
Zhu Chenyu, a well-known Chinese medicine expert, once followed Shi Jinmo and prescribed the first Chinese medicine prescription for diabetes

author:Zealous a rose

Zhu Chenyu, a well-known scholar in the medical field, has a legendary academic background and early experience. His story begins in Beijing, a city steeped in history and culture. Here, a wealthy family gave birth to a figure who would have a profound impact on the medical profession in the future.

Zhu Chenyu, who has lived in a privileged environment since childhood, did not indulge in material comforts, but under the influence of his family, he showed his thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of scholarship early. However, what really inspired his determination to study medicine was his mother's long-term struggle with illness. His mother's illness was like a thorn in his heart, and it also inspired him to explore the mysteries of medicine and relieve human suffering.

Zhu Chenyu, a well-known Chinese medicine expert, once followed Shi Jinmo and prescribed the first Chinese medicine prescription for diabetes

At the age of 19, Zhu Chenyu's life trajectory underwent a major change. He entered the disciple of the famous doctor Shi Jinmo and began his journey of learning Chinese medicine. Shi Jinmo, as a leader in the field of Chinese medicine at that time, had superb medical skills and noble medical ethics, which had a profound impact on Zhu Chenyu's medical thought and practice. Under the guidance of Shi Jinmo, Zhu Chenyu not only studied the classic works of traditional Chinese medicine, but also deeply understood the philosophical ideas and treatment principles of traditional Chinese medicine. He deeply studied the classics of traditional Chinese medicine such as "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" and "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases", and gradually mastered the essence of traditional Chinese medicine.

However, Zhu Chenyu was not satisfied with just mastering the knowledge of Chinese medicine. He is well aware that in order to become a true medical expert, he must have a broader vision and a more comprehensive knowledge structure. Therefore, while studying Chinese medicine in depth, he also set his sights on the field of Western medicine. In order to pursue a higher level of medical education, he resolutely went to Kanazawa Medical University in Japan for further study. There, he systematically learned the basic theories and clinical skills of Western medicine, from anatomy to physiology, from pathology to pharmacology.

Zhu Chenyu, a well-known Chinese medicine expert, once followed Shi Jinmo and prescribed the first Chinese medicine prescription for diabetes

The study experience in Japan not only allowed Zhu Chenyu to master the professional knowledge of Western medicine, but also broadened his horizons and understood the development trend of world medicine. He is well aware that the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine can better serve patients and solve more medical problems. Therefore, he not only pursues academic excellence, but also constantly explores the possibilities and methods of integrative medicine in practice.

After several years of diligent study and hard work, Zhu Chenyu finally obtained a bachelor's degree from Kanazawa Medical University with honors. His academic achievements are not only reflected in the integration of Chinese and Western medicine knowledge, but also in his deep understanding and unique insights in medicine. His name gradually spread in the medical community and became a recognized expert in the integration of Chinese and Western medicine.

Zhu Chenyu, a well-known Chinese medicine expert, once followed Shi Jinmo and prescribed the first Chinese medicine prescription for diabetes

Zhu Chenyu's early life is a valuable asset to his academic career. His quest for knowledge was full of hardships and challenges, but it was these experiences that shaped his tenacious character and infinite love for medicine. His academic background and early experience not only laid a solid foundation for his future medical research and clinical practice, but also laid the groundwork for his achievements in the field of integrative medicine.

Zhu Chenyu, a professor with a high reputation in the medical field, has made many professional achievements and contributions. As a professor and provost of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, he not only has profound academic attainments, but also plays an important role in education and clinical practice. His career has been one of constant exploration, innovation and dedication.

Zhu Chenyu, a well-known Chinese medicine expert, once followed Shi Jinmo and prescribed the first Chinese medicine prescription for diabetes

In the field of internal medicine and gynecology, Professor Zhu Chenyu has conducted in-depth research. He uses his in-depth knowledge of Chinese and Western medicine, combined with clinical practice, to provide patients with many effective treatment options. His treatment is not only based on traditional Chinese medicine theory, but also integrates modern medical testing technology and drug research results, making the treatment plan more scientific and reasonable.

