
Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

author:South of the city

"Fireworks in the World of Mathematical Geniuses: Three Steamed Buns and the Mystery of Singleness at Wei Dongyi's Dinner"

Astound! Wei Dongyi, a genius in mathematics, is still single?


Everyone, are you ready? Today we have big news to announce! Wei Dongyi, a math genius at Peking University, the male god known as the "humanoid supercomputer", is still single! How did this breaking news come to light? It all starts with a seemingly ordinary family dinner......

Wei Shen's steamed bun complex: the academic persistence behind the simple diet

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

In a family dinner video shared by Wei Dongyi's cousin, we saw a jaw-dropping scene: in the face of a table full of sumptuous dishes, Wei Shen only chose three big steamed buns! This scene immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Someone joked: "It seems that Wei Shen doesn't even forget the feelings of the canteen in a high-end restaurant?" Some people sighed: "It's really a unique flavor in the mathematical world, and even the meal has a unique sense of humor!" But is Wei Shen's choice really as simple as humor?

Shimizu Hibiscus: Wei Shen's food philosophy

Looking closely at the video, we also discovered Wei Shen's unique way of eating. He actually gently rinsed off the seasonings on the dishes with water, this indifference and insistence on health can't help but sigh.

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

Netizens praised: "This is the vivid interpretation of 'clear water out of hibiscus'!" Someone commented, "Wei Shen advocates healthy eating with his actions, starting from simple." Does this simple yet elegant way of eating reflect Wei Shen's dedication and dedication to academics?

The mystery of singleness: geniuses also have emotional distress?

However, what really detonated the Internet was a sentence from Wei Shen's cousin: "Dongyi is still single!" This revelation was like a bombshell, which instantly set off huge waves on the Internet.

Everyone exclaimed: In today's world, even Wei Shen has fallen into a love desert? Why hasn't this bright star in mathematics found true love yet? Is it an academic career that takes up all the time, or is it really hard to find a soulmate? Let's explore this fascinating topic together!

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

The Trouble of Genius: How to Balance Academia and Love?

Many people believe that an academic genius like Wei Shen is destined to be a "lone ranger". They are so immersed in their academic studies that they don't seem to have the time and energy to manage their love lives. But is this really true?

Perhaps, we should think from another angle: it is precisely because of the irresistible charm of a talent like Wei Shen that one day in the future, he will definitely meet that heart-to-heart partner. After all, the fate of love often comes inadvertently, doesn't it?

Fireworks in the world: Genius also has an ordinary side

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

Through the video of this family dinner, we saw the most real and ordinary side of Wei Shen's life. He is no longer the high-flying mathematical genius, but an ordinary person who likes to eat steamed buns and can wash vegetables with water.

This contrast can't help but make people sigh: even geniuses can face trivial challenges in life, such as emotional entanglements. Doesn't this reveal the commonality of human nature? Have you ever neglected your love life because you are busy with work?

The Daily Life of a Scholar: The Profound Meaning Behind the Simple Life

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

Many netizens were surprised by Wei Shen's simple diet, but does this just reflect his dedication and dedication to academic pursuits? He doesn't seem to dwell too much on the trivial matters of daily life, but devotes most of his energy to the world of mathematical research.

This way of life makes us wonder: while pursuing career success, should we also be like Wei Shen and keep our lives simple and pure? What do you think?

Expectations and blessings: The future of genius is full of possibilities

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

Although Wei Shen is still single, we believe that an excellent talent like him will definitely meet someone who understands and appreciates him in the future. After all, there are not only complex mathematical formulas in life, but also deep love, bonds of affection, and precious friendships.

We look forward to Wei Shen being able to solve mathematical problems in the broad field of life, and reap full of happiness and success. Do you have any expectations and blessings for the future of God Wei? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

Conclusion: Seeing the truth in the ordinary

This vlog of Wei Shen's cousin is like a window that allows us to get a glimpse of the real life of math genius Wei Dongyi. It not only shows Wei Shen's daily life, but also unexpectedly reveals his emotional world, which can be called a wonderful gossip feast!

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

This story teaches us that even the most brilliant geniuses have an ordinary side. And it is this ordinariness that makes us feel the loveliness of Wei Shen. Whether it is his preference for steamed buns or his single state, we have seen a real and three-dimensional Wei Dongyi.

Finally, let us wish Wei Shen to continue to move forward steadily on the road of academic exploration, and at the same time, to find a happy home in our hearts as soon as possible! Do you have anything to say about Wei Shen? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views and blessings!

Wei Dongyi appeared at his cousin's dinner, and the three steamed buns still became the highlight, making his girlfriend question public for the first time

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