
【New Era, New Journey, New Cause】Lingchuan: Chen Wenbin went to Lingtian Town to investigate flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development

author:Cloud view of Lingchuan
【New Era, New Journey, New Cause】Lingchuan: Chen Wenbin went to Lingtian Town to investigate flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development
【New Era, New Journey, New Cause】Lingchuan: Chen Wenbin went to Lingtian Town to investigate flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development

County Mayor Chen Wenbin (middle)

On June 7, Chen Wenbin, the county magistrate, went to Lingtian Town to investigate the flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development before the Dragon Boat Festival.

【New Era, New Journey, New Cause】Lingchuan: Chen Wenbin went to Lingtian Town to investigate flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development

On the same day, Chen Wenbin successively went to the Dalingtou Reservoir, the Lion Rock Reservoir, and the Shijiayuan Reservoir in Lingtian Town to inspect the flood prevention work, listened to the reports of the reservoir staff in detail, learned about the reservoir's water storage, daily management, emergency plans, and on-duty flood prevention and preparedness conditions, and exhorted the reservoir management personnel to strictly implement the duty responsibility system, conscientiously do a good job in flood prevention and emergency preparedness, ensure the smooth operation of the reservoir, and ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

【New Era, New Journey, New Cause】Lingchuan: Chen Wenbin went to Lingtian Town to investigate flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development

Chen Wenbin pointed out that the current has entered the "dragon boat water" season, all departments at all levels should improve their political positions, fully understand the extreme importance of flood prevention and preparedness, strictly implement the 24-hour duty duty and water conservancy facilities inspection system during the flood season, always pay attention to rainfall and water changes, keep an eye on the alarm monitoring system, do a good job of rain and water feedback around the clock, strengthen work scheduling, and ensure that the response is in place.

【New Era, New Journey, New Cause】Lingchuan: Chen Wenbin went to Lingtian Town to investigate flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development

Chen Wenbin stressed: It is necessary to tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief at all times, resolutely overcome paralysis and luck mentality, attach great importance to the work of flood prevention and preparedness in reservoirs with a sense of responsibility of "not being at ease at all times," and tighten and consolidate the flood prevention responsibilities at all levels. It is necessary to strengthen the defense of key areas, pay close attention to the normalized inspection of risk and hidden danger points, strengthen the investigation and reinforcement of hidden dangers in reservoirs, rivers and dams, and eliminate all kinds of potential safety hazards in a timely manner. It is necessary to do a good job in publicity and guidance, widely publicize the knowledge of flood prevention and flood control, emergency avoidance, etc., improve the people's emergency response ability and awareness of prevention, and let safety precautions be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is necessary to improve the capacity of emergency rescue support, prepare sufficient flood prevention and rescue materials, make full preparations for the use of emergency materials at any time, ensure that flood prevention and rescue materials can be mobilized and used at critical moments, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

【New Era, New Journey, New Cause】Lingchuan: Chen Wenbin went to Lingtian Town to investigate flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development

Dalingtou Reservoir

Subsequently, Chen Wenbin also came to the land-based round pond fish farming base of Yongzheng Village Committee to investigate the development and planning of the land-based round pond fish farming industry, and listened carefully to the introduction of the person in charge of the breeding scale, varieties, market prospects and development plans. Chen Wenbin requested that the relevant departments should carefully sort out the difficulties encountered in the development of enterprises, follow up and supervise them in a timely manner, effectively solve problems for enterprises, ensure smooth production, and realize industrial revitalization and rural revitalization. Enterprises should innovate development ideas, do a good job in breeding planning, continue to expand the development of the base, play a leading role in demonstration as soon as possible, attract more farmers around to participate, and help the ecological fishery industry in our county to flourish.

【New Era, New Journey, New Cause】Lingchuan: Chen Wenbin went to Lingtian Town to investigate flood prevention and preparedness work and industrial development

Land-based round pond fish farming base

The main persons in charge of the County Water Conservancy Bureau and Lingtian Town participated in the above activities.

Produced by | Lingchuan County Rong Media Center

Reporter | Huang Yu Qin Yantao

Edit | Shan Yongyan


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