
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it

author:Single-minded kitten yl
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it
The article "Pretending to Be Drunk" is so exciting, humorous jokes, I never get tired of watching it

When night falls and the lights come on, the streets of the city are always filled with endless stories and human touches. In this bustling street, there is a young man named Hao Chuan, who has become the center of attention with his unique "pretending to be drunk" technique.

Hao Chuan is tall and handsome, but the most striking thing is his eyes full of wisdom. He can always pretend to be drunk and hazy at the most appropriate time and in the most natural posture, which makes people laugh.

That night, Hao Chuan came to the bar on the street as usual. He ordered a beer, sat in the corner, and began to observe the crowd around him. After a while, a fashionably dressed young man walked over and sat next to Hao Chuan.

"Brother, is there anything unhappy about seeing you drinking alone?" Fashionable young people take the initiative to talk.

Hao Chuan smiled slightly, shook his head slightly, and then deliberately pretended to be drunk, and said vaguely: "Hey, life is always full of ups and downs. Sometimes, I really want to get drunk and relieve a thousand sorrows. ”

Seeing this, fashionable young people immediately became interested. He patted Hao Chuan on the shoulder and said, "Looking at you like this, there must be some kind of story." Come, tell me, maybe I can help you with the burden. ”

Hao Chuan was secretly happy in his heart, he knew that his "pretending to be drunk" technique had successfully attracted the attention of the other party. So, he began to make up a tragic story about his broken love and unemployment. He deliberately told the story in a tragic and moving way, and every now and then let out a few sobs.

The fashionable young man listened with relish, and comforted Hao Chuan from time to time. Finally, he patted his chest and said, "Brother, don't be sad. Look at me, although I usually look beautiful, I actually have my own troubles. However, I believe that as long as we work hard, we will get out of this predicament one day. ”

Hao Chuan's heart moved, and he knew that it was time to show his positive energy. He deliberately rubbed his eyes, pretended to be sober, and then smiled and said to the fashionable young man, "Thank you, brother, I feel much better to hear you say this." You're right, as long as we work hard, we will get out of this predicament one day. ”

The fashionable young man couldn't help but be a little surprised to see Hao Chuan recover so quickly. He asked curiously, "Brother, did you pretend to be drunk just now?" How did you suddenly wake up? ”

Hao Chuan laughed and said, "That's right, I did pretend to be drunk just now." However, I am not doing this to deceive you, but to tell you a truth. Sometimes, we will encounter a lot of difficulties and setbacks in life, but as long as we maintain an optimistic attitude and face problems bravely, we will definitely be able to find a solution to the problem. ”

The fashionable young man suddenly realized when he heard this, and he said with emotion: "Brother, you are really a master. I've learned a lesson today. ”

Hao Chuan shook his head with a smile and said, "Actually, I'm not a master, I just know how to face the difficulties in life better than others." I believe that as long as we can maintain an optimistic attitude and face problems bravely, we will be able to overcome all difficulties. ”

At this time, the music in the bar gradually started to play, and people began to dance to the music. Hao Chuan and fashionable young people also joined in the dance. They dance their bodies to their heart's content on the dance floor, releasing their inner stress and worries.

Late at night, Hao Chuan and the fashionable young man walked out of the bar. They stood on the streets, looking at the bustling night scene, and their hearts were full of hope and longing. Hao Chuan knows that his "pretending to be drunk" skill not only allows him to gain friendship and happiness, but also allows more people to understand the attitude they should have in the face of difficulties.

Since then, Hao Chuan has become a master of "pretending to be drunk" on the street. He used his wisdom and humor to help more people out of the predicament. And he became more confident and happier as a result. He knows that as long as he maintains an optimistic attitude and bravely faces all the challenges in life, he will be able to create a wonderful life of his own.