
Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Mademoiselle Bovary

2024-06-08 18:52Published in Shanxi entertainment creators

Text: Miss Bovary

In the first half of 2024, Yang Mi seems to be caught in a water reversal. shouted out the bold words early, saying "See you in 2024 works", but in the sunny day of late spring and early summer, she brushed three times in a row, and the road of self-certification of "people's actresses" ushered in an epic obstacle.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Yes, epic, it's not that I haven't proven myself before, but I haven't pounced so loudly. This time, it is not only reflected in the concentration of works, the tragic word-of-mouth, and the loud slap in the face, but even the ancient puppets that were once known as Yang Mi's ruling area are no longer effective.

Following "Harbin 1944" and "There is No Thing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot", "The Fox Demon Little Red Lady" followed closely behind, but not only failed to maintain the last trace of face, but also showed Yang Mi's fatigue and godlessness vividly.

Let's not create age anxiety, but in terms of perception, the signs of embarrassment and hard support for a sister who is almost forty years old playing this kind of smart girl are indeed a little too obvious.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

What's even more embarrassing is that there is no discrimination without comparison.

In "Harbin 1944", Yang Mi played a spy leader, belonging to the type of femme fatale villain, but she didn't play Cai'er herself, and let Wang Ou, who has a subtle relationship with her, make a "Yang Nancai", and Wang Manchun in "The Pretender" instantly became a classic.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Also, the heroine in "The Fox Demon Little Red Lady" has a line called: "Tu Shan, I cover it, understand?" As a result, Yang Mi himself was said to be reciting words like AI, and he had no emotion at all, and over there, Ning Jing casually tried his hand and easily won with the style of a queen who was not angry and self-assured.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

It is said that judging acting skills is a very subjective thing, but in fact, there is such a ruler silently: if you act well, he can make you substitute for it, and make you instantly believe that "he is that person, and his emotions and aura at the moment are real, not rendered by music and uniforms".

The character design can be packaged, but the actor and the audience still have to use the work as a link to achieve in-depth communication, under the premise that the overall quality of the play is acceptable, you can be true enough, you can trigger the audience's sincerity, and then get the corresponding positive feedback.

Someone wants to refute: Yang Mi cried so much in "Harbin 1944" that his snot fell out, it's very real, why is his acting bad yet? Why can't you move people?

So let's talk about where Yang Mi's acting skills are.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Self-proof is the natural enemy of performance

Compared with the other two, Yang Mi's performance in "Harbin 1944" seems to be quite hard, but why was he ridiculed too hard instead of ushering in a large area of applause? There was only one answer, her strength was not used in the right place.

For example, in the scene of "crying out of snot", the background is the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Guan Xue, the head of the secret service section (the role played by Yang Mi) was arrested, and the male protagonist as the representative of the victorious side is face to face.

The answer given by Yang Mi was to collapse, and at the same time, he said something like this: "Did you come to tell me this today?" ”

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

A faint sense of contradiction is here: the sense of language of this line is accusatory and disdainful, and it seems to be more appropriate to look at people's indifferent expression with nostrils, and it is more consistent with Guan Xue's own personality.

After all, as a descendant of the ruling class, how can a power holder who has come up with a sense of superiority all the way easily admit defeat? How can you easily remove your psychological defense line in front of the enemy and show your embarrassment? Is her arrogance and persistence so easily crushed?

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Speaking of this kind of heroic role, I can't help but think of Wang Zhiwen in "Black Ice", at the end, he also had a conversation with the police after the dust settled, not only did not collapse, but also was so deep, calm and cunning. Someone in the barrage even said that if you listen to it a few more times, I'm afraid you will be brainwashed by him, ah, this dangerous man!

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

and King Ning (played by Shen Xiaohai) in "Clever Little Don't Understand", he has been personable since his appearance, and he still has his bearing unchanged until he falls into prison at the end, and when he doesn't know how to say goodbye, he can still praise this opponent with a calm demeanor, and analyze where he lost by the way, the style of "admitting but having no regrets" makes people can't help but admire, this is the psychological quality that a rebel belly black should have.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

No bad guy feels like a bad guy from the bottom of his heart, and the bad guy who wins all the way will not easily lower his noble head.

Therefore, Yang Mi's collapse, snot, and gobbling up during the follow-up meal are not like interpreting Guan Xue herself, but like preparing for the hot search of "traffic stars put down their bodies regardless of their image", and wearing medals for "the hard work and dedication of big stars".

So at this time, looking at Zhang Li's evaluation of her, I feel quite sincere: crying is moving, but what she is crying must not be Guan Xue's psychology, nor is it what I said.

If the coordinates are wrong, it will lead to the more you work harder and more deviated, the harder you work, the more embarrassing it is, all the small designs and small actions together, it looks very lively, but in fact it is like embroidering legs, and you can't kick through a thin plank for half a day.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

What's even more disastrous is that once the performance becomes a solo show, the person opposite will not be able to find a grip. That is to say, A acted coolly, but B was very panicked, he felt that the other party did not need him, and he didn't know what the meaning of his existence in this scene was.

