
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Spicy cousin

2024-06-09 23:47Posted in Hubei Entertainment Creators

In the past so many years, He Jie is still not suitable for reality show variety shows.

A few days ago, she and Shang Wenjie appeared on the hot search on "Sister Lang" because of conflicts.

At that time, they belonged to the same team and were singing separately.

He Jie said that she sang with Shang Wenjie.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Shang Wenjie refused, saying that she wanted to sing with Guo Biting.

From the perspective of timbre, she and Guo Biting are together, which is relatively light, and if she is paired with He Jie, she feels that it is heavy.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Sa Dingding, who is the captain, agreed, saying yes.

But He Jie was not very pleasant here, and asked with a little smell of gunpowder: How do you know that I can't take it lightly?

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Shang Wenjie followed He Jie's words and said "lightly" while insisting on her own statement.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Seeing that the atmosphere of the scene was a little wrong, Sa Dingding came out to mediate.

said that Shang Wenjie and Guo Biting already had pictures in front of them, so they could try to change them and take someone else.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

It is reasonable and well-founded, and it is OK for everyone to discuss together.

Kesa Dingding was talking, He Jie came with the smell of gunpowder again, this time even more rushed.

"Shang Wenjie, I don't think it's necessary, you know?"

"If you are afraid of me, you will sing that part to Zhu Dan. Anyway, you're going to change the picture. ”

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

From having different opinions on the song to having opinions about individuals, the atmosphere freezes all at once.

Shang Wenjie was stunned.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Zhu Dan came out to explain that it was not because of this reason, but because of the timbre.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Captain Sa Dingding is about to break, and he has been trying his best to mediate.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

In the end, He Jie still didn't hold back her emotions.

Said that he needed to change the scene, and then left the room with his bag on his back.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Why did He Jie explode all of a sudden?

There are premises.

When they first met on "Sister Lang" before, several supergirls gathered together, lively and lively, and the atmosphere was very good.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

But later, judging from Shang Wenjie's performance, she didn't really want to be with He Jie.

At that time, He Jie wanted to sleep with Shang Wenjie, but Shang refused.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Shang Wenjie said that she wanted to sleep with Guo Biting, recognize her life, and find acquaintances.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie: We have known each other for so many years, do you recognize life?

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Shang Wenjie smiled and said: I don't know you well.

He Jie: I'll let you cook it well.

Shang Wenjie went straight to Guo Biting: I really don't know you well.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

At that time, everyone was joking and playful, so it didn't matter. Until the song was divided, Shang Wenjie chose Guo Biting again, but did not choose He Jie, which hurt He Jie's self-esteem.

Ordinary people find that they are not liked, so they may stay away silently, and there is no need to be strong in different circles. But why not, she wants to invent cards.

When it was time to eat, He Jie took the initiative to mention it.

She faced Zhu Dan in front of Shang Wenjie and said: Shang Wenjie is the most difficult friend in my life, every time I see her, I try to greet her, but it is difficult, she is like a wall.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Shang Wenjie was silent.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie said again: My character is too good to make friends, and I have friends all over the world. We don't have any contradictions, but this person is just hard to deal with.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Zhu Dan said: People are like this.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie turned her face to Shang Wenjie: Then what did I do wrong?

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Shang Wenjie, who was named, had to answer.

But she hesitated for a long time, and didn't say why, or Zhu Dan said that it was a frequency problem, so she rescued Shang Wenjie.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

That's the reason.

Shang Wenjie herself is an introvert, and she doesn't have much contact with other supergirls, and she was once torn by Xu Fei and said that she couldn't contact her. It's hard for an introvert to meet someone who is extremely outgoing and wants to make friends with you all the time.

The more you want to be friends with me, the farther away I hide.

However, Shang Wenjie is not completely unsympathetic, and she also comforts He Jie.

He said that he didn't talk to his dad for more than twenty minutes. Her father, like He Jie, is very outgoing, and the more people there are, the more excited they are, but the father and daughter just can't talk together.

He Jie laughed and let go of the knot.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Whether it was really put down or not, it is unknown.

Judging from these videos alone, He Jie doesn't feel very good.

It looks like a big grin, but in fact, it is sensitive, strong, irritable, and convincing, and it is easy to get emotional when communicating and make others uncomfortable.

For example, she used to do a variety show with Zhang Dongliang.

