
Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

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In recent years, technology has developed at a rapid pace, transforming all aspects of society. The downturn in the real economy and the rise of the Internet economy have had a huge impact on many traditional industries. With the popularity of e-commerce platforms, brick-and-mortar business has become increasingly bleak, and many people have had to switch careers to become couriers, food delivery or taxi drivers. Although the threshold is low, the work intensity is extremely high, and many practitioners can only rest for a few hours a day, almost exchanging their lives for money. As the saying goes, "science and technology have made human beings, but human beings are gradually replaced by science and technology", this sentence points out a practical problem that makes people think deeply.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

Recently, unmanned driving technology has gradually entered our lives and become a hot topic. Cities such as Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing, and Hangzhou have begun to pilot driverless taxis, and this emerging thing has attracted widespread attention and discussion. Many people are skeptical about their safety and reliability, but the data shows that orders for these driverless vehicles have already reached the millions, and user feedback has been good. In the face of such changes, the living space of ordinary workers is becoming narrower and narrower, and how to go in the future has become a big question in everyone's minds.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

Is this technological revolution a blessing or a curse? What impact will the popularity of driverless taxis have on the traditional taxi and ride-hailing industries? Where is the way out for ordinary workers? These questions linger in the hearts of everyone who cares about social development and their own future. Let's take a look at the specific plot and development of this story. With the rapid development of technology, many traditional industries are undergoing unprecedented changes. For example, the depression of physical stores and the rapid development of e-commerce have made many people have to reconsider their career choices. Couriers and delivery workers have become the first choice for many people to change careers, although these jobs have a low threshold, but the labor intensity and risk are surprisingly high. A delivery guy once told me that he only gets four hours of sleep a day and spends the rest of his time on the road. Even when he rests at night, his brain is delivering food in his dreams, and there is not a moment when he can truly relax. Behind this way of working "exchanging lives for money" is the helplessness of life and the confusion about the future.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

Recently, however, the bigger shock has come from the advent of driverless taxis. Cities such as Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing, and Hangzhou have begun piloting driverless taxis, and this emerging thing has quickly attracted the public's attention. At first, there were doubts about the safety and reliability of driverless cars, after all, driverless driving can sound unsettling. But these doubts turned out to be unnecessary. According to the latest operational data released by Wuhan, the cumulative orders for driverless taxis have approached 3 million, making it the largest online ride-hailing platform in the region. These data not only reassure people's concerns, but also increase people's expectations for driverless taxis.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

One of my classmates in Hangzhou had first-hand experience with driverless taxis. He told me that the interior design of such a car is very user-friendly and the details are well thought out. The moment he got into the car, the car gave him a sense of security. The starting and braking are very smooth, and they are more skilled than some old drivers. In particular, he mentioned that driverless cars will take the initiative to give way when they encounter other vehicles, unlike some drivers who frequently change lanes and accelerate in order to save fuel or compete for time, which makes people sit in a panic. The experience of his classmates made him completely change his perception of driverless cars, and he even said that he would never want to ride in other types of cars in the future.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

The popularity of driverless taxis has had a huge impact on the traditional taxi and ride-hailing industries. Many ride-hailing drivers are starting to worry about their future. A friend who just opened an online car-hailing store changed his career to this industry last year because of the sluggish business of the online store. Just a little improved, but when he heard that driverless cars were being piloted in major cities, his mood suddenly fell to the bottom. The company has just bought a new car that has not yet returned to its original cost, but now it has to face the competition of driverless cars, and what to do in the future has become the focus of daily discussions between him and his employees. Everyone is worried that they will lose their jobs, they are absent-minded at work, and their minds are full of impending crises.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

The emergence of driverless taxis has indeed further narrowed the living space of many migrant workers. Especially for older drivers, their skills and experience are at a loss in the face of driverless technology. What other industry will be able to accommodate them in the future? Such a reality makes people feel that such a reality makes people feel chilled. While technology is changing with each passing day, it has brought convenience to many people, but it has also made many people fall into the predicament of unemployment. The popularity of driverless taxis means that the traditional taxi and ride-hailing industries are facing huge pressure to survive. Those who once relied on driving skills to make a living now have to face the fate of being obsolete by technology. A friend of mine felt that the future was bleak after hearing that driverless cars were being piloted in big cities. He had just invested heavily in a new car, hoping that ride-hailing would bring a new way of life, but now he had to think about how to deal with the impact of technology. His employees are equally anxious, worrying every day about whether they will be able to keep their jobs. Everyone knows that once driverless cars are fully rolled out, their jobs will be in jeopardy.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

The emergence of driverless cars has not only affected the taxi and ride-hailing industries, but also had a profound impact on the employment structure of the entire society. Those older drivers, their driving experience and skills, used to be the capital they relied on to survive, but in the face of unmanned driving technology, these skills seem insignificant. What other industry will be able to accommodate these older, single-skilled workers in the future? There is no definitive answer to this question. Still, driverless cars have their advantages that can't be ignored. They are far safer and more efficient than human drivers, reducing traffic accidents and improving transportation efficiency. Moreover, the advancement of autonomous driving technology also means the emergence of new employment opportunities. For example, new professions such as technicians who maintain driverless cars and engineers who develop related software will bring new employment opportunities to society.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

However, for those workers who have been working hard in the traditional industry for many years, changing careers is not an easy task. Learning new skills takes time and money, and these are precisely what they lack the most. In the face of the challenges posed by technology, many of them feel at a loss as to what to do next. Some people say that technology changes lives. It is true that the development of technology has brought many conveniences to our lives, but it has also caused many people to lose their jobs. In the face of such a reality, we need to think about how to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to survive while developing technology. Perhaps, the government and society should provide more training and help to help those workers who have been left behind by technology to find new ways out.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

The advancement of science and technology is an irreversible trend, which has brought countless conveniences and also caused many social problems. The emergence of driverless vehicles is not only a leap in science and technology, but also a challenge to traditional industries. In the face of such changes, each of us needs to adapt and think. As the old saying goes, "If you don't advance, you will retreat." "In this era of rapid development, only by continuous learning and progress can we not be eliminated by the times. However, we also can't ignore those who have been forced to lose their jobs in the wake of technology. Society should provide them with more support and help to find a new way out. Perhaps, we can provide more employment opportunities by strengthening vocational training, so that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the development of science and technology, rather than being left behind.

Grab people's jobs, AI, is it "grab jobs" or create new jobs?

Technology has changed the way we live, but it shouldn't change our love and pursuit of life. No matter what the future holds, we should remain optimistic and face challenges bravely. After all, life is always full of hope, and as long as we don't give up, we will definitely find our own path. Let's meet the challenges and opportunities brought by technology and create a better future together.


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