Especially in the field of diabetes treatment, Professor Zhu Chenyu's contribution is particularly prominent. He is one of the earliest experts in the study of diabetes in China, and has unique insights into the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. His first prescription for the treatment of diabetes in China has not only had a profound impact in China, but has also been recognized and promoted internationally. This achievement marks an important step forward in the field of diabetes treatment in China.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's research on diabetes is not just at the level of prescribing. He delved into the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes, and proposed a series of innovative theories. He believes that the treatment of diabetes should be combined with the syndrome differentiation treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and the pathophysiological research of Western medicine, which should not only focus on adjusting the overall state of patients, but also treat specific pathological changes.

In clinical practice, Professor Zhu Chenyu has successfully treated many diabetic patients with his own treatment methods. His treatment not only controls blood sugar levels, but also improves the overall health and quality of life of patients. These successful cases provide valuable experience for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, and also provide an important reference for later researchers.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's achievements and contributions are not only reflected in his academic research and clinical practice, but also in his contributions to medical education. As the provost of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, he actively promoted the reform and development of Chinese medicine education and cultivated a large number of outstanding Chinese medicine talents. His educational philosophy and practical experience have played an important role in improving the quality of TCM education and promoting the development of TCM education.

In addition, Professor Zhu Chenyu also actively participates in social activities and contributes to the development of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. He was the Vice President of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine, and through his influence, he promoted the recognition and application of the concept of Integrative Medicine in a wider range of fields.

I wish Professor Chen Yu's life is a life of continuous pursuit of medical truth, courage to innovate, and selfless dedication. His academic achievements and contributions have not only brought valuable wealth to the medical community, but also brought health and hope to patients. His name and deeds will always be remembered in people's hearts. 12

Professor Zhu Chenyu, as an outstanding practitioner of integrated Chinese and Western medicine, his life is the embodiment of his unremitting pursuit and deep understanding of medicine. In clinical practice, he has always adhered to the treatment principle of combining TCM syndrome differentiation with Western medicine disease differentiation, which not only reflects his deep understanding of TCM theory, but also demonstrates his innovative spirit.

Professor Zhu Chenyu is well aware that the syndrome differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is the crystallization of thousands of years of medical wisdom of the Chinese nation, and it emphasizes a holistic view and individualized treatment. However, the rapid development of modern medicine, especially the in-depth research in pathophysiology of Western medicine, has provided more precise means for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Therefore, in his clinical work, he always uses various examination methods of Western medicine to clarify the diagnosis of diseases, and then establishes a treatment plan according to the principle of syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine.

In the process of treatment, Professor Zhu Chenyu is good at absorbing and integrating the essence of various theories. He is not confined to tradition or the view of the door, but with an open mind, he learns from the strengths of his colleagues and takes the essence of each family. He often taught his students that "stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade", emphasizing that Chinese and Western medicine have their own strengths, and they should make use of their strengths and avoid weaknesses, continuously improve their efficacy, and better serve patients.

Especially in the treatment of diabetes, Professor Zhu Chenyu's innovative spirit has been fully reflected. He was the first to carry out research on the treatment of diabetes in traditional Chinese medicine in China, pioneered the method of invigorating blood and removing blood stasis to treat diabetes, and founded the formula of nourishing qi, nourishing yin and invigorating blood. This method is not only based on the syndrome differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but also cooperates with pharmacological studies to confirm that it has hypoglycemic effects, such as Shengdi, Coptis chinensis, etc., but also confirms its effectiveness through clinical observation and scientific research.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's practice of integrative medicine is not limited to the treatment of diabetes. In the fields of gastroenterology and gynecological menstrual irregularities, he has also demonstrated outstanding innovation and profound professionalism. According to the different stages of the disease and the specific condition of the patient, he flexibly uses the treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to formulate personalized treatment plans, and has achieved remarkable treatment results.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's practice of integrated Chinese and Western medicine not only promoted the development of integrated Chinese and Western medicine, but also provided valuable experience and inspiration for later medical workers. His academic ideas and clinical experience have been widely inherited and applied, and have played an important role in improving the clinical treatment effect and promoting the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. His life is a vivid portrayal of his unremitting pursuit and outstanding contributions to the cause of integrated Chinese and Western medicine.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's innovations and achievements in the field of diabetes treatment are the crystallization of his profound medical skills and enterprising spirit. On the basis of inheriting and summarizing the concept of diabetes treatment by famous doctors in the past, Professor Zhu conducted in-depth research and had the courage to explore, and put forward the academic idea of "blood stasis syndrome" for the first time. The proposal of this idea provides a new theoretical basis and treatment direction for the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of diabetes.