The two of them discussed the plan, and He Jie's tone became strange as they spoke.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

The atmosphere was not harmonious all at once.

Later, Zhang Dongliang stabilized his mood and came to comfort her.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

After that, Zhang Dongliang came to her to discuss things, and she discussed it, and she deducted the pot for others.

Saying you're so anxious makes me nervous.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Zhang Dongliang: ???

He had no anxiety.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

After that, Zhang Dongliang was busy implementing every detail.

He Jie pulled Wu Mochou and said: I think everyone has everyone's way of being anxious, and he really wants to carry it.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

A few back and forth, it feels very bad.

A mature adult will do things in a down-to-earth manner, discuss things, maintain emotional stability, and be good to himself and the people in the team. But she didn't have that ability at all, and instead made the situation worse.

It's nothing to meet someone who is tolerant, but I'm afraid to meet someone who is equally powerful.

Previously, He Jie participated in "The Voice of God" and sang "The Sun" with Awakening.

Judging from the program alone, the two played very well, especially He Jie, with a strong voice and beautiful treble. I'm not sure if it's fully open, though.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

After that, Ding Taisheng commented, saying that He Jie was struggling with several sentences, and there were certain flaws in the pitch. He felt a little regretful.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie was not convinced.

Rhetorical question: What a pity, how sorry?

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Haiquan came, saying that it was the first time he had seen and asked Mr. Ding Taisheng.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie: Of course, heh.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Later, He Jie came again.

sang "Preference", she adapted a lot, and I personally feel a little oily.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

The Listening Troupe also mentioned this, saying that her handling was too oily.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

was scolded back by He Jie again.

Let the Audiophile not impose their own opinions on her.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

But there is not much truth to this.

She came to participate in the show, and the program set up a sound appreciation group, and the task of the sound appreciation group is to evaluate, which is a normal process and operation, where to impose it.

But He Jie thinks: You are imposing.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

So I found out that she only thinks from her own point of view, whether it's singing or making friends.

I sing mine, you want to say that I am oil, that is you to impose opinions; I have friends all over the world, and I am very popular, why don't you make friends with me? What's wrong with me?

It's exactly the same as the wedding event eleven years ago.

In 2005, He Jie participated in "Super Girl" and won the fourth place in the national finals.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

She has a sweet smile, cute appearance, and good singing skills, and a song "You Must Be Happy" once resounded all over the streets.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

The relationship between the several people who participated in the show together at that time was also very good.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

On September 12, 2013, He Jie and He Ziming held a wedding.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

The guests who came were Huang Yali, Li Xiang, Chen Chusheng, Ye Yiqian, Li Nian, Su Xing, Liu Yan and others.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

The media noticed that Li Yuchun and Zhang Liangying did not come.

When I asked He Jie, He Jie said: I sent them a message, but I didn't reply, I don't know what I'm busy with.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

As soon as these words were spoken, many people speculated whether Zhang Liangying and Li Yuchun were playing big names, or whether they had become plastic sisters.

After that, Zhang Liangying responded, saying that He Jie had sent the wrong number, and it was sent to the previous number, which was a misunderstanding.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Emotional intelligence is very high, whether it is true or fake, it is given to the bottom of the stairs.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

But Li Yuchun's answer was different.

She said that she saw the news of He Jie's marriage on the Internet when she got off the plane, and at that time she thought that she didn't see He Jie's invitation and blamed herself, so she quickly sent a message to express her blessings, but when she returned to the hotel, she checked all her emails, WeChat, and text messages, and found that she didn't see the text messages sent by He Jie until more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.

So he was angry and sent a long text message to scold He Jie.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Li Yuchun said that the next day, He Jie replied to the text message, saying that he couldn't remember whether he had sent it or not.

Li Yuchun: Everyone knows that He Jie has a lot of nerves, so they forgave her. The two made an appointment and went back to Beijing to make an appointment for dinner together.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Do you think that's the end of it?


After Li Yuchun's interview came out, He Jie immediately posted a long article.

Explain that they are indeed big, and they did not print invitations, but they have a WeChat group.

Some people in the group are very active, some people rarely speak, and active people discuss the details of the wedding with her and compete to be bridesmaids.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Can...... Didn't she print the invitation?

I printed it, and I posted it a week before the wedding.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie also said that during the wedding, some people came, and some people really couldn't leave, implying that Li Yuchun was very busy.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

This made Li Yuchun's fans very dissatisfied.

