
【Dachuan Water Town•Hezui Village】The Women's Federation of Hezui Village carried out the theme activity of "Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and Inherit Civilization".

author:Dachuan Water Town

In order to carry forward and inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, we will further sing the theme of "Our Festival, Dragon Boat Festival", create a happy, peaceful, civilized and healthy festival atmosphere, and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses. On June 6, the Women's Federation of Hezui Village organized women in the area to carry out the activity of "Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and Inherit Civilization".

【Dachuan Water Town•Hezui Village】The Women's Federation of Hezui Village carried out the theme activity of "Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and Inherit Civilization".

The Women's Federation of Hezui Village attaches great importance to it and has prepared materials such as dumpling leaves, glutinous rice, dates and flower thread. At the beginning of the event, the chairman of the Village Women's Federation told the women present about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and the main content and significance of the event. At the event site, everyone told the story of the Dragon Boat Festival, some wrapped zongzi, folded, filled, wrapped, bundled a few simple actions, a beautiful zongzi was completed, after a while, the basin was filled with bulging small round dumplings; Some of the rubbed threads, a long flower thread from time to time on the women's wrists, a lively scene.

【Dachuan Water Town•Hezui Village】The Women's Federation of Hezui Village carried out the theme activity of "Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and Inherit Civilization".

The director of the village women's federation took the executive committee of the women's federation to send the wrapped zongzi to the elderly living alone and women in difficulty in the village, and chatted with them face-to-face, to understand the production and living conditions and the difficulties, emergencies and small things that need to be solved, give them real care, and send them holiday greetings and warmth.

【Dachuan Water Town•Hezui Village】The Women's Federation of Hezui Village carried out the theme activity of "Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and Inherit Civilization".

This activity not only enriched the spare time life of the masses in the jurisdiction, but also increased the feelings between the cadres and the masses while commemorating the traditional festivals.

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