
Staying up late hurts the body's qi and blood the most, and Chinese medicine teaches you two tricks to make up for all the lost qi and blood

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Do you know that "staying up late is equivalent to chronic suicide", because staying up late hurts qi and blood the most, and in traditional Chinese medicine, qi and blood are the most basic substances in the human body, and all visceral tissues and the whole body depend on their nutrition. But nowadays, people generally like to stay up late and play with their mobile phones, and after a long time, their qi and blood are exhausted, and their bodies will naturally collapse. Therefore, today I will teach you how to replenish the depleted qi and blood!

Staying up late hurts the body's qi and blood the most, and Chinese medicine teaches you two tricks to make up for all the lost qi and blood

First of all, we can start with the liver, at this time, some people may have questions, isn't it to replenish qi and blood, why is it involved in the liver again? Because traditional Chinese medicine says that the liver stores blood, the main drainage, can regulate emotions, regulate the operation of qi, blood and fluid, etc. If you usually have symptoms such as yellow face, poor skin, oily production, dry eyes, decreased eyesight, numbness in hands and feet, etc. This is mostly due to the lack of liver blood, and the liver is also the body's detoxification organ, and eleven o'clock in the evening to three o'clock in the morning is the best time for liver detoxification, so staying up late is unimaginable damage to the liver. In this regard, it should be mainly to nourish the liver and blood, and you can refer to Bazhen soup to distinguish the addition and subtraction.

Staying up late hurts the body's qi and blood the most, and Chinese medicine teaches you two tricks to make up for all the lost qi and blood

The second is to start with the kidneys. This is because staying up late not only hurts the liver, but also affects the kidneys. Due to the homology of the liver and kidney, the yin and blood of the liver are insufficient, and it cannot provide sufficient blood to the kidneys, which often affects the kidneys. The kidneys are innate and vital to the role of the human body. Usually there is soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, fatigue and lack of energy, insomnia and dreams. At this time, it should be conditioned by nourishing the liver and kidneys, and you can refer to the Qiju Dihuang soup to distinguish the addition and subtraction.

Staying up late hurts the body's qi and blood the most, and Chinese medicine teaches you two tricks to make up for all the lost qi and blood

Then the above is the content shared today, the above content is for reference only, do not promote the treatment plan, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline in time, we will see you next time.

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