Because when He Jie needed Li Yuchun, Li Yuchun was always there.

In 2010, He Jie published a book and asked Li Yuchun to help write the preface, and Li Yuchun was the first to deliver it. In August 2011, He Jie signed a contract with Huayi, and Li Yuchun recorded the VCR to send blessings.

He Jie also said that she was going to send a screenshot of WeChat to Li Yuchun to prove that she had been invited. and shouted Li Yuchun and Zhang Liangying, and those who didn't drink the wine had to invite her to dinner!

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Accompanying this long article, there is her proof.

I posted it in the WeChat group.

She also sent the text message, but she deleted it, and Li Yuchun said that she didn't receive it.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

At this point, you can actually see it clearly.

It's not a question of whether or not to send it, it's a question of trust and tolerance between friends.

He Jie printed the invitation and did not send it to Li Yuchun; sent a WeChat group, but the group message is easy to be drowned; I won't talk about the text message, I can't figure it out.

Now that everyone has started chatting, real friends will understand each other, but He Jie threw the problem on others, and even said "I don't know what she's busy with" directly on the wedding day, which is not right.

At the end of 2014, He Jie talked about this again, but still said that Li Yuchun was busy so he didn't go to the wedding.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

In 2015, it was mentioned again.

The reporter used "a misunderstanding" very euphemistically, but He Jie said categorically that there was no misunderstanding, and he did not lie.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Lie or not, let's look at the next thing.

He Jie got married in 2013 and gave birth to two babies in 2014 and 2015.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

In August 2016, He Jiexiu was affectionate and said that her husband had many wrinkles on his face.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

In September, the couple went to Lhasa, and her husband said she had lost weight.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

However, by the end of 2016, it was reported that He Ziming had called the radio station to complain.

At that time, He Ziming did not reveal He Jie's name, but only said that his wife became cold, drank and drank until dawn before coming back, and once deceived himself at a friend's place, but finally found that He Jie was in the hotel.

Not long after this incident broke out, in March 2017, at the "Tucao Conference", it was revealed that He Jie was divorced.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

At that time, He Ziming was labeled as a scumbag because of the radio station, and everyone said that He Jie was alone with two children, and it was not easy for a single mother.

In August 2017, she cried on the show and said that she would never get married again.

The audience felt sorry for her.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

But within a few days, He Jie was revealed to have gone to the hospital with Diao Lei to see the house and find a lawyer.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

In December 2017, He Jie was photographed with Diao Lei for 18 hours, and Diao Lei also hugged He Jie's waist.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

What's even more interesting is that after that, Diao Lei's suspected wife came out and said that He Jie intervened in her marriage.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie's ex-husband also came out and said that he was divorced.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie believes that Diao Lei's wife that He Ziming is looking for is fake, and she sings and harmonizes to make a show, and sentences her to death.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

He Jie said they separated in October 2016.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

cheating, He Jie denied it.

But she really caught the horse.

The front foot said that he would never get married again, and the back foot was with Diao Lei, and he didn't dare to admit it when he was exposed in the back, until he woke up and inadvertently sent a chat record to pierce it.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

In addition to these, there are some other things that cause her bad reputation.

For example, not long after his debut, there was a continuous negative news.

"Walked away" at the concert, fell twice at the film festival, and knelt down for the media during the interview.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

Brokers aren't easy to get along with, either.

In 2011, it was rumored that he had a relationship with Shi Xiaolong, and in the same year, it was rumored that the two broke up, and the agent said that the two had never been together.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

She herself is not very emotionally intelligent.

said that the artist is really wronged, but in fact, he doesn't make a lot of money.

Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

As soon as these words came out, it was completely played.

Everyone knows how popular Supergirl is in 05, even if some Supergirls are not famous, they can seize the opportunity and make a lot of money by relying on commercial performances that year, and buy a lot of suites.

He Jie is the fourth in the country, and she can live well if she wants to, but then she not only failed to seize the opportunity, but lost her popularity again and again with her own operations.

I used to think that He Jie and Su Xing were quite similar, irritable, irritable, and seemed to be straightforward, but now Su Xing is slowly changing, taking back his shortcomings and maximizing his strengths.

And He Jie, the opportunity to become popular, but unfortunately he still failed to seize it.

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  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about
  • Another one who wanted to become popular, but was complained about

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