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, diabetes is mostly classified as "thirst-quenching", and the treatment is mostly based on nourishing yin and reducing fire, invigorating qi and rejuvenating Jin. However, through clinical observation and practice, Professor Zhu Chenyu found that pathological changes of blood stasis are common in diabetic patients, such as limb pain, numbness, bluish skin, and pale tongue. Based on these findings, he innovatively proposed the therapy of "blood circulation and blood stasis", believing that the microcirculation of diabetic patients can be improved, the symptoms can be reduced, and the treatment effect can be improved by activating blood and removing blood stasis.

The first Chinese medicine prescription for the treatment of diabetes in mainland China developed by Professor Zhu is based on traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and combined with the results of modern pharmacological research. This prescription is mainly based on raw astragalus, rehmannia root, atractylodes, radix radix, kudzu root, salvia miltiorrhiza and other drugs, which not only considers the treatment principles of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, nourishing the liver and kidneys, but also highlights the new treatment characteristics of blood circulation and blood stasis. In clinical application, this prescription has shown significant therapeutic effects, not only to effectively control blood glucose levels, but also to improve patients' clinical symptoms and improve quality of life.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's innovative achievements have not only had a wide impact on the medical community at home and abroad, but also promoted the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of diabetes. His research results have been widely cited and have become an important reference and guidance for the treatment of diabetes in traditional Chinese medicine. On the basis of Professor Zhu, many later researchers have further explored and improved the TCM treatment plan for diabetes, and have achieved more research results.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's innovation in diabetes treatment fully reflects his profound medical literacy, keen clinical insight and innovative scientific research spirit. His academic ideas and clinical experience have provided valuable wealth for the treatment of diabetes with traditional Chinese medicine, and also opened up a new path for the treatment of diabetes with the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. His life is a vivid portrayal of the unremitting pursuit of medical truth, and a glorious example of selfless dedication to the cause of human health.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's clinical treatment cases, especially for the treatment of diabetic patients, have always been a valuable asset for learning and research in the field of Chinese medicine. In years of clinical practice, he has not only accumulated rich experience, but also won the respect of patients and the praise of his peers with his superb medical skills and noble medical ethics.

Take a 48-year-old diabetic patient as an example, under the treatment of Professor Zhu, this patient has gone through the whole process from the diagnosis of the disease to the treatment, and then to the final control of the disease and the discontinuation of Western medicine. At the time of initial diagnosis, the patient had obvious symptoms, high blood glucose levels, and typical "three more and one less" symptoms, i.e., polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and weight loss. Under the careful treatment of Professor Zhu, the patient's condition has been significantly improved by adjusting the prescription many times.

When treating this patient, Professor Zhu first formulated a personalized treatment plan based on the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, combined with the specific condition of the patient. He pays attention to the selection and compatibility of drugs, taking into account the hypoglycemic effect of drugs and improving the overall condition of patients. During the treatment process, Professor Zhu constantly flexibly adjusts the treatment plan according to the patient's response and the changes in the condition, which fully reflects the individualized and dynamic adjustment characteristics of TCM treatment.

After a period of treatment, the patient's blood sugar level gradually stabilized and the symptoms were effectively relieved. Under the guidance of Professor Zhu, the patient gradually reduced his dependence on Western medicine, and finally successfully stopped all Western medicine, and completely relied on Chinese medicine to maintain blood sugar stability. This treatment result not only greatly improves the quality of life of patients, but also fully demonstrates the great potential and unique advantages of TCM in the treatment of diabetes.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's clinical treatment case is still respected and celebrated by the Chinese medicine community. His treatment philosophy and methods provided an important reference for the later treatment of diabetes by traditional Chinese medicine. He emphasized the principles of syndrome differentiation treatment, individualized treatment and drug compatibility, which have become the basic principles and methods of TCM in the treatment of diabetes. At the same time, Professor Zhu's medical ethics and style in clinical practice have also become a model and role model for the Chinese medicine community.

Professor Zhu Chenyu's clinical treatment cases not only have important academic value in medicine, but also have far-reaching influence in the humanities. His treatment cases embody the holistic outlook and outlook on life of Chinese medicine, and show the unique charm and humanistic care of Chinese medicine in the treatment of diseases. His medical achievements and charisma will continue to inspire generations of TCM workers and make greater contributions to the development of TCM and the progress of human health. 2830

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