
The master's secret weapon: when the apprentice betrays the cooking skills, a workplace drama is staged!

author:Week 8 life circle

"In this competitive workplace, can the master teach the apprentice without reservation?"

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, there is such a restaurant, which is famous for its unique flavor and the craftsmanship of Chef Li. Chef Li, a weathered old chef, has a young and promising apprentice under him - Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen is smart and witty, diligent in learning, and is a proud protégé of Chef Li. However, just when the restaurant's business was booming, Chef Li suddenly announced his resignation, which caught the restaurant's owner, Manager Yang, off guard.

The master's secret weapon: when the apprentice betrays the cooking skills, a workplace drama is staged!

"Chef Li, where are you going? You're the soul of our restaurant! Manager Yang asked anxiously.

Chef Li smiled indifferently and replied, "Manager Yang, I've been here long enough. I think it's time for young people to step up and show their talents. Xiao Chen is a good seedling, and he will do well. ”

"However, your craft is irreplaceable, and your departure will make us all feel a loss." Manager Yang said unwillingly.

Chef Li smiled slightly and said mysteriously: "A good chef must not only be able to cook, but also know how to pass it on. I taught Xiao Chen everything he needed to know, but as a master, he always had to keep a hand, this was to protect himself, and it was also to test the apprentice. ”

Manager Yang was puzzled, but Chef Li didn't say anything more. He just patted Manager Yang on the shoulder and turned to leave.

The master's secret weapon: when the apprentice betrays the cooking skills, a workplace drama is staged!

Xiao Chen took over Chef Li's place as the new head chef. He is full of self-confidence, thinking that he has mastered the true inheritance of his master and can take charge of it on his own. However, as time went on, the restaurant's business began to decline. It turns out that Chef Li's specialty dishes, those that once made customers full of praise, are now frequently complained. Most of the customers have been lost, and the restaurant is about to run out of business.

Manager Yang hurriedly went to find Chef Li, hoping to ask him to come back to save the situation. Although a salary of 30,000 was offered, Chef Li refused and even drove Manager Yang out.

"Good horses don't eat back grass!" Chef Li sneered, and this sentence became his motto.

Manager Yang fell into deep thought. Why is Chef Li's apprentice Xiao Chen, who is not inferior to his master in cooking, but he can't make the original taste? Why did Chef Li's business plummet after he resigned?

Until one day, Manager Yang finally revealed this shocking secret - Chef Li kept a hand! It turned out that Chef Li only taught Xiao Chen cooking, and did not teach him exclusive ingredient recipes. And this ingredient recipe is the "trump card" that Chef Li holds in his hand.

"The master teaches the apprentice, not only to teach the skills, but also to keep a hand." Chef Li's move made Manager Yang regret it.

This story tells us that the workplace is like a battlefield, and it is necessary not only to have excellent skills, but also to have wisdom and strategy. The master teaches the apprentice, not only to impart skills, but also to inherit wisdom. And those apprentices who think that as long as they learn the skills of the master, they can be invincible, maybe they should think more - the master left a hand.

The master's secret weapon: when the apprentice betrays the cooking skills, a workplace drama is staged!

Manager Yang, should you also learn from this story? The workplace is not only about technology and skills, but also about wisdom and strategy. The master teaches the apprentice, not only to impart skills, but also to impart life experience. The official account of workplace reasoning will reveal more workplace wisdom for you, so that you can be comfortable in the workplace and work step by step.

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