
The participants of the symposium on the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the city's communities (villages) went to Lingchuan County to observe the construction of demonstration villages for national unity and progress

author:Cloud view of Lingchuan
The participants of the symposium on the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the city's communities (villages) went to Lingchuan County to observe the construction of demonstration villages for national unity and progress
The participants of the symposium on the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the city's communities (villages) went to Lingchuan County to observe the construction of demonstration villages for national unity and progress

Jiang Yuliang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department (second from right in the front row), Hu Huanzhong, Secretary of the County Party Committee (first from right in the front row)

On June 6, Jiang Yuliang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, led the participants to Shankou Village, Tanxia Town, our county to observe the construction of the demonstration village of national unity and progress. Hu Huanzhong, secretary of the county party committee, accompanied.

The participants of the symposium on the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the city's communities (villages) went to Lingchuan County to observe the construction of demonstration villages for national unity and progress

In recent years, Shankou Village, Tanxia Town, has closely focused on the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, with the goal of building "five homes", and promoted the comprehensive revitalization of Shankou Village through the implementation of "one village and one base" linkage and strengthening the development of "three districts and two belts".

The participants of the symposium on the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the city's communities (villages) went to Lingchuan County to observe the construction of demonstration villages for national unity and progress

On the same day, the participants visited Shede Street, Tongxin Square, Lingweidu Revolutionary Traditional Education Base, etc., and exchanged and learned from relevant typical practices through on-the-spot inspections and listening to explanations, so as to further promote the city's national unity and progress to a new level.

The participants of the symposium on the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the city's communities (villages) went to Lingchuan County to observe the construction of demonstration villages for national unity and progress

Jiang Yuliang demanded

▶ It is necessary to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's major strategic requirements for Guangxi, adhere to the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, fully excavate and vividly display local historical and cultural resources, and tell the story of national unity, so that the people of all ethnic groups can more firmly establish the "five identities" and more firmly establish the community concept of "four together".

▶ It is necessary to focus on the strategy of rural revitalization, pay attention to helping farmers increase income, vigorously develop characteristic industries, expand channels for increasing income, promote the inter-embedded development of people of all ethnic groups, make full use of local historical and cultural resources, explore integrated development models such as "research +" and "cultural tourism +", and promote exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups.

▶ It is necessary to actively explore a new model of rural governance with multi-dimensional linkage such as innovative industrial development and rural construction, and build Shankou Village into an important platform for extensive exchanges, comprehensive exchanges and in-depth integration of various ethnic groups around the construction of the "five homes" proposed by the autonomous region, and continue to show the vivid scenes of good ecology, prosperous industry and people's happiness in townships and towns.

The participants of the symposium on the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the city's communities (villages) went to Lingchuan County to observe the construction of demonstration villages for national unity and progress

Hu Huanzhong said that our county will continue to further promote the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, taking the high-quality construction of the "five homes" as the starting point, planning and systematically advancing at a high point, striving to build a "Lingchuan model" for the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation, and continuing to promote the county's work of building the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation to achieve new and greater results.

The participants of the symposium on the work of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in the city's communities (villages) went to Lingchuan County to observe the construction of demonstration villages for national unity and progress

Wang Shulan, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Supervision and Performance Office, Dai Weipeng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Committee of Religious Affairs, Deputy Director (concurrently) of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Liu Bing, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, heads of relevant sections of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and personnel of relevant departments of the Municipal Committee of Religious Affairs; The head of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee of each county (city, district) or the deputy county head in charge, and the director of the Bureau of Religious Affairs participated in the observation activities.

Produced by | Lingchuan County Rong Media Center

Reporter | Qin Yantao, Huang Yu

Edit | Lin Zifeng


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