
Why didn't Yuan Shu's emperor become it? The reason is simple, just because he is uneducated!

author:Bugs all over the world

From ancient times to the present, no matter which dynasty or generation of the founding emperor, it is almost not the so-called Bai Ding. Even people like Liu Bang or Zhu Yuanzhang have a certain cultural background, otherwise Liu Bang's "Song of the Great Wind" and so on would not have been sung to this day.

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In the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", although after Cao Cao successfully coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes, many princes or local taishou had the strength to claim the king, but because they all took into account Cao Cao and Emperor Han Xian, they did not do so for a long time.

Only Yuan Shu seemed to be a little anxious, and when he had the jade seal of the country and the number of generals, he became the first local prince or taishou to be the emperor in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Why didn't Yuan Shu's emperor become it? The reason is simple, just because he is uneducated!

It's just that everyone knows the final result, not long after Yuan Shu became emperor, he was beaten by Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Lu Bu and others. Not only did he lose many cities, but he also lost troops one after another, and in the end, Yuan Shu became the emperor.

So, why didn't Yuan Shu's emperor become it?

You may say that with Cao Cao here, he will never allow others to be emperor before him.

This is also a reason, but in the eyes of the insect world, it is not the main reason, the main reason is actually Yuan Shu himself.

Because, as the insect world said at the beginning, any founding emperor cannot be an uneducated Bai Ding, and Yuan Shu seems to be the most uneducated person in the novel.

Not to mention anything else, just say that every founding emperor would give his dynasty a resounding name at the beginning of the establishment of a new dynasty.

For example, Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty, which was called the Great Han, and Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, commonly known as the Ming Dynasty.

Why didn't Yuan Shu's emperor become it? The reason is simple, just because he is uneducated!

On the other hand, Yuan Shu, after he wanted to become the emperor, what kind of dynasty name did he give himself?

Here's what the book says:

Shu said angrily: "My surname Yuan is from Chen." Chen Nai Dashun after that. Bearing fire with earth is exactly what it should do. Another cloud: Those who represent the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gao. My word highway is in response to its prophecy. There is also a jade seal of the country. If you are not a king, you will go against the heavens. My will has been decided, and those who speak too much will be killed! Then he built the Zhongshi, Litai Province and other officials, took the dragon and phoenix, worshiped the northern and southern suburbs, established Feng Fangnu as the queen, and established the son as the East Palace.

From this description, we can see that when Yuan Shu established a new dynasty, he gave the name of his new dynasty "Zhongshi".

Not to mention that the insect world is confused about this name, I believe everyone doesn't understand what the so-called "Zhong's" means.

Even if Yuan Shu wants to be unique, the word "Zhongshi" is not only incomprehensible in meaning, but even if it is said, it is very awkward. Take 10,000 steps back, even if Yuan Shu finally succeeds in becoming the emperor, what should future generations call this dynasty?

Moreover, only from the literal meaning, the so-called "Zhong" refers to the second meaning, such as "no distinction between Zhong", could it be that Yuan Shu, the emperor, wanted to succumb to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty? Or is it like Qin Shi Huang, who died in the second generation?

Why didn't Yuan Shu's emperor become it? The reason is simple, just because he is uneducated!

In addition, the meaning of the word "clan" is also a bit humble, and it was used as a title after a married woman's surname (or before the surname). Now, what does Yuan Shu think about this word as a building number?

Therefore, there is reason to think that although Yuan Shu wants to be the emperor, because he has no culture at all, he has given himself an unpopular name, not only failed to make his "Zhong Clan" widely known, but also because of this "Zhong Clan" was ridiculed by the world.

Under such circumstances, how could Yuan Shu succeed in becoming emperor?

Do you think the bugs are right? If not, what do you think is the case? Please leave your comments!

Preview of the next issue: Because Yuan Shu wants to be the emperor, the princes of the world will crusade together, but Liu Bei chooses to watch coldly, why?

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