
In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

author:Three-mouthed man

In December 1957, on a cold winter night, there was a sudden commotion on the beach in Fuzhou. The PLA soldiers were shocked to find that their deputy division commander, Zhang Qingrong, was driving a small fishing boat in the direction of Taiwan. The founding lieutenant colonel, who had made great achievements in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, now chose to defect. When the news reached Taiwan, Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain this "righteous man who surrendered to sincerity", awarded him the rank of colonel, and presented him with a golden beauty. Zhang Qingrong seems to have ushered in the peak moment of his life. However, just a year later, he was suddenly not heard from. What was the reason for the founding lieutenant colonel's choice to betray? What did he experience during his year in Taiwan? Why did it end up like this?

Zhang Qingrong was born in Baoding City, Hebei Province in 1920. When he was young, China was in the midst of internal and external troubles. In 1937, the Lugou Bridge Incident broke out, and Japan invaded China in an all-out way. Zhang Qingrong, who was 17 years old at the time, witnessed the tragic situation of his hometown being ravaged by the Japanese army, and his anger and patriotism drove him to join the Eighth Route Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Zhang Qingrong performed well. He participated in important battles such as the victory of Pingxingguan and the Battle of the Hundred Regiments. In an encounter with the Japanese army, Zhang Qingrong led a small detachment to successfully ambush the Japanese supply convoy and captured a large number of weapons and ammunition. This operation not only dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Japanese army, but also replenished the urgently needed supplies for the Eighth Route Army. His bravery and resourcefulness were appreciated by his superiors, and he was soon promoted from an ordinary soldier to a company commander.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke out. Zhang Qingrong continued to display his military talents in the War of Liberation. He participated in the famous Liaoshen Campaign, Pingjin Campaign, etc. In the Battle of Pingjin, Zhang Qingrong's unit was responsible for cutting off the retreat of the Kuomintang army. He led his troops to fight continuously in the bitter cold for several days, successfully blocked the Kuomintang troops who tried to break through, and made an important contribution to the victory of the battle.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Qingrong was appointed deputy division commander with the rank of lieutenant colonel because of his outstanding performance in the war. In 1955, at the first award ceremony of the People's Liberation Army, he was officially awarded the rank of founding lieutenant colonel. This is an affirmation of his years of struggle for the revolutionary cause, and it also marks that his military career has reached a new height.

However, in peacetime, Zhang Qingrong seemed to have difficulty adapting to the new environment. He began to resentful of his treatment, believing that he was not being duly rewarded for his credit. He repeatedly asked his superiors for promotion, but was never approved. This frustration caused a subtle change in his mindset.

At the same time, Zhang Qingrong's work attitude began to have problems. He was often absent from important meetings without excuse and had vague instructions to his subordinates. On several occasions, he even got into arguments with other officers while drunk. These actions attracted the attention of his superiors, who were repeatedly criticized and warned.

In 1956, Zhang Qingrong was sent to serve in a military unit in Fujian Province. It was supposed to be an opportunity to exercise and improve, but he saw it as a disguised disparagement. During his time in Fujian, his mood became more irritable and his enthusiasm for work became less and less. Rumor has it that he has complained in private about the organization's injustice to him on several occasions.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

It was in this complex psychological state that Zhang Qingrong came into contact with propaganda from Taiwan. Through a secret radio, he heard the promise of the Taiwan authorities. These temptations took root in his heart like a seed.

At the end of 1957, Zhang Qingrong finally made up his mind to defect. He orchestrated his escape route and secretly collected some military documents as bargaining chips for his defection. On that cold night on December 17, while the soldiers were still on duty, he quietly drove a fishing boat that had been prepared for a long time and headed in the direction of Taiwan.

When the alarm sounded, Zhang Qingrong's figure had disappeared into the vast sea. This former anti-Japanese hero and hero of the Liberation War chose to betray the cause and comrades he had struggled for. His defection not only shocked the entire military region, but also sounded the alarm for the construction and management of the army at that time.

