
It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

author:Chef Starik

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It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

As we all know, parents are the first teachers of their children, they must teach their children to speak, walk, etc. from birth, and then as they grow older, they will also teach their children some common sense of life in adapting to the age stage. However, now that it is the 21st century, there are still many people around us who do not know the common sense in life. If it weren't for the popularity of the Internet, it is estimated that many people would still be in the dark, especially the common sense of girls. Nowadays, I allow some people to not know these common senses, please click on the video below. I can only help you so much!


The following netizens shared that it is even more scary to think about, it turns out that I don't know how terrible these common sense in life is!

Pit and fissure sealing is done only in early childhood, and it is not necessary when it grows up, and it will be worn out after a while

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

me, you're too explosive, it's a contagion

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

Understood, I haven't thought about this before.

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

No, it's okay if you don't have tooth decay, don't have menstrual cramps and don't want pimples, how do you do it

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

[tears run] help is so pitiful

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

Sure enough, healers can't heal themselves, it's too real

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

Hahaha, I'm sorry, I can't hold back

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

I'm the same, I always know less than others, and my emotional intelligence is lower than others, until the Internet develops, and I learn a lot of things

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

When I was in elementary school, the school gave me a list to go to the hospital for free pit and fissure sealing

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

The inside of my tooth was all black

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

At least your dad is in business and keeps you the money, but there is also a possibility that his dad earns his own pension money

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

Hug you [hug you] May you have an umbrella in the rain and a light in the dark in the days to come!

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

Seeing that people don't know what to call it, say hello in one [look]

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

He doesn't understand wow, there was no Internet in his time, no one taught him, he did the same to himself, he can only say that it is true that he did not listen to persuasion

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

Is it possible, and no one has taught them..., but it sounds too heart-wrenching.

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

I always thought this was common sense, but I didn't expect so many people to change their minds

It turns out that not all parents will teach their children common sense of life! Netizens shared that it was terrifying to think about it, it was terrible

Finally, I want to say: Parents don't teach because he has no one to teach, and he doesn't know these problems, you can teach them now that you know, instead of complaining that they don't understand anything, please understand more about the difficulties of parents! It's not too late to know that, right? After all, parents are not gods!

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