
Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

author:Popular Science Bear


Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

"Girl, you are back, I have prepared a table of good dishes, all of which you like to eat, just waiting for you to come back." Aunt Li warmly beckoned the girl and aunt to enter the door.

The girl and aunt are usually busy with work, and they will only come back from other places during a long vacation, Aunt Li is very excited and has prepared a table of good dishes.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

"Mom, didn't you make rice?"

"Oops, you see I'm so busy that I forgot about it, I didn't stew rice, there are steamed buns in the refrigerator, I took it out and heated it, and it was used as a staple food."

Aunt Li opened the refrigerator and was about to take out the frozen steamed buns, when her daughter interrupted Aunt Li, "Mom, when did you get these steamed buns?" ”

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

"I steamed it out last week, and I didn't finish it and froze it in the freezer, what's wrong?"

"Don't you know that frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, steamed buns that have been kept in the refrigerator for more than three days will breed aflatoxin, which is a toxic substance and is not good for your health!"

Aunt Li listened to her daughter's words and was a little confused, "How come?" I often eat frozen steamed buns, and I haven't seen poisoning? ”

"Oh, you don't understand what I said, anyway, in the future, you should eat less of this kind of frozen steamed bun for more than three days."

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

Aunt Li listened to her daughter's advice, had to throw away all the steamed buns, and went downstairs to buy new steamed buns.

But Aunt Li is still very puzzled, what is aflatoxin, and can't frozen steamed buns really be eaten?

1. What exactly is aflatoxin?

The aflatoxin mentioned by Mrs. Li's daughter is a metabolite of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, which was designated as a carcinogen by the WHO in 1993.

Aspergillus flavus generally grows in soil, organic matter and grain rice, and once aflatoxin is produced, its toxicity is very strong.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

Aflatoxin will cause serious damage to the liver in the human body, and if the content of aflatoxin in the body exceeds the standard, it will induce liver cancer, kidney cancer, rectal cancer, etc., which directly endangers people's lives and health.

In daily life, if people suddenly experience nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and pain in the liver area after suddenly eating a certain food, they must seek medical examination to avoid the further spread of toxins.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

It can be seen that aflatoxin must be strictly prevented, and aflatoxin solution breeds in a humid environment.

When people find that the food they eat, such as corn, peanuts, grains, etc., is moldy and rotten, they should immediately throw it away. Once ingested, toxins can enter the body.

In short, some moldy foods must be disposed of in time and never eaten, but will frozen steamed buns also breed aflatoxin?

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

2. Will frozen steamed bread produce aflatoxin? Can you eat it?

In daily life, the parents always like to make more pasta, such as steamed buns, dumplings, buns, etc., and freeze them after making them so that they can be eaten later.

However, some people believe that frozen steamed buns will breed aflatoxin, and if you take it out and eat it, the toxins will enter the body and pose a danger to life and health, which is actually not reliable.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

Because the breeding conditions of aflatoxin are generally 12~42 °C, and the lowest humidity is also 78%, that is to say, in the environment of minus 18 degrees in the freezer, it is not suitable for the growth of Aspergillus flavus.

Therefore, if the steamed bread is frozen in the refrigerator for more than three days, it will not necessarily breed aflatoxin, but it does not mean that the frozen steamed bread in the refrigerator will not deteriorate.

People freeze uneaten steamed buns in the refrigerator, which is a good habit of thrift, but it should be noted that the refrigerator in many families will not be cleaned regularly.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

The freezer compartment of the refrigerator will not only store steamed buns, but also raw meat, raw fish, and so on, which may carry certain microorganisms.

When the steamed bread and the fish are frozen together, it is likely to be contaminated with microorganisms, which can cause some bacteria to grow on the surface of the steamed bread.

After people eat steamed buns, it will cause certain damage to their health.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

In addition, freezing the steamed buns that you can't finish eating, or the steamed steamed buns, is indeed convenient for eating in the future.

However, if it is frozen for too long, it will lead to the loss of moisture and nutrients on the surface of the steamed bread, and the taste will be very poor when eating.

Moreover, this kind of steamed bread that has been frozen for a long time, even if it does not breed aflatoxin on the surface, may produce some other bacteria.

Therefore, when you buy steamed buns or steam steamed buns yourself, try to buy less or steam less, enough for a day or two of consumption, and don't hoard a lot.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

Another point to note is that before the steamed bread is put into the freezer layer, it has been polluted by the external environment, and the surface has bacteria, so even if it is frozen, there will be deterioration.

