
Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

author:Henan Science and Technology News

Zhengmai 1860 high-yield and efficiency-enhancing demonstration square in Lv Village, Qiankou Town, Nanle County, with a yield of 839.2 kg per mu; Zhengmai 1860 Weight Loss Area in Wangzhuang Village, Gaobao Township, Qingfeng County, with a yield of 705.5 kg per mu and 703.2 kg per mu in the traditional fertilization experimental area; Zhengmai 1860 Weight Loss Comparative Test Base implemented in Liuzhai Village, Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone, Hebi City, with a weight loss of 20% The yield per mu is 804.1 kg, which is equivalent to the yield of 806.9 kg per mu under normal fertilization treatment; Zhengmai 1860 demonstration base in Chenzhuang, Huayuan Township, Minquan County, has a yield of 903.1 kg per mu of Zhengmai, setting a new record for high yield of wheat in Shangqiu; Zhengmai 1860, a wheat variety planted on state-owned farms in Xiayi County, has an average yield of 813.5 kg per mu; Zhengmai 1860, a high-yield field of Linxun Branch of Jiangsu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., has an average yield of 831.6 kg per mu, setting a new high in wheat yield in Jiangsu Province…… In the vast Central Plains, Henan, a land with a rich history and culture, under the guidance of excellent varieties such as Zhengmai 1860, actively responds to the national food security strategy and promotes the large-scale yield improvement action in the Huanghuai wheat area.

Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

The cost is low, the income is high

The Central Plains is ripe, and the world is full. As the largest winter wheat producing area in China, Henan has a good wheat production situation this year, and the output remains at a high level. At the same time, a number of green and efficient varieties represented by Zhengmai 1860 showed their talents.

Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

On June 6, at the Zhengmai 1860 Weight Loss Regional Comparative Test Base in Wangzhuang Village, Gaobao Township, Qingfeng County, the expert group randomly selected the production test points from each treatment area and harvested them with a combine harvester. After harvesting, the wheat goes through steps such as bagging, weighing, peeling and impurity removal, and finally the grain moisture content is determined by a grain moisture analyzer. According to the national standard of 13% of the safe moisture content of grain storage, the average yield per mu in the area with 20% weight loss reached 705.5 kg, while the yield per mu in the traditional fertilization experimental area was 703.2 kg. The results showed that under the condition of reducing the amount of chemical fertilizer application by 20%, the yield of Zhengmai 1860 was basically the same as that of the traditional fertilization area, and the goal of weight loss without yield reduction was achieved. The pilot area is jointly implemented by the Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Puyang Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, and the acceptance fully demonstrates the green and efficient planting potential of Zhengmai 1860, which has been unanimously affirmed by the local government departments and farmers.

Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

The day before, the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology organized an expert group to conduct a real acceptance of the Zhengmai 1860 weight loss comparative test implemented in Liuzhai Village, Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone, Hebi City. The acceptance results showed that in the case of 20% weight loss, the yield of Zhengmai 1860 mu was still as high as 804.1 kg, which was equivalent to the yield of 806.9 kg per mu of normal fertilization treatment, which fully proved the characteristics of Zhengmai 1860 fertilizer saving without reducing yield, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. The comparative test was jointly implemented by the Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Hebi Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Yin Jun, the leader of the expert group and a professor at Henan Agricultural University, introduced when announcing the results of the yield test, losing 20% of weight is equivalent to spending about 40 yuan less on fertilizer per acre, which shows that Zhengmai 1860 has obvious weight loss effect on the one hand, and can increase the effective income of farmers on the other hand.

Wang Jianbiao, the person in charge of the Qingfeng Yudi Farmers' Professional Planting Cooperative, said that in the past four years of continuous planting of Zhengmai in 1860, it has been a bumper harvest every year, and the yield of the same planting is higher than that of other varieties.

Xu Guozhen, president of the Puyang Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, said that Zhengmai 1860 is the first major variety in Puyang City, which has contributed to the increase in wheat production and income in Puyang City.