Zhang Qingrong's defection was not impulsive, but the result of long-term accumulation. Since the founding of the country, discontent has gradually accumulated in his heart. As a founding lieutenant colonel, Zhang Qingrong had high expectations for his status and treatment. However, army building in peacetime is very different from that in war years, and there is relatively limited room for advancement. He applied for a promotion to the military rank several times without success, which made him feel deeply lost.

At the same time, along with the advancement of socialist transformation, an ideological transformation movement is also being carried out within the troops. As a high-ranking military officer, Zhang Qingrong faced stricter requirements and supervision. He needed to participate in political studies, criticism and self-criticism, which clashed with the militarized lifestyle to which he was accustomed. He began to feel nostalgic for the days when he had commanded on the battlefield and felt uncomfortable with the new political environment.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

Taiwan's countermeasures also played an important role in Chang's defection. In early 1956, Taiwan's intelligence services learned of Chang's discontent through sophisticated channels. They devised a series of plans for rebellion, the most effective of which was the use of radio for propaganda.

The Taiwan side specially produced a radio program aimed at mainland military officers, which was secretly disseminated through shortwave channels. These programs not only disseminated anti-communist ideas, but also deliberately portrayed Taiwan's prosperity and promised high-ranking officials good fortune. Mr. Chang listened to the programs on a secret radio and was gradually drawn to the bright prospects that Taiwan painted.

In addition to broadcasting, Taiwan's intelligence services also transmitted information to Chang Ching-rong through other channels. They used their secret intelligence network on the mainland to pass on some tempting promises to Zhang Qingrong. These promises include hefty bonuses, military rank promotions, and even political standing in Taiwan. These temptations made Zhang Qingrong's heart shake even more violently.

In October 1957, Zhang Qingrong finally made the decision to defect. He began to carefully plan his escape route. Since he held the position of deputy division commander and was familiar with the military deployment along the coast of Fujian, this facilitated his escape plan. He chose a relatively weakly defended coastal section as a starting point.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Zhang Qingrong behaved unusually diligently in the two months before his defection. He actively participated in the training of the army and even took the initiative to apply for overtime. This unusual behavior instead upset some colleagues, but no one linked it to defection.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

On the evening of December 17, Zhang Qingrong came to the beach alone under the pretext of checking the night guard. He had already arranged for a small fishing boat to hide in the nearby reeds. When night fell completely, he quietly pushed the fishing boat into the water, started the motor, and headed in the direction of Taiwan.

However, Zhang Qingrong's actions were not entirely covert. The sentry on duty at night heard the unusual sound of the motor and immediately reported it to his superiors. Soon, the Coast Guard Force was mobilized and a full-scale search began. By the time they found out that Zhang Qingrong was missing, it was already too late.

The news quickly reached the command of the military district. The commander immediately ordered the blockade of the sea area, sending speedboats and aircraft to search. However, the darkness and the vast expanse of the sea became a natural barrier, making the search difficult.

At the same time, the Taiwan side has already deployed a receiving force near the center line of the strait. They sent a speedboat, disguised as a fishing boat, to wait in the predetermined sea. When Zhang Qingrong's boat appeared in view, Taiwanese agents quickly picked him up on the speedboat and returned to Taiwan as fast as possible.

The entire defection process lasted about 6 hours. When Zhang Qingrong set foot on Taiwanese soil, the search operation on the mainland side continued. It was not until the next morning that the military region finally confirmed that Zhang Qingrong had defected to Taiwan.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

The defection caused a huge shock in the military. The higher authorities immediately conducted a comprehensive security review of Zhang Qingrong's unit and strengthened political education and supervision of senior officers. At the same time, the alert level in coastal areas has been raised to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Zhang Qingrong's defection was not only an act of personal betrayal, but also exposed some problems in the construction of the army at that time. It has prompted the military leadership to re-examine the management of cadres and ideological education, and has provided an important reference for the subsequent reform of the army.

