
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition

author:Fresh Fun Pavilion

The Dragon Boat Festival has just passed, but during the festival, dragon boat races are in full swing in various places, adding a bit of joy and cheerfulness to the festival. As we all know, the Dragon Boat Festival is our traditional festival, and many traditional customs are to commemorate Qu Yuan, such as eating zongzi, dragon boat racing and so on.

The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition

In particular, dragon boat racing has developed to the point where it is no longer to commemorate Qu Yuan, but has become a kind of sports and entertainment activity. Dragon boat racing has developed so far, although it contains traditional culture and customs, but it has also added many modern elements. In the past, almost all of the participants were male, but in recent years, female friends have also actively participated.

The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition

However, in some dragon boat races in a certain place, there have been controversial voices because of the clothing of individual female drummers. Judging from some photos posted by some netizens, some female drummers are indeed wearing some revealing clothes, so that many people think that this is an unsightly behavior.

The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition

The reason is also very simple, dragon boat racing originated to commemorate Qu Yuan, and Qu Yuan was a great politician and patriotic poet, and behind it is to carry the national spirit and cultural connotation. Dressing so casually is an act of defilement. There are many netizens who also express their opinions and opinions in the comment area.

The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition

For example, a netizen jokingly said that if Qu Yuan saw it, he would probably throw himself into the river again, which means that this approach is not appropriate; Some netizens said that it is nothing to be open, but it is a little inappropriate in public.

The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition

However, there are opposing voices, and there are also supportive voices, these netizens said that the current dragon boat race has added a lot of modern elements, and such a fierce competition needs a passionate atmosphere, and publicity can also stimulate the enthusiasm and vitality of the team members.

The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition

There are also some people who say that the main thing is not to violate the relevant regulations, and people can wear it as they like, and those who oppose it will inevitably have some on the line, but in fact, this is not a big deal. Besides, dragon boat racing is no longer just to commemorate anyone, and it is impossible to talk about what to defile.

The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition
The female drummer of the dragon boat race is wearing an open dress and causing controversy! Netizen: This is disrespectful to tradition

In fact, this kind of thing depends on how to understand, and it is also an influence of concepts, some more conservative friends think that this is not good, after all, it is a traditional festival; Some of the more open-minded friends, especially young people, think it doesn't matter, and give examples, for example, many sports are less dressed, why is no one to blame? Do you have any thoughts on this?

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