
CCTV exposed "problem milk powder", threatening the health of 530,000 infants and young children, and many parents are still buying it

author:A decay is not decaying

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In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, parents have paid more and more attention to the health and nutritional needs of their babies, and milk powder, as an important source of auxiliary nutrition for babies, has also attracted the attention of parents. Among the many brands and types of milk powder, how should parents choose the most suitable milk powder for their babies? This article will discuss the misunderstandings that parents are prone to in the process of milk powder selection, and put forward corresponding solutions, hoping to provide some help and reference for parents in the process of milk powder selection.

CCTV exposed "problem milk powder", threatening the health of 530,000 infants and young children, and many parents are still buying it

1. Breastfeeding and formula feeding

CCTV exposed "problem milk powder", threatening the health of 530,000 infants and young children, and many parents are still buying it

1. Breastfeeding

Breast milk is regarded as the most natural and complete food, which is rich in various nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby, and is of great significance for the healthy growth of the baby. Breast milk contains a large number of antibodies, which can help babies improve their own immunity and block the attack of various diseases.

CCTV exposed "problem milk powder", threatening the health of 530,000 infants and young children, and many parents are still buying it

2. Formula feeding

For a variety of reasons, many mothers are unable to breastfeed their babies throughout the whole process, so they need to use other ways to supplement their baby's nutrition, and milk powder has become a relatively ideal option. Good milk powder can not only meet the various nutrients needed for the growth and development of the baby, but also play a role in auxiliary conditioning to a certain extent, and have a positive role in promoting the healthy growth of the baby.

CCTV exposed "problem milk powder", threatening the health of 530,000 infants and young children, and many parents are still buying it

2. Parents' misunderstandings in the choice of milk powder

Although milk powder plays an extremely important role in the growth and development of babies, in the current market environment, all kinds of milk powder brands continue to emerge, and there are many types, which has caused certain problems for parents to choose. In this context, many parents are often prone to fall into some misunderstandings in the process of choosing milk powder.

1. Price misconceptions

Some parents will think that the more expensive the milk powder, the more guaranteed the quality will be, so they often blindly pursue expensive milk powder products when purchasing, thinking that this can bring better nutritional supplements to the baby.

2. Fragrance misunderstandings

There are also some parents who will be affected by the flavor of milk powder when choosing milk powder, and think that the stronger the fragrance, the better the quality of milk powder, so they will blindly choose milk powder products with stronger fragrance, and ignore the nutritional content and palatability of milk powder itself.

3. Origin misunderstandings

In addition, some parents will be biased against the origin of milk powder when choosing milk powder, thinking that the quality of domestic milk powder is not comparable to that of imported milk powder, or that domestic milk powder adds a large number of hormones and preservatives, which has a potential threat to the baby's health.

3. How to choose milk powder scientifically

In view of the above misunderstandings, in fact, parents can consider the following aspects when choosing milk powder, so as to be able to choose more scientifically for their babies.

1. Formal channels

When purchasing milk powder, you must buy it through formal channels, such as some large supermarket chains, maternal and infant stores, etc., and try to avoid buying in some small workshops or street shops to ensure that the milk powder products purchased are genuine and have a certain quality assurance.

2. Observe the ingredients

When selecting milk powder products, you can carefully observe the ingredient list of milk powder to understand the types and contents of various nutrients and additives contained in it, and you can choose some milk powder products with relatively few additives and relatively rich natural nutrients.

3. Shelf life

It can also pay attention to the information of the production date and shelf life on the milk powder packaging, and select the milk powder products with fresh production date and sufficient shelf life as much as possible to prevent the purchase of some products that are about to expire, thereby affecting the taste and nutritional value of the milk powder.

4. Comprehensive

Whether it is domestic milk powder or imported milk powder, as long as it is a product produced and sold through regular channels, there is a certain quality assurance, and parents can choose more suitable milk powder products for babies according to their individual differences and health conditions.

Fourth, maintain an objective attitude and learn more about relevant knowledge

In the face of a dazzling array of milk powder products, parents must maintain an objective and rational attitude, do not be swayed by some exaggerated advertising, do not be confused by the price and fragrance of milk powder, you can learn more about milk powder related knowledge, such as milk powder production process, storage methods, how to identify fake milk powder, etc., you can also consult with professional doctors or nutritionists, listen to their opinions and suggestions, and choose the most suitable milk powder products for your baby.

5. Further reading

Parents who choose milk powder for their babies can also provide comprehensive and balanced nutritional supplements for their babies through some other ways, such as appropriately increasing the number of breastfeeding, introducing some fresh vegetables and fruits and high-quality protein foods, and appropriately introducing complementary foods to make diversified adjustments to the baby's dietary structure, so as to help the baby obtain a more comprehensive nutritional supplement.


Through the discussion of this article, I believe that you have a certain understanding and understanding of how to choose milk powder scientifically and some issues that need to be paid attention to in the process of milk powder selection. In the future, I hope that the majority of parents can treat various milk powder products rationally according to the actual needs of the baby, select the most suitable milk powder for the baby, and escort the healthy and happy growth of the baby.

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