Upon his arrival in Taiwan, Chang was immediately sent to an undisclosed location in Taipei. The Taiwan authorities attached great importance to the arrival of this "righteous man who surrendered to sincerity" and quickly organized a special reception group. This group is composed of senior officials from the intelligence, military, and propaganda departments, and aims to receive and use Zhang Qingrong in all aspects.

When Chiang Kai-shek learned the news, he decided to meet Zhang Qingrong in person. The meeting was held in a reception room at the Presidential Palace. When Zhang Qingrong walked into the room, he saw Chiang Kai-shek sitting behind a large desk. Chiang Kai-shek stood up, walked up to him with a smile on his face, and warmly shook his hand. This scene was secretly filmed, and later became an important material for Taiwanese propaganda.

During the meeting, Chiang Kai-shek praised Zhang Qingrong for his "courageous choice" and promised him preferential treatment. Immediately after the meeting, the Taiwan authorities fulfilled some of their commitments. Zhang Qingrong was awarded the rank of colonel, which was one level higher than when he was on the mainland. At the same time, he also received a considerable "settling-in allowance", which is said to be as much as NT$100,000.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

In addition to material rewards, the Taiwan authorities also arranged a luxurious residence for Zhang Qingrong. This is a single-family villa located on the outskirts of Taipei City, with a full-time housekeeper and guard. Compared to the previous living conditions in the mainland, this is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

However, these benefits are not unconditional. The Taiwanese side quickly began to take advantage of Chang's value. The first is intelligence value. The intelligence department conducted detailed questioning of Zhang Qingrong for several weeks, covering the organizational structure of the mainland army, the status of equipment, and the personal information of high-ranking generals. Some of the classified documents brought by Zhang Qingrong have also become important materials for intelligence analysis.

The second is the propaganda value. The Taiwanese authorities orchestrated a series of press conferences and television interviews in which Mr. Chang spoke about his "escape from Communist rule." These propaganda activities have been widely reported, not only in Taiwan itself, but also spread to the international community and the mainland region through various channels.

At an important news conference, Zhang Qingrong, dressed in a crisp military uniform, gave reporters a detailed account of what he had seen and heard in the mainland army. He claimed that there was serious corruption and discontent within the mainland military, and his remarks were widely reported by the Taiwanese media. Attentive observers, however, have noticed that Mr. Zhang appears to be somewhat vague in his answers to specific questions.

In addition to his public appearances, the Taiwan authorities also arranged for Zhang Qingrong to give lectures at military academies. He briefed Taiwan's officers and cadets on the mainland's army's operational doctrine and training methods. This information is considered to be of great reference value for the strategic planning of the Taiwan military.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

However, as time went on, Zhang Qingrong's value began to gradually decrease. The intelligence he brought with him lost its relevance over time, and the novelty of his propaganda faded. The Taiwan authorities began to consider how to deal with this "righteous man who defected to sincerity."

At the same time, Mr. Zhang's behavior has begun to raise some questions. It has been noted that he behaves unnaturally on certain occasions and sometimes says contradictory things. For example, at a private party, he inadvertently revealed some information that was inconsistent with previous public statements, arousing the suspicions of those present.

What has alarmed the Taiwan authorities even more is that Zhang Qingrong has begun to show a keen interest in political affairs. He frequently asked people around him about Taiwan's political system and power structure, and even hinted that he hoped to be able to participate in actual political work. This ambition has exceeded the expectations of the Taiwan authorities and has also aroused uneasiness among some high-level officials.

In order to control the situation, Taiwan's intelligence services have stepped up surveillance of Zhang Qingrong. His day-to-day activities are closely monitored, and his contact with the outside world is restricted. On the surface, he still enjoys good treatment, but in reality he is already under a state of house arrest.

This situation made Zhang Qingrong feel confused and uneasy. He began to realize that he might have become a pawn that had been used up. However, at this time, he could no longer turn back, and could only continue to play the role of a "model defector" under the arrangement of the Taiwan authorities.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

As time went on, Mr. Zhang's situation in Taiwan became more and more delicate. His future fate will depend on the decision-making of the Taiwan authorities, and this decision-making process has already quietly unfolded.

