Shanghai Jiading
Jiading District Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Study Seminar and District Committee Central Group Study Meeting was held
Jiading District Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Study Seminar and District Committee Central Group Study Meeting was held

Today (May 7), according to the party discipline study and education arrangement of the district committee, the special study seminar on party discipline learning and education in Jiading District and the study meeting of the central group of the district committee were held.

Lu Fangzhou, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Gao Xiang, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, and Lian Zhenghua, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, attended the meeting.

Jiading District Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Study Seminar and District Committee Central Group Study Meeting was held

In his speech, Lu Fangzhou pointed out that it is necessary to unremittingly strengthen the party's discipline building. The organization department of the district party committee should strengthen the leadership of the general, and the district discipline inspection commission, the propaganda department of the district party committee and other departments should do a good job of coordination and cooperation, and further consolidate the main responsibility of party organizations at all levels for party discipline study and education, strengthen classified guidance, and improve the effectiveness of education. The members of the central group of the district party committee should take the lead and set an example in the in-depth study and education of party discipline, further study and understand the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of party discipline, take the party constitution as a compulsory course, and take the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" as the top priority, and make greater efforts in systematic study, integration, and conscious practice, and take the lead in learning firm beliefs, strict discipline, and responsibility.

Lu Fangzhou pointed out that it is necessary to unremittingly grasp the anti-corruption struggle. As the "key minority" of the whole district, the members of the central group of the district party committee should keep in mind the "three must nots", not only to set an example, be strict with themselves, consciously abide by party discipline and party rules, use power impartially in accordance with regulations and laws, take the initiative to accept the supervision of all parties, and be fearful, warned, and stopped; It is also necessary to manage family members and relatives, manage the affairs of people around them, and take the lead in creating a clean and upright political ecology.

Jiading District Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Study Seminar and District Committee Central Group Study Meeting was held

Lu Fangzhou stressed that it is necessary to unremittingly rectify the "four winds". The members of the central group of the district committee should insist on carrying forward the new trend and healthy atmosphere, take the lead in practicing the commitment to consciously resist the problem of illegal eating and drinking, and do it at the first level to the first level, and set a good example at the above rate; In dealing with enterprises, it is necessary to be friendly and moderate, clean and promising, and create a new type of political and business relationship that is pro-Qing and unified; To serve the grassroots people, we must really put ourselves down, go deep into the front line, find out the difficulties and plugging points in the work, and come up with targeted measures to empower the grassroots and improve the efficiency of governance.

Lu Fangzhou stressed that it is necessary to unremittingly deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the party. Jiading is a pioneer demonstration place for the "four responsibilities and coordination" mechanism of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and it is our common responsibility to polish this "golden signboard". On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and guidance of the field in charge, so as to be really strict, dare to be strict, and be strict for a long time; On the other hand, it is necessary to continue to study the paths and methods of deepening the "four responsibilities and coordination" mechanism in their respective fields of responsibility, and promote the management of the party and the party to work in the same direction and form a joint force.

Other members of the central group of the district committee attended the meeting. District leaders Feng Jie, Lu Zufang, Wang Jianxin and Chen Bin made exchange speeches.

Writing/Photography: Yu Chao Editor: Tang Min, Yang Yujie

Jiading District Party Discipline Learning and Education Special Study Seminar and District Committee Central Group Study Meeting was held

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