
3 recipes for almost all types of hypertension, the prescription is not confidential, can help one is in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the common causes of hypertension are nothing more than these three types of symptoms, congestion and stasis, phlegm

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhang Hanfang

3 recipes for almost all types of high blood pressure, the recipe is not confidential, and it can help one by one

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the common causes of hypertension are none other than these three types of symptoms, blood congestion, phlegm and dampness congestion, or hyperactivity of liver yang. This congestion and phlegm dampness will make the flow of qi and blood not flow smoothly, and the pressure on the blood vessels will increase. If the liver is too vigorous, the blood flow rate will become faster, which will also increase the pressure of the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure. Today, Dr. Zhang will give you a detailed talk about the symptoms and manifestations of these three, the tongue and how to regulate them! #脾胃##中医##养生##健康##舌诊##祛湿##湿气##气血##肾虚##肝郁##失眠##头晕##头痛#

3 recipes for almost all types of hypertension, the prescription is not confidential, can help one is in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the common causes of hypertension are nothing more than these three types of symptoms, congestion and stasis, phlegm
3 recipes for almost all types of hypertension, the prescription is not confidential, can help one is in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the common causes of hypertension are nothing more than these three types of symptoms, congestion and stasis, phlegm
3 recipes for almost all types of hypertension, the prescription is not confidential, can help one is in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the common causes of hypertension are nothing more than these three types of symptoms, congestion and stasis, phlegm
3 recipes for almost all types of hypertension, the prescription is not confidential, can help one is in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the common causes of hypertension are nothing more than these three types of symptoms, congestion and stasis, phlegm

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