Zhang Qingrong's defection dealt a serious blow to the mainland. When the news spread, the army was shocked. The Central Military Commission immediately convened an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures. The meeting lasted two full days and culminated in a series of coping strategies.

First of all, the Central Military Commission ordered a comprehensive inventory of Zhang Qingrong's unit. An investigation team directly under the Central Military Commission quickly arrived in Fujian and began meticulous work. The investigation team not only went through a large number of files, but also conducted detailed interviews with Zhang Qingrong's colleagues and subordinates. Their aim was to find out the specific reasons for Mr. Zhang's defection and whether there were other potential "destabilizing elements."

In the course of the investigation, some troubling questions surfaced. For example, it has been reported that Zhang Qingrong had frequent contact with some suspicious people before defecting. There is also evidence that he may have been secretly gathering military intelligence for a long time. These findings made the team aware that the problem might be more serious than initially thought.

At the same time, in order to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents, the CMC decided to strengthen political censorship and ideological education of senior officers. A tremendous "loyalty education" campaign was launched throughout the army. Military units at all levels organized study meetings to reaffirm their loyalty to the party and the state. Senior officers were asked to write ideological reports detailing their political positions.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

In the coastal zone, the army has strengthened its vigilance measures. Coastal fortifications were reinforced, and the frequency of patrols increased significantly. The Navy and Air Force have also stepped up surveillance of the strait area. These measures are intended not only to prevent possible defections, but also to counter possible infiltration actions by the Taiwanese side.

On the intelligence front, the mainland has also taken a series of countermeasures. The first is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the information that Zhang Qingrong may have leaked. Military experts carefully analyzed every piece of classified information in Zhang's possession to assess the damage it could cause. Based on these assessments, the army has made adjustments to a number of important military deployments and plans.

At the same time, the counterintelligence department launched a large-scale "net clearing operation". They focused on screening people who had contact with Zhang Qingrong, especially those who might be plotted against by the Taiwan side. The operation, which lasted several months, culminated in the investigation of several cases of potential espionage and the effective containment of infiltration by hostile forces.

At the diplomatic level, the mainland side has also responded. At a regular news conference, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs severely condemned the "separatist acts" of the Taiwan authorities, saying that such acts have seriously damaged cross-strait relations. At the same time, the mainland side conveyed information to the international community through various channels, stressing that the Zhang Qingrong incident was an isolated phenomenon and did not represent the overall situation of the armed forces.

In order to eliminate the impact of Zhang Qingrong's defection on the morale of the army, the military leadership adopted a series of measures. They organized a number of forums for officers and men to speak freely and express their views on the incident. At the same time, the army has also intensified its concern for officers and men at the grassroots level, improved the living conditions of the troops, and raised the remuneration of servicemen.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

In terms of propaganda, the mainland media has adopted a low-key strategy. The state media barely reported on the incident, focusing on the achievements of army building and the heroic deeds of the soldiers. This is aimed at preserving the image of the armed forces and at the same time at the same time not giving hostile forces an opportunity to take advantage of them.

However, despite these measures, the impact of the Zhang Qingrong incident remains far-reaching. It has prompted the military leadership to rethink the way cadres are managed and educated. Some are beginning to realize that political education and discipline alone may not be enough to ensure the loyalty of the military, and that efforts are needed to build institutions and culture.

Against this background, the army began to explore new management models. For example, some units are beginning to experiment with "flattening" command structures, reducing the middle hierarchy and giving senior officers a more direct view of the situation at the grassroots level. In some units, regular rotation has been introduced to prevent excessive concentration of power.

At the same time, the army has also strengthened its ties with the localities. Through organizing military-civilian gatherings and participating in local construction and other activities, the sense of social identity and belonging of military personnel is enhanced. Although these measures are not directly aimed at the problem of defections, they have played an important role in improving the cohesion of the army.

