
If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness

author:Qiantang sells flowers

There's a saying that goes like this: choice is more important than effort. As long as you find the right outlet, pigs can fly into the sky. This sentence is used in raising flowers, and it seems to be applicable. If you don't know how to raise flowers, the choice is very important. Choose something that is very easy to raise and not easy to raise, and may be more suitable for people who are not very good at raising flowers. Below, I will share 10 kinds of "immortal" flowers, which are more suitable for novice flower blindness, and for those who do not know how to raise flowers, it is more worry-free.

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness

Putting down roots

The last time I shared the "Raise Not Die" series of flowers and plants, I didn't recommend "Falling Roots", and I was criticized by some flower friends. Such a well-raised perennial herb, there is no name for it in the sharing list. Indeed, it is. Falling to the ground, you will know by listening to the name, the plant that touches the soil is alive, and it is called the "immortal bird". The vitality is particularly tenacious, and the "small sprouts" that grow from the edge of the leaves can become a new plant when they land. You say, "Can you feed it to death?"

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness

Woody begonia

Woody begonias, I believe that flower growers are more familiar, just take the most common longevity crown begonia. As a perennial deciduous shrub, it generally blooms in late winter and early spring, almost 2 months before and after. Light-loving and cold-tolerant and heat-resistant, maintained outdoors or on well-lit balconies. It is generally used to make bonsai, do you say that it can be easily raised to death?

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness

Blue snowflakes

Blue snowflake, among the flowering plants, it belongs to the "hot style", because of the elegant flower color, long flowering period and especially popular with flower friends. It loves light, but it can avoid sun exposure during high temperatures in summer, and if it is warm in winter, it can be outdoors in winter, and it will freeze without dying, and it will sprout again in spring. It is also a plant that is not easy to grow and die.

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness


Aloe vera, in general, cannot be raised. If a flower friend raises it to death, there are only two possibilities: spoil it too much, water it too diligently and rot the roots; It's too bad for it, and the cold winter wax moon is left to freeze to death outdoors. You say, if these two points can be avoided, who can feed aloe vera to death?

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness

Golden Stone

Last time I shared, I said that the mosaic leaf stone is generally "not dead", but some flower friends said that their pink leaves can't grow, or they are easy to turn green. Good! Then recommend one of its "brothers", the Golden Stone. It is definitely easier to maintain than mosaic stones, and if there is enough light, the color of the "golden" leaves is also very outstanding.

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness

Copper coin grass

There are so many potted plants shared above, among the hydroponic plants, the vitality is tenacious, it is not easy to raise to death, and it is suitable for everyone to popularize and maintain, and there is only copper coin grass. To raise copper coin grass, you just need to remember one thing, the light and ventilation are not too bad, and it will not die. If it looks ugly, just shave its head.

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness

Longevity flowers

Indoor potted flowering plants cannot be without longevity flowers. Longevity flowers should be the best indoor flowering potted plants. Because of its good negative resistance, long flowering period, rich flower color, and high cost performance, it is suitable for maintenance regardless of whether it is a novice or a veteran.

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness

Golden branches and jade leaves

The most tolerant and typical succulent plant, it is characterized by being very drought tolerant and extremely tenacious. In the southern region, you don't have to worry about throwing it outdoors at all, you look good by yourself. This kind of plant is a golden branch and jade leaf, you just have to be "lazy to raise" so that it will not be damaged.

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness


People who don't know how to raise flowers anymore probably know that cactus-like plants are easier to raise. It is similar to aloe vera, and it also pays attention to two points: "waterproof and anti-freezing", and it is also immortal. It should be said that it is more drought tolerant than aloe vera, so novices should not be afraid to control the water well.

If you don't know how to raise flowers, it is very important to choose, 10 kinds of flowers that "can't die", suitable for novice flower blindness


Bamboo, the most common plant, is also the least likely to die. It likes light, although it is also very good to resist negative, but when maintaining it indoors, as long as the light is not too dark, the ventilation is not too bad, and the water is dry and watered thoroughly, it will not be yellow and leafy, and it will not be bad. A very solid plant, suitable for novice flower blindness care.