
When the new regulations of the China Coast Guard came into effect, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and was dealt with by the China Coast Guard in accordance with the law

author:Kokuhei Vision 1964

The Provisions on Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures for Coast Guard Agencies issued by the China Coast Guard came into force on June 15. On 17 June, the Philippine Coast Guard began to "defy the law" by dispatching one supply ship and two inflatable boats to illegally intrude into the waters adjacent to Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Islands in an attempt to deliver supplies to the rusty tank landing ship that was illegally "beached."

Philippine officials said in a statement that the Philippines had failed to resupply its 57 Sierra Madre warship at Second Thomas Shoal because of "interference" from Chinese coast guard vessels. In addition, the Philippine side slandered China's law enforcement actions as "illegal, offensive and barbaric".

When the new regulations of the China Coast Guard came into effect, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and was dealt with by the China Coast Guard in accordance with the law

Netizens who follow the maritime confrontation between China and the Philippines can judge from the official statement of the Philippines that the Philippine attempt failed in the face of the Chinese coast guard, which was waiting for the battle, and stopped the so-called "supply" operation without the consent of the Chinese side.

Gan Yu, a spokesman for the China Coast Guard, said that the China Coast Guard has taken control measures against Philippine vessels in accordance with the law, such as warning and blocking, boarding and inspection, and forced eviction, and the handling is reasonable, legal, professional and standardized.

When the new regulations of the China Coast Guard came into effect, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and was dealt with by the China Coast Guard in accordance with the law

"Boarding and inspection" means that Chinese coast guard personnel go directly to the Philippine supply ship to check what supplies the ship is carrying. The "forced eviction" is a clear signal that the Chinese coast guard will largely no longer allow the Philippines to carry out the so-called "resupply" operation against the landing ship, which is the rhythm of the more than 10 Marines stationed on the broken ship to drink the northwest wind.

In the long run, it will be impossible for Filipino servicemen who have not been able to get effective supplies such as food and drinking water to be stationed on this broken ship that is illegally "beached" and used as a forward "outpost" and steel "fortress" for the Philippines in the South China Sea, and these people will have to evacuate the "Sierra Madre" landing ship.

When the new regulations of the China Coast Guard came into effect, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and was dealt with by the China Coast Guard in accordance with the law

This time, the Philippine Coast Guard supply vessel illegally intruded into the waters near Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Islands, dangerously approaching and deliberately colliding with Chinese ships in normal navigation. It seems that the Philippine side is really in a hurry, and the soldiers on the broken ship who cannot get effective supplies will not be able to hold out for a long time in the environment of high temperatures, scorching heat, lack of water and food.

The Philippine side took the initiative to take a seat and test China's maritime law enforcement procedures by provocative acts, but the Chinese Coast Guard, which was on full-time alert, was hit head-on by the Chinese Coast Guard, and its attempt to forcibly resupply the broken ship without China's consent failed again.

When the new regulations of the China Coast Guard came into effect, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and was dealt with by the China Coast Guard in accordance with the law

The Philippines has continued to make its presence felt in the South China Sea and attracted the attention of the world by means of various tricks, such as engaging in "civilian boat trespassing" and "transportation and replenishment", threatening to launch so-called "delimitation applications" and "secondary arbitration", and engaging in so-called "joint military exercises" and "joint patrols" with foreign maritime forces.

With the strength of the Philippine Coast Guard and Navy, the Philippines knows very well that once China enforces the law in accordance with the law, it will not be able to take advantage of the Sino-Philippine dispute over islands and reefs in the South China Sea, and that the military personnel who cannot be effectively supplied by air and sea will eventually be forced to evacuate the broken ship that illegally "beached" China's Ren'ai Jiao, and its important "grasp" for provoking China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests will be completely lost.

When the new regulations of the China Coast Guard came into effect, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and was dealt with by the China Coast Guard in accordance with the law

In short, with the continuous improvement of China's law enforcement capabilities in recent years to protect its maritime rights and interests, even if the Philippines relies on the support of foreign forces behind it to deliberately provoke in the South China Sea, its comprehensive national strength is negligible compared with that of Tokyo.

No matter what kind of radical measures the Philippines adopts to confront China in the dispute over islands and reefs in the South China Sea, it is always in a situation of being crushed by China with its strength. It really provoked Dongda and completely cut off the supply of the "Sierra Madre" landing ship that was illegally "beached", and it was up to the Filipino soldiers on this broken ship to hold out until the Year of the Monkey.

When the new regulations of the China Coast Guard came into effect, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and was dealt with by the China Coast Guard in accordance with the law

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