Acting is originally a matter of going back and forth, reacting to each other and stimulating each other, and when the two parties are disconnected and unable to give each other, no matter how complex the relationship is, it can only be reduced to the relationship between the clown and the audience - one is immersed in his own world and can't extricate himself, and the other wants to leave but can't leave.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Winners don't necessarily have a good appetite for all

It's not that I want to criticize and ridicule Yang Mi specifically, but to be realistic, people's abilities and talents come with their own configurations, each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it is impossible to answer the first place in every door, Yang Mi really doesn't have to be so strong.

Society has given the winner the qualification to take all, but the winner himself may not have a "good appetite" for all.

Who is Yang Mi? She is the kind of person who was born to achieve worldly success, knows how to adapt to the rules and apply them, and pursues the right to speak more than the so-called ideals.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Therefore, it is like a gold medal female saleswoman who rushes into battle and does whatever it takes to improve KPIs, as long as the exposure can go up, the quality is uneven.

The manufacturing topic is a topic, from the early years of recruiting black physique to the queen of self-blackening, and then from the first sister with goods who relied on airport outfits to the sobriety of the world that caters to the feminist trend of thought, she can always find the most pleasing character at the right card point, and then amplify it and make it her own shining label.

Of course, if you want to hear what the big guy wants to hear, of course, she will not be stingy, Yang Mi's speeches in various interviews have always been decent, Zhang Dada said that he was very hard, she pointed downstairs and said, "Who is not hard here", the host said that she is now a sober spokesperson in the world, she smiled slightly and said that this is definitely a killing.

It can't be said that people don't come from the bottom of their hearts, but they certainly can't take it all seriously. Just like two years ago, as soon as the front foot said that he was against Bai Skinny, the back foot launched a comic waist challenge, and as a result, it was criticized by a wave of verbal criticism for selling appearance anxiety.

She's mostly smart.

If you say nice things and say things that are not wrong, this is because of the professionalism of female stars to maintain their own halo, and also out of the survival instinct of self-preservation first after the storm of public opinion. Although occasionally, these two starting points will fight, showing a slight inconsistency, but most of the time, she can do it all—while maintaining the heat on the one hand, she can also usher in a lot of favorability on the other.

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

But only the acting thing, you can't be fooled, you can't get lucky, if you don't have it, you don't have it.

Yang Mi wanted to turn over this time but fell a big way, in addition to the competitiveness mentioned above, there is a more essential reason - her "smartness" itself is the opposite of the "stupidity" required for performance.

The simplest difference is that being smart certainly means protecting oneself and avoiding disadvantages, but being stupid often means exposing oneself to danger.

No form of creation can avoid such a layer of logic: open up one's feelings, let the spirit be in a "naked" state, without disguise or defense, and then wait for all the stimuli to hit. Next, the crispest part of you will definitely be shot through, something will definitely come out from the inside out, and you will make these things concrete in your own way, which is making your own artistic expression.

Writing it is a poem, singing it is a song, and performing it is a play.

Just as Hao Lei said in "Infinite Transcendence Class", don't play emotions, you have it yourself, just find it.

But the process of merging the character's emotions and self-emotions is not easy, and you have to shoot yourself through again and again! What's more, an actor plays a whole play, and such actions have to be done countless times, which is actually a rather internal friction.

Regarding this point, Jing Jing, who was listed as a positive teaching material above, was deeply touched, she said: The better the actor, the more internal friction, because you are acting with your life, that and you will have a skill are two different things, in fact, a good actor is a thin line difference with "neurosis".

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Therefore, the better the actor, the more he can't make a show, and he can't make himself fully bloom in business, variety shows, fashion, etc., because his energy does not allow it, and the loss of this energy is much more tiring than dyeing red hair and practicing a dialect.


When I was a child, I was taught in the textbook "You can't have both fish and bear's paws", and I was clever enough to think: how can it be? You can always find a way to get both. But when I grew up, I found that most of the time I can't have both, A and -A are often given at the same time, no matter how capable a person is, it is impossible to pocket all the good things.

So Yang Mi's three pounces are not a slap in the face for success? Who said that you can definitely succeed by fighting hard and being ruthless? Who said that the Matthew Effect can catapult people to the top of everything in the world? Without that kind of good thing, it is the norm in the world that you may not be able to get bear paws if you give up the fish, not to mention that most people don't want to lose anything.

In fact, you don't have to lose it, isn't it enough to have what you can grasp and cherish it?

Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Author: Mademoiselle Bovary

Follow me and read people's hearts and understand customs in the entertainment world.

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  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".
  • Yang Mi pounced three times in a row, and the root cause was just the word "greed".

Personal opinion, for reference only

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