Zhou Baohong, head of the Henan Agricultural Farmer Planting Professional Cooperative in Hebi City, Liuzhai Village, Fan District, Hebi City, Urban-Rural Integration City, said that Zhengmai 1860 has high yield, good quality and high price, and the yield per mu is about 1,500.

Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

The planting cost is low, and the planting income is high. Although this reduction and increase is inconspicuous in terms of one acre of land, for the largest province in the country in terms of summer grain production, if the weight loss technology is popularized in a large area, its economic, social and ecological benefits are extremely considerable.

Leading the increase of wheat yield in Huanghuai

On June 2, the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology organized Ma Youzhi, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yin Jun, a professor at Henan Agricultural University, Zhou Jize, a researcher at Henan Seed Industry Development Center, Ru Zhengang, a professor at Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xie Yingxin, a researcher at Henan Agricultural University, and Su Chengjun, a researcher at Shangqiu Agriculture and Rural Bureau, and other experts to set up an expert group to conduct machine harvest and production measurement and acceptance of Chen Zhuang, Huayuan Township, Minquan County, on the high-yield, high-quality, green and efficient national review of Zhengmai 1860. As the expert group inspected the facilities on site, the operator skillfully started the harvester, and the harvester worked quickly amid the roar. After the on-site weighing, impurities, moisture testing and other acceptance links of the expert group, the acceptance results were: the actual harvest area was 5.1 mu, the net fresh weight of the grains was 4845.2 kg, and the actual yield per mu was 903.1 kg calculated according to the national grain storage standard of 13% safe water content. Since the yield per mu in Shangqiu exceeded 800 kg in 2021, Zhengmai 1860 once again set a new record for high wheat yield in Shangqiu. The yield per mu exceeded 900 kilograms, which is also one of the few in the province's high-yield wheat research this year. Subsequently, the expert group rushed to the Zhengmai 1860 high-yield demonstration party of the original seed farm in Shangqiu City, and the yield per mu was 838.5 kg.

Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

"In the absence of effective precipitation in the early harvest period, Zhengmai's production capacity of 1,860 mu exceeded 900 kilograms, which I really didn't expect. This variety is resistant to cold, disease, lodging, and dry and hot wind! Wu Chenglin, a farmer in Chenzhuang Zhengmai 1860, Huayuan Township, Minquan County, picked up the golden wheat grains and said happily.

"I've always been interested in this variety, and Zhengmai 1860 is a landmark variety." Ma Youzhi, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said in an interview with reporters that in recent years, the country has been emphasizing the green and efficient agricultural production, and Zhengmai 1860 is just in line with the current needs of national wheat production. This variety has high utilization of nitrogen and phosphorus, and can lose 20% of weight under the same conditions, which fully reflects its green and high efficiency. At present, there are very few varieties of wheat with a yield of more than 900 kg per mu, which fully demonstrates its high yield.

"Since Zhengmai 1860 was promoted in Shangqiu City in 2019, its characteristics of high yield, stable yield and excellent quality have been favored by the majority of local growers, and the actual acceptance of the original seed farm in Shangqiu has achieved gratifying results of 838.5 kg per mu, which has strengthened the determination of our seed management department to vigorously promote this variety." Zhao Zhihong, director of the Shangqiu Seed Station, said that from 2023 to 2024, the promotion area of Zhengmai 1860 in Shangqiu will reach more than 1 million mu, which is the largest wheat variety in Shangqiu City, and it is expected that the autumn sowing is expected to exceed 1.5 million mu.

Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

On June 6, entrusted by the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Puyang Municipal Science and Technology Bureau organized agricultural experts to go to Lv Village, Qiankou Town, Nanle County to carry out Zhengmai 1860 high-yield and efficiency-enhancing demonstration party machine harvesting and production acceptance work, Nanle County Qiankou Town, Lv Village high-yield and efficiency-enhancing demonstration party is Henan Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanle County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Puyang Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Puyang City Fengyu Seed Industry jointly established high-quality wheat Zhengmai 1860 green yield and efficiency technology large-scale demonstration party, the actual acceptance result is 839.2 kg per mu.