In other words, if you want to better preserve the steamed bread and avoid the deterioration of the frozen steamed bread, you need to cool the steamed steamed bread and put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible.

Before freezing, put it in a crisper bag, and do not mix the steamed buns directly with other foods in the refrigerator.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

When people plan to take out the frozen steamed bread and eat it, they should also heat it sufficiently to make the steamed bread steaming hot again, so that eating such steamed bread will avoid causing harm to health.

In addition to paying attention to whether the frozen steamed bread is moldy and spoiled, people also need to pay attention to the steamed bread that is too white.

The big white steamed bun looks very attractive, but in fact, it is very likely that some unscrupulous merchants have added food additives to the steamed bread, which is a carcinogen.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

If you eat this kind of steamed bun for a long time, it will lead to an increase in the burden on the organs in the body and cause serious damage to your health.

Not only that, but dyed steamed buns are not recommended to be eaten regularly.

There are many types of noodles on the market, and some merchants will make the steamed buns colorful in order to attract customers, and they look very good.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

However, these colored steamed buns will add a lot of pigments to them, and potassium sorbate, tartrazine, etc., which are not good for health.

For friends who like to eat steamed buns, it is best to steam steamed buns at home, so that it is safer and healthier to eat.

At the same time, the steamed buns that cannot be eaten can be frozen in the refrigerator without producing aflatoxin, but they also need to be eaten as soon as possible and not kept for too long.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

Although steamed bread frozen for more than three days will not breed aflatoxin, aflatoxin will still exist in life, and people need to pay attention to it.

3. What foods or articles can contain aflatoxin?


Peanuts are a very common nut in daily life, especially during the Chinese New Year, people buy a lot of peanuts in order to entertain guests at home.

Peanuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, and eating peanuts properly is beneficial to health, but peanuts need to be preserved, if not stored properly, it will lead to moldy peanuts.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

We found that the color of the peanut case became darker and yellow-brown, and the skin also appeared to have long hair, so the peanut must be thrown away in time.

Because peanuts in such a state have already bred aflatoxin, once ingested, the toxin will spread to the body, causing the cells in the body to become cancerous, endangering health.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?


Fungus is a fungus with high nutritional value, and eating more fungus can supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

The fungus has a soft taste and is very chewy, and many people like to use it as a side dish when cooking.

Everyone knows that before making fungus, you need to soak it in cold water, but if it is soaked for too long, it will produce similar biotoxins or germs and breed aflatoxin.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

Once people eat fungus that has been soaked for too long, the toxins can easily enter the body and cause harm to health.


Chopsticks are the most common items in daily life, people can't eat without chopsticks, and the cleaning and disinfection of chopsticks needs people's attention.

Chopsticks will become mildew for a long time if they come into contact with food during use, especially after touching food with high starch content.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

If you use chopsticks that are not cleaned for a long time, bacteria can easily enter the body with the mouth, which is not good for your health.

Therefore, it is recommended that you must carefully clean your chopsticks and disinfect them, preferably with iron chopsticks.

It turns out that so many foods and items in life, once they become moldy or not clean, they will produce toxins.

Therefore, once you find that the food is moldy and hairy, you should throw it away in time, don't feel sorry, compared to the importance of physical health, throwing away these moldy foods is not a waste.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?


Food cryopreservation is one of the most common preservation methods, people in life to freeze the food that cannot be eaten, or freeze some pasta, so that it is convenient to eat later.

Many people think that steamed bread frozen for more than three days will breed aflatoxin, and then eat this kind of steamed bread, toxins will enter the body and harm health, but this statement is not scientific.

Because the temperature and humidity in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator do not meet the conditions for aflatoxin breeding, you don't have to worry about the health of frozen steamed buns if you eat them again.

However, if the steamed bread is frozen in the freezer room with other foods in the refrigerator and is not packaged separately, then it is not recommended to eat it again, and it is easy to breed bacteria on the surface.

Can't eat frozen steamed buns? Storing it for more than 3 days can breed aflatoxin, is it true?

In addition, food that has been frozen for a long time is also easy to breed bacteria, although it will not produce toxins like aflatoxin, but it will not have any health benefits.

Although frozen steamed buns will not breed aflatoxin, aflatoxin is also very common in life, especially on some moldy foods, such as moldy peanuts.

Don't look at the moldy and hairy surface of the peanut, there is really nothing in it, but once this peanut is eaten, it will be harmful to health.

Fungus that has been soaked for a long time, as well as chopsticks that have not been cleaned, will breed aflatoxin, so you must not feel that aflatoxin is far away from you, and you must pay attention to it.

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