
The personnel of the Philippine warship illegally beached and pointed at the Chinese coast guard for provocation, who gave it the confidence?

author:Science and technology life is fast

Recently, the Philippines carried out an airdrop resupply operation against the warship "No. 57" that was illegally "beached" at Ren'ai Jiao. However, when the Chinese Coast Guard responded in accordance with laws and regulations, it was found that at least two personnel on the Philippine "No. 57" ship were carrying firearms on the deck, and they also pointed their hands and guns in the direction of the Chinese Coast Guard.

The personnel of the Philippine warship illegally beached and pointed at the Chinese coast guard for provocation, who gave it the confidence?

Some people believe that this move by the Philippine side has a strong sense of provocation and threat, is it an attempt to threaten and intimidate China? The dilapidated ship of the Philippine side has been surrounded by our side layer by layer, does it really have the courage to fire the "first shot"? If it really dares to do this, it will be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, and I am afraid that the broken ship will be dismantled into parts in no time.

So, why does the Philippines dare to provoke when it knows that the gap in strength between the two sides is so huge? Could it be that the US imperialists are instigating behind their backs?

The personnel of the Philippine warship illegally beached and pointed at the Chinese coast guard for provocation, who gave it the confidence?

From the Philippines' point of view, some of its own illegal acts and actions in the South China Sea may indeed be influenced by a variety of factors. On the one hand, there is a possibility that China and the United States are worried that their own interests will be damaged after reaching some consensus on the South China Sea issue, and they are trying to show their existence and interfere with the relevant process by creating incidents. The Philippines may be worried that its "small maneuver" in the South China Sea will be compressed, so it will take some radical steps to gain some kind of "bargaining chip".

Second, the Philippines' behavior may indeed have been influenced by outside forces. The United States and other external forces have been instigating and interfering in the South China Sea region, trying to safeguard their own interests by creating contradictions and conflicts. It is likely that the Philippine side was encouraged and supported by these external forces.

The personnel of the Philippine warship illegally beached and pointed at the Chinese coast guard for provocation, who gave it the confidence?

Some of the decisions and actions of the Marcos Jr. administration may be influenced by its internal and external forces. It cannot be ruled out that in order to cater to certain domestic forces or at the instigation of external forces, they deliberately provoke incidents to achieve certain goals or meet the needs of external forces. However, international relations and geopolitics are complex, and the Philippines' own strategic considerations, resource coveting, and other factors may also play a role.

From a humanitarian point of view, the Chinese side has been allowing Philippine food supply ships to avoid the Filipino personnel from falling into difficulties due to hunger. Such an act by the Philippine side is undoubtedly a flagrant violation and provocation of China's sovereignty. This provocation is indeed worth pondering. This behavior may be an attempt by the Philippine side to gain domestic support and international sympathy by showing a tough posture. However, such actions ignore international law and the importance of regional peace and stability, and only exacerbate tensions in the South China Sea.

The personnel of the Philippine warship illegally beached and pointed at the Chinese coast guard for provocation, who gave it the confidence?

However, it must be made clear that peace and stability in the South China Sea is the shared responsibility of all countries. Any attempt to undermine regional stability through provocations and threats will be resolutely countered and resisted. China has the ability and determination to respond to any violation of sovereignty and ensure that its national interests are not undermined. At the same time, the international community should clearly understand the essence of the Philippine side's behavior and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

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