Zhang Huijuan, Shuaizhuang Village, Daxinzhuang Township, Huojia County, planted Zhengmai 1860 on two plots, with a large plot of 108 mu, a total of 83,600 kg of wheat and an average yield of 774 kg per mu; There are 11 acres of small land, 8811 kg of wheat are harvested, and the average yield per mu is 801 kg.

On June 10, the Xiayi County Agriculture and Rural Bureau organized relevant experts to set up a yield measurement expert group to measure the yield of Zhengmai 1860, a wheat variety planted on a state-owned farm in Xiayi County, with an average yield of 813.5 kg per mu.

On June 12, the expert group carried out the actual harvest and yield measurement of Zhengmai 1860 high-yield research field planted by Linhai Branch of Jiangsu Agricultural Reclamation Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., with a harvest of 3.52 mu and an average yield of 831.6 kg per mu, setting a new high in wheat yield in Jiangsu Province. According to reports, this year's local climatic conditions are better, coupled with the company's use of modern management technology, so the whole plot is generally in good condition, with high and stable production.

Condensate the productivity of new wheat quality

The 2024 Henan Provincial Government Work Report mentions that the goal of grain production in our province is "more than 130 billion catties of grain output", and Henan is still shouldering the heavy responsibility of 1/10 of the national grain output. With so much growth, what do we rely on? Experts pointed out that it depends on the new quality productivity of our province's agriculture condensed by scientific and technological innovation.

Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

Zhengmai 1860, as a representative of the new quality productivity of wheat breeding technology, is the most typical one is its characteristics of "one highlight and three high efficiency". "One outstanding" refers to the high yield is outstanding, and the yield per mu can reach more than 800 kg. "Three high efficiency" refers to high quality and high efficiency, high production efficiency and processing efficiency. High quality and high efficiency: suitable for the processing needs of Chinese bulk food noodles, dumplings, steamed buns, etc. Efficient production: The nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency was 1.346 and 1.197, respectively, reaching the green wheat standard of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, losing 20% weight under the same conditions, the yield was the same as that of normal fertilization, and the comprehensive disease resistance was strong. Processing efficiency: the average 1000-grain weight is more than 50 grams, the seed processing yield is 3%-5% higher than that of general varieties, the average volume weight is more than 820 g/L, and the powder yield is 3%-5% higher than that of general varieties.

Pan Gang, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, said that Zhengmai 1860 has been recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as the leading national agricultural variety for three consecutive years. The summer harvest area in 2023 will exceed 10 million mu, making it the largest wheat variety in Henan Province.

Ma Xinming, a professor at Henan Agricultural University, believes that Zhengmai 1860 has a high fertilizer utilization rate and is a good variety to meet the needs of the current green development of wheat production.

Li Xiangdong, chief expert of Henan Youte Industry Support Program Project and researcher of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, pointed out that Zhengmai 1860 has realized the organic combination of high-quality varieties and green and efficient cultivation technology, realized the synergistic improvement of yield, quality and efficiency, and achieved the goal of green high yield and efficiency.

Zhengmai 1860: Condensing the new quality productivity of wheat and leading the large-scale yield increase in the Huanghuai wheat area

Food security in the world, planting and building the cornerstone. In 1860, Zhengmai set the highest record of wheat harvest yield in many places and at multiple points, leading farmers in our province to increase production and income, and promoting the high-quality development of modern agriculture. The members of the expert group participating in the acceptance have suggested that we should increase the publicity and promotion of Zhengmai 1860, promote its application on a larger scale, let more farmers increase production and income, and let the Chinese have a firmer rice bowl. (Guo Junjuan)