
Geely and BYD are fighting each other, which one is stronger in engine thermal efficiency?

author:Maintenance of the car

Just after BYD claimed that it was the world's first in the thermal efficiency of the fifth-generation DM engine, Geely executives collectively opened fire on Weibo and announced the patent certificate of Geely Raytheon engine thermal efficiency of 46.1%. This is really a frying pan, and BYD executives then countered this patent that did not mass-produce higher thermal efficiency, "We still have a lot", which made the people who eat melons addicted.

Geely and BYD are fighting each other, which one is stronger in engine thermal efficiency?

What's the point of contention?

Actually, BYD here is indeed a bit of a stealing concept. In the past, the fuel consumption results announced by manufacturers were generally based on the test of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, that is, WLTC data, and BYD's 2.9L fuel consumption of 100 kilometers announced at this press conference is actually the result under the NEDC test standard. The difference between the two is that the WLTC (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) test data is closer to the daily car scenario, requiring the maximum test speed to reach 130 km/h and the test time is longer, while the NEDC data only requires the maximum test speed to be 50 km/h, so the fuel consumption performance will be better, while the WLTC (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) test fuel consumption of Qin L is 3.8L per 100 km.

Geely and BYD are fighting each other, which one is stronger in engine thermal efficiency?

Of course, we must also admit that BYD's fifth-generation DM technology does have two brushes, and now many car critics have announced the measured data on the endurance of this car, and basically admit that this engine does have a good fuel-saving ability, which also shows that in recent years, domestic engines have made great progress in thermal efficiency. So in addition to BYD's fifth-generation DM engine technology, what other domestic brands on the market can achieve excellent thermal efficiency of internal combustion engines?

Geely Thor Hybrid, thermal efficiency 46.1%

A few days ago, Geely executives announced that the thermal efficiency data of Geely Raytheon engine was 46.1%.

Geely and BYD are fighting each other, which one is stronger in engine thermal efficiency?

From a technical point of view, Geely's Thor hybrid technology integrates the advantages of series-parallel and hybrid, and adds a 3-speed DHT PRO system, showing Geely's profound technology in the field of hybrid power, with the characteristics of high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection. This technology uses the cooperation of Miller cycle engine and dual motors to ensure strong power output, while also taking into account fuel economy, achieving both power and environmental protection, and won the 2023 "Global New Energy Vehicle Innovation Technology" award.

However, the internal combustion engine, which has a thermal efficiency of 46.1% announced by Geely executives, has not yet been installed in a production car.

Chery Kunpeng hybrid, thermal efficiency 44.5%

As a technology stream, Chery's engine technology reserves are the first echelon in China. At present, the thermal efficiency of Chery Kunpeng's ultra-performance electric hybrid C-DM engine has reached 44.5%, and in terms of technology, it integrates technologies such as deep Miller cycle, fourth-generation i-HEC intelligent combustion system, HTC high-efficiency booster system, LS intelligent lubrication system, i-HTM intelligent thermal management system, and HiDS high dilution system.

Geely and BYD are fighting each other, which one is stronger in engine thermal efficiency?

At present, Chery Kunpeng's fifth-generation ACTECO 1.5TGDI engine has been mass-produced and assembled in Fengyun A8 and other models, and the market feedback reputation is not bad.

New Blue Whale hybrid engine with a thermal efficiency of 44.28%

The thermal efficiency of Changan's new Blue Whale hybrid engine is also quite high, with the production version having a thermal efficiency of up to 44.28%. This high efficiency is due to the application of advanced technologies such as 500 bar ultra-high pressure fuel direct injection, 1.45 stroke bore ratio, 150 mJ high-energy ignition, etc., which allow the fuel to burn more fully and thus improve thermal efficiency.

Geely and BYD are fighting each other, which one is stronger in engine thermal efficiency?

At present, this powertrain is installed in the new Blue Whale hybrid special engine has been installed in Changan CS75PLUS and other hot-selling models, and the market feedback is good, and it will be used in Changan Automobile, Deep Blue Automobile and other models in the future.

Dongfeng Mach electric hybrid, thermal efficiency 45.18%

In terms of thermal efficiency, Dongfeng Motor has also done a very good job. Dongfeng Mach PHREV integrates two hybrid technology schools, power splitting and series-parallel connection, and realizes the integration of a variety of new energy drive modes and advantages, including extended range, plug-in hybrid, and pure electric. In addition, the technology also adopts the industry's first fusion configuration, multi-level series-parallel power shunt, and is equipped with the energy management mode and working mode required for an efficient and smooth driving experience, and currently achieves a maximum thermal efficiency of 45.18% for mass production.

Geely and BYD are fighting each other, which one is stronger in engine thermal efficiency?

At present, Dongfeng Mach electric hybrid technology has been installed in Dongfeng Fengshen L7 and other models, but due to the impact of the current price reduction tide in the new energy market, Dongfeng Motor's overall model sales are not good and its competitiveness is insufficient.


Noise and noise, but technology and markets don't lie. With the development of internal combustion engine technology of its own brand, especially hybrid technology, the sales share of related models on the market is also continuing to grow, from BYD's fifth-generation DM technology, to Geely's Thor hybrid, to Chery's Kunpeng hybrid, Changan's new Blue Whale hybrid and Dongfeng's Mach electric hybrid, each of which is promoting the development of internal combustion engine technology through continuous innovation, especially in the key indicator of thermal efficiency, has made great achievements, such competition is undoubtedly healthy, and promotes technological progress. It also brings more choices and a better experience to consumers.

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