
The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts


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The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts

Some time ago, many people watched "The Queen of News" and called themselves scolded.

Indeed, this drama is very realistic, and the lines are even sharper, especially for women with love brains and glass hearts, it is definitely a direct poke in the heart and lungs.

But my dear, you must understand that the reason why you feel that you have been poked is because you also have such a problem, and since you are aware of it, you must not run away, reflect on yourself quickly, and then try to change.

Because there is no turning back in life, when you hesitate and hesitate, you are wasting your life, which is really stupid.

Today, let's revisit it again, sober together, strong together.

The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts
The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts

You don't have a woman's popularity, you don't have a woman's intuition, you can't even imagine a dog biting a man, the world of a man biting a dog is not suitable for you, find a man to marry.

This sentence is a classic quotation of scolding in this play, and it also makes many women sigh that "find a man to marry" is so ugly.

Yes, too many women think that finding a suitable man to marry is the ultimate goal of this life, but in fact, women who regard marriage as the only choice in life lose badly in the end.

Because this world is too realistic, and so are feelings, you think you can rely on feelings to change your fate, but in the end, you find that you can only lose completely.

So, smart women never take feelings as the only choice in life, they make themselves strong, and as for feelings, that's just icing on the cake.

Just like Sister Man, she will never give up her life and career for the sake of feelings, so she always controls the initiative in life.

Women, you must be sober enough, so that you can be happy enough.

The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts
The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts

Dad can't choose, your husband is chosen by yourself, and you choose such a wasteful one, it's a real failure to be a woman like this.

I especially like to listen to Sister Man scolding, the tone of hating iron is not steel, which really makes people feel very cool.

This sentence is what Sister Man said to her subordinates, and it also makes all women understand that although our background cannot be changed, our lives must be controlled by ourselves.

In other words, you can't decide what kind of family you come from, but it's up to you to decide what your future path will be and what kind of partner you want to choose.

Therefore, women must not passively manage their feelings and life, you must be proactive and let everything be under your control.

The most important principle of this is that you have to work hard enough to be able to be powerful, and that's really important.

The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts
The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts

You don't want to take responsibility, and you want to take up all the power, how can there be such a good thing.

Regarding the workplace, Sister Man is really sober, because she has been able to get to this point by herself.

Therefore, she knows that responsibility and power are equal, as is ability and gain, so she never asks for good luck, she only believes that she can get everything by working hard for herself.

Women, don't feel that you are a weak person in the workplace, let alone delusional that you don't belong to yourself, you have to be sober and work harder.

Just like Sister Man, she will never give in to what belongs to her, but if it doesn't belong to her, she will also learn to let go and reconcile.

I believe that every woman will have her own career, as long as you are sober and strong enough, you will definitely be able to.

The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts
The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts

The world has never been fair, how can there be so much suffering.

A sober woman will understand that the so-called fairness is the security that you can give yourself when you are strong enough.

In the drama "News Queen", all the women are very sober, they understand that the world is not fair, but as long as they are strong, they will get the fairness they want.

Therefore, each of them has no love brain, and they will not be glassy in the workplace, they will solve difficulties when they encounter them, and actively strive for them whenever they have the opportunity.

In fact, after doing so, even if you fail, you have a clear conscience, because you know that you have done your best.

Of course, after such efforts, it will be easier for us to reconcile with ourselves, after all, no one is perfect, even if you are as strong as Sister Man, there will be times when you fail, and learning to let go at such a time is the best choice.

I hope every woman can understand that when you are weak, there are the most bad people, and when you are strong, all the good things will come as promised.

The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts
The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts

If you have the ability, anywhere can be a stage.

I like to watch "The Queen of News" because the women in this drama will not expect Ai Ai, no matter what difficulties they encounter, they will always rise to the occasion.

Women are not weak, and we should not only cry when we encounter difficulties, and we should overcome obstacles in our own lives, which is what we should do.

So, if you are a woman who is not mentally mature enough, or too soft, you have to take a look at these words in "The Queen of News", and you have to believe that as long as you are strong, everything will be fine.

It's really a cool thing to concentrate on your career, and that's what I feel the most after watching this drama. I really hope that all women can understand this truth, constantly improve themselves, and let themselves have a broader stage and space.

Believe in yourself, because as long as you believe in yourself, you will definitely be able to.

The heart-piercing five lines in "News Queen" have awakened many women with love brains and glass hearts

Women, you must live soberly and strongly, so that you will be happier. Although the words of "News Queen" are sharp, it really gives all women a revelation, that is, we must be sober, we must work hard enough.

Don't fall in love anymore, let alone glass hearts, and firmly hold the initiative of your life in your hands, which is really a cool thing.

I hope that every woman can be a sister man, overcoming obstacles in her own life and being invincible in her own world.

Come on, wake up together, change from now on, I believe that every woman has this ability, and you have to believe it too.

Come on.

I'm Xiyan, a columnist, an older girl who is neither old nor old, likes to write warm words, do emotional programs, and has published "The Rest of Your Life, Related to Me", if you have a story, remember to come to me.

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