
Taiwan's spy chiefs prohibit the "three suspicions" and it is very necessary to be vigilant against their espionage activities

author:Huliu Riverside

Recently, Tsai Ming-yan, Taiwan's head of the Security Bureau, openly stated in the Legislative Yuan that the Taiwan people prohibit the "three suspicions," that is, they cannot doubt the United States, the Taiwan military, or Lai Qingde. If you commit three suspicions, you are a member of the Central Communist Party, and you must be investigated by the "National Security Law". Although gratifying changes have taken place in the nongovernmental relations between Taiwan and the mainland of the motherland along with the development and changes in the domestic and international situations and with the efforts of the people of the whole country (including the people of Taiwan), cross-strait economic and trade relations and cultural exchanges are constantly developing, and the forces for promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland are also increasing day by day.

Taiwan's spy chiefs prohibit the "three suspicions" and it is very necessary to be vigilant against their espionage activities

However, we must also be soberly aware that the hostile policy of the Taiwan authorities toward the mainland has not changed, the Taiwan Strait is surging, Lai Ching-te and his ilk are single-minded, the Yankees are running back and forth, and arms sales are being sold again and again. The intelligence organs on the other side of the strait have constantly sent spies to Chinese mainland to carry out various espionage and sabotage activities; although they have repeatedly suffered failures, they have "never died" and have sent spies to infiltrate the mainland of the motherland again and again.

Taiwan's spy chiefs prohibit the "three suspicions" and it is very necessary to be vigilant against their espionage activities

The espionage and intelligence work of the Taiwan authorities has inherited the mantle of the Kuomintang "Central Unification" (i.e., the Kuomintang Central Bureau of Investigation and Statistics) and the "Military Unification" (i.e., the Kuomintang Government's "Military Commission Investigation and Statistics Bureau") in the past, and the most important target is still to carry out intelligence activities on the mainland, collect intelligence on the mainland, and carry out espionage activities such as infiltration, sabotage, subversion, and peaceful evolution against the mainland. Its main methods are: First, it directly dispatches spies to the mainland to engage in espionage activities to collect intelligence; the second is to win over and buy mainland personnel and provide them with internal intelligence; Third, through Taiwan's overseas intelligence stations, it has carried out spy activities against the mainland in a roundabout way.

Taiwan's spy chiefs prohibit the "three suspicions" and it is very necessary to be vigilant against their espionage activities

What to do? It is easy to deal with a case, but it is difficult to draw inferences from others. It is mainly necessary to strengthen the work in two aspects: First, tighten the fence wall, tighten the barrier of defense and anti-interstitial, and strengthen the management and education of personnel in key positions. The second is to strengthen anti-intermediary measures and make their own professional team good and hard. The construction of the masses against the enemy is like "Railway Guard". Catch a lot, catch hard, catch early and catch often, just like dealing with insects on leafy vegetables, just try to reveal your own secrets as little as possible.

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