In general, the Zhang Qingrong incident became an important turning point in the history of the development of the mainland's armed forces. It has not only exposed some potential problems, but also promoted the reform of the military's management, education, and cultural construction. The results of these reforms will be gradually felt in the years to come.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

After the initial sensational effect of Zhang Qingrong's defection gradually subsided, its long-term impact began to manifest itself in cross-strait relations and on the international political stage. This incident not only affected the interaction between Chinese mainland and Taiwan, but also changed the international community's view of cross-strait relations to a certain extent.

In Taiwan, Chang's value has gradually decreased over time. At first, he was seen as an important tool of propaganda and frequently appeared in various media reports. However, as the information he provided gradually became obsolete, the interest of the Taiwan authorities in him waned. Eventually, Zhang Qingrong was placed to work as a consultant at a remote military academy, away from the public eye. This arrangement is both to protect him and to avoid the negative effects he may have.

It is worth noting that Chang Ching-rong's defection has sparked some unexpected discussions in Taiwanese society. Some scholars and political commentators have begun to question the appropriateness of using defectors for political propaganda. In their view, such an approach could damage Taiwan's image in the international community and make Taiwan seen as a provocative party to the mainland. Although this viewpoint has not become mainstream, it has indeed influenced the views of some people in Taiwan on cross-strait relations.

On the mainland, the impact of the Zhang Qingrong incident is even more far-reaching. Large-scale reorganization and reform were carried out within the armed forces. In addition to strengthening political education and loyalty assessment, the army has also improved its personnel management system. For example, a stricter rotation system has been implemented to prevent individual officers from holding an important post for a long time. At the same time, the military has also stepped up its attention to the family situation of officers and soldiers, in an attempt to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents at the source.

At the international level, the Zhang Qingrong incident has attracted great attention from the intelligence agencies of various countries. The intelligence agencies of some Western countries have tried to obtain the information provided to Taiwan by Zhang Qingrong through various channels. This has led to a complex intelligence game involving multiple countries and regions. While most countries have remained silent in public, in diplomatic settings, the incident has undoubtedly increased the sensitivity of discussions on China.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

It is worth mentioning that the Zhang Qingrong incident also indirectly affected China's relations with some neighboring countries. For example, in China's negotiations with certain countries with territorial disputes, the other side has significantly increased its attention to Chinese military intelligence. This complicates some of the negotiations that were already going well.

In the field of military technology, the Zhang Qingrong incident also had some unexpected effects. Fearing the leakage of military secrets, China has accelerated the upgrading of certain key military technologies. In particular, in the fields of communication encryption and navigation systems, China has invested a lot of resources in technological upgrades. Although these measures are the result of passive responses, they have objectively promoted the development of China's military science and technology.

At the social level, the Zhang Qingrong incident has also sparked some in-depth discussions. A number of sociologists have begun to study the social roots of defections of senior military officers, exploring how to cultivate military loyalty in the modern social environment. These studies not only have reference value for army building, but also provide new ideas for the values education of the whole society.

The media sector was also affected by the incident. The mainland media has become more cautious in reporting on sensitive military topics, while Taiwanese media have begun to reflect on how to strike a balance between the pursuit of press freedom and national security. This discussion extended to the level of journalistic ethics and media responsibility, and promoted the process of professional standardization of the press circles on both sides of the strait.

In the field of culture, the Zhang Qingrong incident unexpectedly became the creative material for some literary and artistic works. While officials are wary of works that directly depict the event, some novels and movies set in military life can be seen faintly hinting at the event. These works often explore themes of loyalty and betrayal from a human perspective, which resonates widely with audiences.

In 57, the founding lieutenant colonel defected to Taiwan, and Chiang Kai-shek personally hosted a banquet to entertain him, and was secretly executed a year later

Over time, the Zhang Qingrong incident has faded into public memory, but the institutional changes and social impacts it brought about are still ongoing. Whether it is in army building, cross-strait relations, or in the broader social field, this incident has left a deep imprint and has become a historical case worthy of in-depth study.

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