
Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

author:Water Drop Sports

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Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...


The NBA Draft will be held at the end of the month, and Chinese fans will be watching Choi Yong-hee's candidacy.

Despite the unlikelihood of being selected, he persisted, and the scouts predicted that he might not be selected, but he enjoyed the process.

He gained a lot in the trial, found his shortcomings, was stable, prepared to lose, and his challenging spirit was commendable regardless of the outcome.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

Choi Yong-hee: The dream of the NBA, move forward bravely

On the eve of the upcoming NBA Draft, the eyes of basketball fans around the world are focused on this grand event in the basketball world.

For Chinese fans, one particular name has attracted a lot of attention - Choi Yong-hee.

As a rising star of Chinese basketball, whether Cui Yongxi can get a place in this global basketball feast.

It has become a hot topic for everyone.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

Scout Ersin Demir's prediction points to Choi Young-hee likely to be selected with the 60th pick in the second round.

With only 58 second-round picks available this year, Choi Young-hee faces no small challenge.

In addition, the 76ers and Suns lost second-round picks due to illegal operations.

This situation further adds to the uncertainty of the draft.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

In such a fierce competitive environment, whether Choi Yong-hee can stand out has become a question in the minds of many fans.

In the face of doubts and challenges from the outside world, Choi Yong-hee expressed his determination to continue to run for election through his agency.

Inspector Zhao of the ball circle deeply analyzed the reason behind Choi Yongxi's insistence on running for the election: enjoy the whole draft process and leave no regrets.

Choi Young-hee is eager to step out of his comfort zone in domestic basketball and challenge himself to a higher level of competition.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

This spirit of exploring the limits of oneself is the driving force for him to persevere to the end.

During the draft process, Choi Yong-hee not only had the opportunity to communicate with a number of basketball celebrities.

Legends such as Larry Bird and Haliburton have benefited him from these precious experiences.

What's more, Choi Young-hee discovered his own shortcomings in reading the game and other aspects in the confrontation with high-level players.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

Aware of the gaps, he constantly corrected his problems in training and in competitions to improve himself.

This is undoubtedly an important step in his personal growth.

Choi Yong-hee showed a mature mentality, and he was mentally prepared for the possibility of losing the election, but his confidence was not shaken by this.

Instead, he sees every tryout as an opportunity for self-improvement.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

Whether it's a first-round pick or a second-round show, it's considered valuable training.

This positive attitude makes the whole tryout process very meaningful to him.

Not only has the technique been improved, but the psychological quality has also been exercised.

Choi Young-hee's story teaches us that embracing a challenge is a success in itself.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

Even though he's only 21 years old, there are still plenty of opportunities waiting for him in this draft, even if he doesn't make it to the point in this draft.

Choi Yong-hee's tenacity and courage not only inspire every young person who loves basketball.

It also injects infinite hope into the future of Chinese basketball.

We look forward to Choi Yong-hee continuing to work hard, regardless of the outcome.

Every step of his efforts will write his own brilliant chapter.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

Choi Yong-hee: The road to the NBA is more than a dream

Choi Yong-hee's NBA journey is not only a process of chasing dreams, but also a journey of self-challenge and growth.

In the tryout phase before the draft, he faced not only technical tests, but also psychological pressure.

But just as he continues to break through himself in training, Choi Yong-hee has also made a leap in mentality.

I learned how to stay calm in the face of adversity and how to turn stress into motivation.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

This maturity is his most valuable asset on the road to basketball.

Behind the glamorous stage is Choi Yong-hee's hard training day after day.

The first rays of sunlight in the morning witnessed his sweat, and he was still polishing his technique over and over again in the late night light.

From basic shooting to complex tactical understanding, every detail of improvement is a reflection of his endless love for basketball.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

Choi Yong-hee knows that if you want to stand on a higher stage, you must put in more effort than others.

On Choi Yong-hee's road to chasing his dream, the support of his family and the company of his team are also indispensable.

Whenever he encounters difficulties and challenges, the encouragement of his family can always give him the motivation to move forward.

The team's coaches and teammates are the helpers of his technical improvement and the source of his spiritual comfort.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

In such a loving and supportive environment, Choi Yong-hee was able to devote himself to the basketball career and continue to move towards his goal.

Even in the face of the unknown of the draft, Choi Yong-hee still maintains optimism and self-confidence.

Regardless of the outcome, this experience will be an invaluable asset in his basketball career.

If he can be selected, he will give it his all and prove himself on the NBA court;

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

If he doesn't do so, he's ready to return to the domestic league to continue honing his skills and recharge for his next opportunity.

Choi Yong-hee knows that the realization of dreams is not achieved overnight, it requires the accumulation of time and unremitting efforts.

Cui Yongxi's story is the resonance in the hearts of every dreamer.

He told us with practical actions that dreams are not unattainable, as long as we have the courage to pursue them and persevere.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

One day, the seed of that dream will break through the ground and bloom into the most brilliant flowers.

No matter where Choi Young-hee's NBA path ultimately leads, he has already used his own story.

It has inspired countless young people with basketball dreams and made them believe that as long as there are dreams, there are infinite possibilities.

On the journey of basketball, Choi Yong-hee is writing his own legend with firm steps.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...

Every effort and challenge he makes is painting a brighter picture for the future of Chinese basketball.

Let's cheer for Choi Yong-hee and look forward to him going further and further on the road of basketball and achieving a more brilliant tomorrow.

Through the story of Choi Yong-hee, we not only see a young player's persistent pursuit of his dreams.

I also felt the perseverance behind basketball.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...


Whether on the court or in life, Cui Yongxi's courage and perseverance are worth learning and learning from.

I hope that everyone with dreams can be like Cui Yongxi, move forward bravely, and finally realize their dreams.

Choi Young-hee: Drafted with the 60th pick in the NBA Draft? Laughed, the whole NBA laughed ...
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